Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

McClellan: Bush in Permanent Campaign Mode, Less than Forthright on Iraq

Former White House press spokesman Scott McClellan has come to the realization that Bush's presidency veered badly off course and that the Bush White House was in "permanent campaign mode"-- by which he appears to mean that the honesty and transparency necessary to govern were foregone in favor of constant propaganda of the sort it is only decorous for an out-of-power candidate to deploy.

Now if only we could get past the idea that a temporary campaign mode is legitimate, if by "campaign" one means propagandizing.

McClellan writes:

' “History appears poised to confirm what most Americans today have decided: that the decision to invade Iraq was a serious strategic blunder. No one, including me, can know with absolute certainty how the war will be viewed decades from now when we can more fully understand its impact. What I do know is that war should only be waged when necessary, and the Iraq war was not necessary.” '

Gee, that's not what I hear from John McCain. But of course, he might be in "permanent campaign mode."

The former official cannot quite let go of the idea that Bush had good intentions but was misled:

' “I still like and admire President Bush,” McClellan writes. “But he and his advisers confused the propaganda campaign with the high level of candor and honesty so fundamentally needed to build and then sustain public support during a time of war. … In this regard, he was terribly ill-served by his top advisers, especially those involved directly in national security.” '

But elsewhere he says,
' Bush was “clearly irritated, … steamed,” when McClellan informed him that chief economic adviser Larry Lindsey had told The Wall Street Journal that a possible war in Iraq could cost from $100 billion to $200 billion: “‘It’s unacceptable,’ Bush continued, his voice rising. ‘He shouldn’t be talking about that.’”'

But if Bush had been honest and sincere, only misled, then wouldn't he want to know why Larry Lindsey had come to that conclusion (he under-estimated the cost by about a factor of 10)? No, Bush was about suppressing anything but his own party line.

McClellan's revelations about the 'permanent campaign mode' and Bush's anger at straight talk on costs help explain the current narrative about Iraq shaped by his spinmeisters. On the one hand he is telling us that the Iraqi Army imposed itself on Basra and Mosul. On the other, the Pentagon comes out and says violence has fallen to March, 2004 levels in the country as a whole. But if the Iraqi army is engaged in hard-fought battles for control of entire cities with a tenacious insurgency, surely violence levels would be up? Then you start to notice that there haven't actually been any battles in Mosul.

In the permanent campaign, as in the permanent war, assertions made to the public about how well the victory is going do not have to be consistent or make sense.

McClellan lays to rest the myth of the 'liberal media.':

' “If anything, the national press corps was probably too deferential to the White House and to the administration in regard to the most important decision facing the nation during my years in Washington, the choice over whether to go to war in Iraq. “The collapse of the administration’s rationales for war, which became apparent months after our invasion, should never have come as such a surprise. … In this case, the ‘liberal media’ didn’t live up to its reputation. If it had, the country would have been better served.” '

He clearly seems surprised that network news, owned by rightwing corporations obsequious toward the US government, did not cover the rationales for the war critically! Was he expecting GE to instruct NBC to move to the left? (Though to be fair, NBC has recently gone some way toward redeeming itself, with Matt Lauer's recognition in 2006 that Iraq had fallen into civil war, and with MSNBC's backing for Keith Olbermann's courageous and honest evening magazine show. Bush's White House is signalling to General Electic that it should rein NBC in; the rich and powerful are not used to hearing criticism from channels owned by their friends and the beneficiaries of their largesse.)

Then there is this about Plamegate:

' “There is only one moment during the leak episode that I am reluctant to discuss,” he writes. “It was in 2005, during a time when attention was focusing on Rove and Libby, and it sticks vividly in my mind. … Following [a meeting in Chief of Staff Andy Card’s office], … Scooter Libby was walking to the entryway as he prepared to depart when Karl turned to get his attention. ‘You have time to visit?’ Karl asked. ‘Yeah,’ replied Libby.

“I have no idea what they discussed, but it seemed suspicious for these two, whom I had never noticed spending any one-on-one time together, to go behind closed doors and visit privately. … At least one of them, Rove, it was publicly known at the time, had at best misled me by not sharing relevant information, and credible rumors were spreading that the other, Libby, had done at least as much. …

“The confidential meeting also occurred at a moment when I was being battered by the press for publicly vouching for the two by claiming they were not involved in leaking Plame’s identity, when recently revealed information was now indicating otherwise. … I don’t know what they discussed, but what would any knowledgeable person reasonably and logically conclude was the topic? Like the whole truth of people’s involvement, we will likely never know with any degree of confidence.” '

The only time two people have to try hard to get their stories straight is when they have done something wrong and are planning to lie about it.

