Helman: US has all but Committed to Leaving Iraq
Ambassador Gerald B. Helman writes:
Absent the unexpected, it is unlikely that a security agreement in the form of a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the US will be in place before our Presidential elections and almost as unlikely before the end of the year when the present UN Security Council mandate runs out. That mandate, in the form of a resolution renewed annually, provides the terms and conditions under which the US has been able to occupy and seek to pacify and rebuild Iraq politically. In practice, it has given the US a free hand as the occupying power. To that extent, it has severely limited Iraq’s sovereignty and has legitimized its maintenance by the US in a tutelary status. The negotiations to replace the UN mandate with a type of SOFA has been underway for much of this year and from what little is known of its contents the US has agreed to initiate military operations only with Iraqi assent; to withdraw its forces from Iraq’s cities by June 2009 and from Iraq entirely by the end of 2011.
While language is included to suggest that a complete withdrawal might be conditions-based by mutual agreement, it seems to be a sop given by the Maliki government to the Bush administration. Even with such seemingly anodyne conditionality, the provision has proven to be unacceptable to many in Iraq’s parliament. Similarly unacceptable to Iraqi politicians seems to be the provisions regarding legal jurisdiction over offences committed by US troops, which would place them under US jurisdiction while on base or on authorized military operations off-base. With senior US officials indicating that the US limit has been reached on further concessions, an impasse seems now to exist.
If the news reports on the draft SOFA’s main provisions are generally accurate, it is hard to understand what the fight is all about. The US appears to have conceded on all major issues and is left with little alternative to withdrawal:
--after January 1, the US will undertake military operations only with Iraqi consent;
--all US non-military contract employees will be subject to Iraqi law. (The US military operation has become so dependent on contract employees that it’s hard to understand how the US could function if US contract employees are pulled out by their employers because of their exposure to arrest by a legal system they do not understand and understandably fear.)
--all Iraqis apprehended by US military must be turned over to Iraq authorities.
--by June 2009, all US military must evacuate the cities and return to fixed bases, from which they can operate only with Iraq’s permission. The practical effect of this provision is that whatever the merits of General Petreus’s strategy of deploying forces to cities and neighborhoods to protect the population and to sponsor civil affairs and local self-help activities, it will be history. Thus the surge will also be no more, together with the many soldiers and special forces needed to support it..
--By the end of 2011, all US combat forces will be withdrawn unless the two sides agree that circumstances require them to stay.
We know little about the precise language of the draft or anything regarding what must be an extensive agreement covering issues such as jurisdiction over air space; limits on operations; import-export of material ranging from foodstuffs to sophisticated weaponry; designation and inventorying of current bases including elaborate airbases and their eventual disposition (including buildings and equipment) following drawdown and departure; and much more. Further, are there provisions for residual forces, for whatever purpose, authorization for ongoing training and military assistance programs, civil construction and technical assistance programs, and the like?
Taking all into account, and accepting the reality that present efforts to replace the Security Council resolution with a bilateral SOFA is badly stalled and may abort, how should the US and Iraq proceed? From the US standpoint, some organic instrument is needed to legitimize and help manage our continuing activities in Iraq and more especially in the context of our departure over the next few years. From the standpoint of Iraq, the restoration of its sovereignty would be critical not only to its international standing but in bringing about the kind of internal political accommodation so desperately wanting. Popular perception of tutelage and occupation and dependency helps make Iraq a failed state. The restoration of sovereignty in fact as well as theory—essentially, the recognition of Iraq’s adulthood--may well be central to encouraging the kind of national political accommodation the US says it has been seeking.
With this seeming stalemate, any way forward needs to take into account a number of practical realities central to both countries:
--The US will shortly be electing a new President who will be responsible to the American public for the US position in the Middle East and the implementation of a SOFA in that context.
--Similarly, Iraq will be holding critical regional elections early next year which could well significantly alter the political balance within the country, bring new constituencies and new political actors on the scene and perhaps result in a new government. It is that government which should be responsible for implementation of the SOFA and associated withdrawal, indeed, for the future direction of Iraq.
--Gaining time needed to reach agreement should not be a problem. If Iraq, with Arab support, asks for an extension of the current mandate for six months, the Security Council will comply. The Russians, for example, will be only too happy to see the US army bogged down in Iraq for as long as possible.
