Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Does Al-Maliki's New Team Imperil Security Agreement?
Al-Maliki asks Peshmerga to stay beyond Blue Line

The LAT reports doubts in Baghdad about whether the security agreement between the Bush administration and the Iraqi government will be achieved. Al-Maliki abruptly dismissed his negotiating team and replaced it with three officials close to himself. MP Mithal al-Alusi is convinced that the change was intended to derail the talks.

Diyala Province is still dangerous.

Al-Hayat reports in Arabic that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has called on the Peshmerga paramilitary to honor the "blue line" that divides the Kurdistan Regional Government from Iraq proper. Peshmerga troops are in north-eastern Iraq cities such as Khanaqin, producing tension with the Iraqi army, which is going into those same cities as part of al-Maliki's security campaign.

Anwar J. Ali writes about her trip to Baghdad at the NYT blog:

'The streets in Baghdad after 9 p.m. are very dangerous and full of army, police and American checkpoints. Sometimes they can’t understand why you are out late and shoot, and sometimes they understand. . . The streets were empty, shops were closed. There was only us, the army and the blast walls. As we were driving in this dead city and empty neighborhood we saw a man who was only wearing shorts sitting half-naked in the middle of the road, at midnight. . . '

Aljazeera English reports on the Sunni Arab Awakening Councils in Iraq and Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki's current crackdown on them. It raises the question of whether a battle looms between the Iraqi government and these American-backed militias. Mithal al-Alusi and Nir Rosen are interviewed.



At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

August 30, 2008

3 Civilians Killed at Checkpoint in Afghanistan

BERLIN — Three civilians were killed in Afghanistan when a group of security forces, including German soldiers, opened fire at a checkpoint, Germany's Defense Ministry said Friday....

[As with Iraq, military occupation can mean death repeatedly and has meant this in Iraq and Afghanistan.]

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

The LAT report makes sense from where I sit. The Foreign Minister has been one of the more slavish toadies to the Occupier and Rubaie, something of a hardliner relatively speaking.

Either they're torpedoing the talks or at least sending a get tough signal to Bush or both.

At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right now it is the end of summer in Iraq and the beginning of Muslim Fast, I'm wondering what new strategies are being planned by the various groups contending in Iraq that will be deployed after the Fast period ends? Will they impact the US elections?

Randy Burns

At 2:27 PM, Blogger MonsieurGonzo said...

ref : “Al-Maliki's current crackdown on [Sunni Arab ‘Awakening Councils’ in Iraq] ...raises the question of whether a battle looms between the [Shi'ite majority, de facto Iranian-backed / ironically American-funded] Iraqi government [and other Shi'ite militias] and these American-backed [anti-Qaeda, de facto anti-Iranian and presumably anti-Maliki government Sunni Arab] militias. . .

. . .if there is any question about the persistence of these conflicting interests, then it is entirely rhetorical, is it not? in my humble opinion, The only question that remains history unwrit is how violent the Sunni : Shi'ite conflict, apparent will be allowed to become resurgent by the two principal occupiers ~ the proxy militia supporters, themselves ~ the regional superpowers USA and IRAN.

Iraqi Kurds have already been betrayed by the United States; They are (to use an American colloquial) "Dead Men, Walking"... ie., They await their fate, having no leverage whatsoever other than their righteousness: in realpolitk (without shame) their Kingdom, apparent will become, yet again history writ ~ but a crumb.

The al-Maliki government makes no sense to the Americans, whatsoever. This issue cannot be addressed until after the (American) election, but in my humble opinion : regardless of which party wins the Presidency Over Here, Mr. Maliki will be dealt with quite abruptly ~ i daresay just as harshly as Mr. Putin is handling Georgia ~ and if he, or any other complacent crony Over There in IRAQ does not foresee their impending doom, looming near on the horizon, then these political settlers have entirely misjudged their brief breathing space as true Liebensraum: and their ‘Awakening’ to our soon-to-be purged new Officer Corps will likely be quite rude, indeed.

At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More than 4,600 US KIA and 64,000 US WIA in Iraq / Afghanistan combined

JEEBUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks to the tireless efforts at Iraq / Afghanistan Casualty Count had a real good idea of the KIA count but had no idea that the us WIA was so GD HIGH !!!!!

and this does not even take into account all of the Iraqis and Afghanis that the usa has MURDERED !!

nor does it take into account all of the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ stolen from the US Treasury !!!!!!!!!!!!

WE ARE SO F***ED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But what I'm wondering is, what happens if no agreement is signed before the UN mandate expires in January? I haven't heard anybody in the media address that.


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