A primer on the Plame scandal is here.

Oh, and about that "permanent campaign mode" thing. That's nothing compared to the "permanent war mode."



At 7:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just FYI: There's a great analysis of the New York Times hatchet-job of the IAEA's latest Iran report over at

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Susan petry said...

NBC has recently gone some way toward redeeming itself, with Matt Lauer's recognition in 2006 that Iraq had fallen into civil war, and with MSNBC's backing for Keith Olbermann's courageous and honest evening magazine show.

Not really. Olbermann has merely changed targets, and is now trying to destroy Hillary Clinton instead of Bush. I guess that means that Bush is officially a lame duck.

At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By now, most people know that the three great branches of government are secrecy, deception and corruption. Scott McClellan is confirming what is already generally known. Moreover, his realization is late and unremarkable. If he would have read this blog, he would have come to his conclusions much earlier.

At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of being less than forthright, Obama the chameleon is flashing like a Las Vegas casino

Is Obama Turning Right?

This week, Senator Barak Obama traveled to Florida and spoke to Jewish and Cuban-American audiences. In those speeches, he embraced the right-wing policy positions of the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) and the hard-line program of the most reactionary elements of the Cuban exile community.

We have been down this road before. In 2004, progressives lined up behind Senator Kerry, and progressive organizations made no demands upon him. The anti-war movement folded its tents. After this early and unconditional surrender on the part of the American left, Senator Kerry moved sharply to the right .The Democratic Convention was militaristic in form and corporate in policy. The candidate who had called himself "anti-war" wound up running against Bush's war policy from the right, calling for tens of thousands more troops, and criticizing Bush for having pulled back from Falluja simply because of the massive civilian carnage. Yet for all of this appeasement of the right, Kerry lost the election. Shortly thereafter, Bush leveled Falluja, and four years later American forces have been bombing major cities in Iraq.

You all can stick with the Demoblicans, drinking the Kool-Aid of "he's the only choice we've got!". That will remain the case for just as long as we the people in our masses... drink the Kool-Aid.

I've lost my taste for Kool-Aid... and for Whisky, Weed, LSD, and Heroin as well.

Gravel/McKinney/Nader. It's time to leave the reservation and take back the land of milk and honey.

At 9:24 AM, Blogger James-Speaks said...

"Oh, and about that "permanent campaign mode" thing. That's nothing compared to the "permanent war mode.""

Bush has accomplished very little in his lifetime. He has never shown the kind of grit and determination to succeed demonstrated by a self-made person or even one who has been raised well such as JFK and his siblings.

His victory landing on the aircraft carrier commencing, ironically, the "end of hostility" in Iraq is an example of his need for the appearance of success over the reality of a job well done.

His entire life has been a case of permanent campaign mode. How sad for this nation that our entry into the new millennium has been cast by such a shallow and useless human. How sad that we elected him. How sad that FOX News refuses to accept its share of the responsibility for the national disgrace known as the Bush administration.

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Hellmut said...

One has to wonder why Scott McLellan did not resign at the time.

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so aggravating to see McClellan repeating the "blunder" phrase, makes the war sound like a cute little innocenet booboo. Considering Bush still stands by his actions, and he and his corporate associates think they've gotten everything they want, the more appropriate label is "crime."

How is Bush not a war criminal?

At 1:44 AM, Blogger TonyForesta said...

Iraq is a costly bloody noendisight horrorshow and excuse for wanton profiteering the Bush government deceptively bruted and sold to the American people as just and necessary, but the greater evil and the narrative that is full of massive black holes and the single event that allowed the Bush government to imagine all the crimes they have committed is 9/11. If only some Bush government insider would step forward with revelations concerning 9/11 that would corroborate the lefty bloggers many valid questions pertaining to who was responsible for 9/11 and what really happened on that dark day that have NEVER been fully investigated or examined, - the terrible reign of the Bush government would end and be damned when IMPEACHMENT is rightfully placed back on the table.


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