With a continuing Security Council resolution providing legitimacy, the US and Iraq can proceed to implement the 99% of the SOFA that appears to be agreed upon and which in any event would be compatible with a 2011 (or 2010) withdrawal, with or without conditionality. The matter of jurisdiction over criminal behavior by US troops off base and off duty can perhaps be dealt with by third-part arbitration by the UN. The new US and Iraqi governments can then limit the SOFA to housekeeping matters and concentrate on fundamentally political matters that don’t belong in a SOFA anyway, looking toward a future US-Iraqi relationship. These might include:
--a formal termination of hostilities between the two countries, whether by treaty or executive agreement, supported by a Congressional Joint Resolution that terminates the authorization to conduct hostilities adopted by Congress in 2003. This might be accompanied by a US declaration formally terminating the occupation regime. Nothing would more authoritatively reestablish Iraqi de jure sovereignty as well as its psychological sovereignty and sense of nationhood. (The bestowal of sovereignty several years ago by Jerry Bremer amounted to a formal, but ineffective gesture, given the reality of Iraq.)
--With a now sovereign Iraq, the two governments can negotiate agreements defining their future political and military relations. The latter might include cooperation in combating terrorism, whether by using US forces stationed in Iraq or available over-the horizon; US overflight and landing rights; ongoing military assistance programs involving training and weapons sales. Special provision might be needed for the protection of the US diplomatic establishment by a reduction in size and the according of diplomatic immunity for a protection force assigned to the Embassy and a generous periphery thereof.
A new US Administration might also bear in mind that the successful termination of the war in Iraq could well contribute to the opening of discussions with Iran, leading to the normalization of relations.
Helman "was United States Ambassador to the European Office of the United Nations from 1979 through 1981."
Labels: Iraq
From the standpoint of Iraq, the restoration of its sovereignty would be critical not only to its international standing but in bringing about the kind of internal political accommodation so desperately wanting.
Popular perception of tutelage and occupation and dependency helps make Iraq a failed state. The restoration of sovereignty in fact as well as theory -- essentially, the recognition of Iraq’s adulthood -- may well be central to encouraging the kind of national political accommodation the US says it has been seeking.
Where do these guys come from, the moon? The "popular perception of tutleage and occupation"!? How about the in-your-face, up-close-and-personal, day-in-day-out tutleage and coercion that define the term "Occupation"?
The US will shortly be electing a new President who will be responsible to the American public for the US position in the Middle East and the implementation of a SOFA in that context.
What evidence is there that the "new President... will be responsible to the American public for the US position in the Middle East"?
What evidence is there that the new president will be responsible to anyone but the people who put him in office, who financed his campaign, whether that's John McCain or the $650,000,000 man?
And the $650,000,000 man, Himself, has done nothing since the defeat of the War Lords Clinton but assure those forces that he is, in fact their man.
These might include:... a formal termination of hostilities between the two countries, whether by treaty or executive agreement, supported by a Congressional Joint Resolution that terminates the authorization to conduct hostilities adopted by Congress in 2003. This might be accompanied by a US declaration formally terminating the occupation regime. Nothing would more authoritatively reestablish Iraqi de jure sovereignty as well as its psychological sovereignty and sense of nationhood. (The bestowal of sovereignty several years ago by Jerry Bremer amounted to a formal, but ineffective gesture, given the reality of Iraq.)
Just so I'm not misunderstanding... the "formal termination of hostilities between the two countries... that terminates the authorization to conduct hostilities adopted by Congress in 2003" would be accompanied by the continuing Occupation of Iraq by US armed forces?!!
Is this guy a drooler... or does he think we all are?
A new US Administration might also bear in mind that the successful termination of the war in Iraq could well contribute to the opening of discussions with Iran, leading to the normalization of relations.
Perhaps accompanied by the "peaceful" Occupation of the "sovereign" country of Iran by the US armed forces? To complement the "normalization of relations" with the "soveriegn", Occupied nation of Iraq?
This guy is on drugs. Or he thinks we are. Who knows, a nation that votes for Obama expecting change may well accept the Occupation of a "sovereign" state by US armed forces. Maybe he's right. Maybe it's all about holding your mouth right when you say it.
The copy of the SOFA that I found has a section for definitions... wherein the very important terms joint military committee, joint committee, joint subcommittee, and jointly are "inexplicably" left undefined. Yet the document leaves everything of any importance up to joint committees and subommittees, military and ministerial:
Military operations are conducted in accordance to this agreement with the approval of the Iraqi government and with full coordination with Iraqi authorities. Coordinating such military operations will be supervised by a joint mobile operations command center (JMOCC) created in accordance with this agreement. Any military issues that are not resolved by this committee are submitted to a joint committee of ministries...
