Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Iraq Condemns Syria Raid;
Seeks Renegotiation of Security Accord

Iraqi government spokesman Ali Dabbagh on Tuesday backed off his earlier support for the US raid into Syria. He said that the Iraqi constitution forbids third parties to use Iraq as a staging ground for attacks on other countries. It is not clear whether Dabbagh was just issuing a pro forma condemnation or whether the Shiite government in Baghdad has gotten new information suggesting that the raid was problematic in some way. Ordinarily the al-Maliki government is delighted to see Sunni fundamentalist guerrillas targeted.

Daniel Levy has further insights on the US raid into Syria.

Aljazeera English provides amateur video of the US raid into Syria, along with Syrian official reaction.

Turkey launched air strikes against Kurdish guerrillas of the PKK based in northern Iraq.

McClatchy reports that the Iraqi cabinet has made some changes in the draft security agreement with the Bush administration. US officials are quoted as saying it is unlikely Washington will accept the changes. The cabinet members in Baghdad are convinced that without these changes, parliament will reject the agreement. One new provision gives Iraq authorities the right to decide whether a US GI accused of wrong-doing was on- or off-duty at the time. (On-duty US soldiers would have immunity from prosecution in Iraqi courts; off-duty ones would not).

The Red Cross warns of a growing humanitarian crisis in Iraq, much of which lacks clean water.

Iraqi trash may, when burned, be releasing toxic elements, harming the public.



At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not clear whether Dabbagh was just issuing a pro forma condemnation or whether the Shiite government in Baghdad has gotten new information suggesting that the raid was problematic in some way.

The US using Iraq as a base for attacking third countries has been an Iraqi nightmare for quite some time. Why you are apologizing for US aggression against Syria from occupied Iraq... I was going to say dumbfounds me, but of course you are now looking for work in the Obama Regime, and you've got to get with the program.

The degeneration of your point of view over the past year is truly disheartening.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Dr. Mathews said...

backed off his earlier support for the US raid into Syria.

There could have been consideration given the precedent as viewed in the context of Turkey's incursions into northern Iraq.

At 2:25 AM, Blogger Anand said...

It is probable that Maliki got a heads up on the operation. What game is PM Maliki playing?

Hint nod nod. the attack was bad. Hint nod.

Juan, Wasit went PIC. Now only 5 provinces are not PIC out of 18. Prov. Iraqi Control = PIC.

4 of these provinces are expected to transition to PIC in January.

After that only Baghdad will remain to be transitioned.


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