In the case of the discovery of historic or cultural sites or the discovery of a strategic natural resource in the installations and areas agreed upon, all work of construction or modification or remodeling must stop immediately, and the Iraqi representatives in the joint committee must be informed...
The United States will return all installations and areas agreed upon and any nonmobile buildings that were constructed, remodeled, or modified under this agreement, according to mechanisms and priorities agreed upon by the joint committee. They will be returned to Iraq without charge, unless both sides agree otherwise...
The U.S. will return all installations and areas agreed upon that have special cultural or political importance and that were constructed, remodeled, or modified under this agreement, according to mechanisms and priorities agreed upon by the joint committee. When this agreement goes into effect, the U.S. will immediately return the properties mentioned in the letter sent by the U.S. ambassador in Iraq to the Iraqi
The remaining installations and areas agreed upon will be returned to the Iraqi authorities after this agreement expires, or if the agreement was cancelled, or on an earlier date agreed upon by both side, or if the U.S. forces no longer needs them in accordance to what the joint committee decides...
While respecting Iraq’s sovereignty and within the framework of exchanging views between both sides, Iraq guarantees U.S. forces, contractors, their employees, and other persons or entities agreed upon, access to installations and areas agreed upon. When the installations and areas agreed upon are no longer needed in accordance to paragraph 6 of Article five, they will be returned to Iraq without charge and in accordance to what the joint military committee decides, unless both sides agree otherwise...
The United States forces control the entrances of the installations and areas agreed upon that are being used exclusively by them. Both sides coordinate their work in shared installations and areas agreed upon based on mechanisms put by the joint committee for military operations. Both sides coordinate security tasks in areas surrounding the areas and installations agreed upon through the joint committee for military operations...
While respecting relevant safety and traffic and marine regulations, U.S. forces’ vehicles and ships are permitted to enter and exit and move inside Iraqi territories for the purposes of this agreement. The joint committee for military operations puts the appropriate regulations to control this movement...
U.S. forces are permitted to produce and generate water and electricity and other services for the installations and areas agreed upon in coordination with the Iraqi authorities through the relevant joint subcommittee...
The Iraqi government owns all frequencies. The Iraqi authorities allocate special waves for the U.S. forces based on what both sides decide through the joint committee (JMOCC). The U.S. forces will give these waves back after they are done using them...
U.S. armed forces members and civilian members have the right to enjoy the protections guaranteed by the U.S. constitution and laws in cases that fall under paragraph 1 where the U.S. exercises its legal jurisdictions. In case the victim of a crime that falls under paragraph 1 is a person who usually resides in Iraq, the two sides take the necessary steps through the joint committee to inform related persons of the following: crime investigation status, list of suspect’s charges, court dates, results of negotiations regarding suspect’s situation, the possibility to have suspect in public court sessions, coordinating with lawyers, and helping to submit requests in accordance to article twentyone of this agreement. The U.S. authorities will try to conduct such courts in Iraq when the situation permits and when the two sides agree upon that. In case the court location in such cases was in the U.S., efforts will be made to facilitate the victim’s personal presence at court...
In cases where Iraq is to exercise its legal jurisdictions in accordance to paragraph 2 of this article, the armed forces members and civilian members have the right to enjoy the legal procedures and guarantees provided by the U.S. and Iraqi laws. The joint committee will put the necessary procedures and regulations needed to implement this article, including a description of the major and intentional crime that falls under paragraph 2, and the regulations that guarantees a legitimate trial. It is not permissible to exercise the legal jurisdictions related to paragraph 2 of this article unless in accordance to the procedures and mechanisms mentioned in this paragraph...
The U.S. authorities submit, in accordance to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article, a declaration explaining whether the alleged crime occurred while suspects where off duty or on duty. In case the Iraqi authorities think the conditions require such a decision to be reviewed or changed, the two sides discuss that through the joint committee, and the U.S. authorities takes into consideration all the conditions, events and any other information submitted by the Iraqi authorities that might have an effect on changing the U.S. authorities decision...
For the purposes of the agreement, U.S. armed forces members and civilian members can enter and exit Iraq from official borders using U.S.issued ID cards and travel documents issued by the US. The joint committee puts a mechanism for the Iraqi verification process, and the Iraqi authorities are in charge of carrying out the tasks of verification...
For the purposes of the agreement, including training and services, the U.S. forces and their contractors are permitted to import into Iraq and export from Iraq (materials bought in Iraq) and reexport from Iraq and transport and use any equipments, supplements, materials, technology, training, or services except for those materials banned in Iraq at the time of signing this agreement. These materials are not subject to search or to license requirement or any other limitations in accordance to paragraph 10 of article two. Exporting Iraqi goods by the U.S. forces is not subject to search or any other limitations either except the license discussed later in this agreement. The joint committee will coordinate with the Iraqi ministry of trade to facilitate getting the required export license in accordance to the Iraqi laws related to exporting goods by U.S. forces...
Materials will be searched by Iraqi authorities in accordance to paragraph 2 in a speedy fashion in a specific location agreed upon according to the joint committee...
Outgoing mail, sent through military postal services, is verified by the U.S. authorities and is exempt from being searched, examined, or confiscated by the Iraqi authorities except for the unofficial mail that might be subject to electronic monitoring. The specialized joint subcommittee deals with issues related to this paragraph, and issues shall be solved by both parties. The joint subcommittee shall routinely inspect the mechanisms used by the U.S. authorities to verify military mail...
When either of the two sides has issues related to claims resulting from paragraph 1 and 2 of this article, the two sides shall solve it through the joint committee, or if needed through the ministry joint committee...
A joint committee of ministers that includes members with a minister rank chosen by both sides. This committee deal(sic) with the basic issues needed to interpret the implementation of this agreement...
The joint committee of ministers creates another joint committee for military operations that includes representatives from both sides. The joint committee to coordinate military operations will be jointly led by both sides...
The joint committee of ministers creates another joint committee formed by both sides that includes representatives chosen by both sides. This committee deals with all issues related to this agreement that do not fall under the mandate of the joint committee to coordinate military operations; this committee will jointly led by both sides...
The joint committee creates subcommittees in all different areas. Subcommittees shall discuss issues related to interpretation and implementation of this agreement each in accordance to its expertise...
Military operations are conducted in accordance to this agreement with the approval of the Iraqi government and with full coordination with Iraqi authorities. Coordinating such military operations will be supervised by a joint mobile operations command center (JMOCC) created in accordance with this agreement. Any military issues that are not resolved by this committee are submitted to a joint committee of ministries...
The Iraqi government takes full responsibility of the International Zone as soon as this agreement goes into effect. The Iraqi government is permitted to request temporary support from the U.S. forces in tasks related to security in the international zone. When such a request is submitted, the related Iraqi authorities shall work jointly with the U.S. forces to secure the International Zone during the temporary period requested by the Iraqi government...
So the document that I found is designed to have its agency defined elsewhere, and will itself be defined at that time.
I'm sure that the Iraqis will not have majority representation on any joint committee and that the Occupier will. That's sovereignty as defined by the good ambassador, Barak Obama, and the Neocons... still pulling all their strings.
Ambassador Helman offers that it might be problematic for all US non-military contract employees to be subject to Iraqi law.
"(The US military operation has become so dependent on contract employees that it’s hard to understand how the US could function if US contract employees are pulled out by their employers because of their exposure to arrest by a legal system they do not understand and understandably fear.)
I suppose that is a possible problem, Mecenaries being ordered out of the country by their employers.
But I have a different impression of Mercenaries.
I believe that they will leave of their own accord, on their own schedule. Cut and run. I believe that they mostly are cowards and will abandon their posts if there's even a whiff of a functioning Iraqi government holding them accountable.
your Avid Student
You seem to be assuming that the current u.s. administration, and either of its successors, will act in good faith and abide by terms as negotiated.
Considering how they've conducted themselves thus far, what suggests this is likely?
The usa Occupation military has warned Iraq that it will shut down military operations and other Occupation activities throughout the country on 1 January 2009 if the Iraqi government does not agree to a new agreement on the status of usa Occupation forces or a renewed United Nations mandate for the american Occupation in Iraq.
remember that scene from Blazing Saddles where Clevon Little held himself hostage ??
"A new US Administration might also bear in mind that the successful termination of the war in Iraq could well contribute to the opening of discussions with Iran, leading to the normalization of relations."
About bloody time. Iran runs Iraq under the America invaders' noses, using the American-chosen stooges. Might be wothwhile talking to them.
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