Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Jihadi Movement Calls For Efforts To Prevent Iran From 'Interfering' in Iraqi Affairs

The USG Open Source Center translates an Arab nationalist call to the southern Shiite province of Maysan, which is ruled by the Sadr Movement of Muqtada al-Sadr, to block Iranian influence. In fact, Maysan, which borders Iran, is negotiating with Iran to receive electricity and other aid.

Movement Calls For Efforts To Prevent Iran From 'Interfering' in Iraqi Affairs
Jihadist Websites -- OSC Summary
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Terrorism : Movement Calls For Efforts To Prevent Iran From 'Interfering' in Iraqi Affairs

On 14 March, a jihadist website posted a statement issued by the Iraqi Movement for Defending Iraq's Arabism, in which the group calls on the chief of police of Maysan Governorate to support the national movement in the governorate and take action to prevent Iran from interfering in Iraqi affairs. The statement is attributed to the Iraqi Movement for Defending Iraq's Arabism and is dated 14 March 2008.

A summary of the statement follows:

The statement starts by addressing the people of Maysan Governorate, saying that "the occupation came to kill your love for your nation and to divide you into sects so that it would be able to control your resources completely."

The statement goes on to say that this [American] "occupation coincides with Iranian infiltration into Iraq under the banner of Shiism and the love of Prophet Muhammad's household," and calls on Maysan's chief of police to "side with the forces and movements that raise the banner of Arabism and Islam, reject the occupation, and seek to prevent Iran from interfering in our affairs." The statement also calls on the governorate's officials "to join the Iraqi Movement for Defending Iraq's Arabism in order to take part in saving the nation from the new tragedy that awaits it."

The statement concludes by urging the people not to give up their city and homeland and calls on them to prevent "foreign interference" in their affairs.



At 9:44 AM, Blogger G.Gar said...

Whilst I agree that the terrorist Al-Queda elemnts are against Iranians as well as Iraqi shiites, a wide portion of Iraqi seculars- sunnis and shiites alike- and ordinary citizens leaving alone millions of Arabs all over the Arab world, is against the destructive destabilsing role of Iran in Iraq.

Don't forget that this Arab-Persian rivaly goes as far back as 3000 B.C when the semitic Babylonians where controling parts of Iran and fighting the Indo-Iranian barabrian tribes.

The Iraq- Iran war in the eighties was only the last episode of this historical struggle.

Therefore, it is quite normal that Iran is so keen in destroying Iraq and converting it into fundamentalist "turbaned" client state torn by sectarian conflicts.

repairing the mess isnot really that complicated. U.S must kick Iranians out of Iraq, then form a secualr b´national government in Bagdad. Meanwhile, an American tacit pressure on Arab states to modernise and reform will, in the long run, root out the ultimate causes of terrorism.

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"U.S must kick Iranians out of Iraq, then form a secualr b´national government in Bagdad. Meanwhile, an American tacit pressure on Arab states to modernise and reform will, in the long run, root out the ultimate causes of terrorism."

Woah there sonny jim. You are kinda neo-conish with your fantasies about Iraqis voting a secular govt in when all indications show they always vote for religious parties.

Lest i remind everyone that Islam is against racism and nationalism. Something the Arabs never learned it seems.

Secondly the rulers of Iran arent even persians.

Khamenei is Azeri and the safawaids who brought shi'ism to Iran were also Azeri. Hence they arent actually fighting for persian nationalism, they may actually believe in what they do.

If they were nationalist they would take themselves out of the US crosshairs and stop helping the palestinians and arabs. The shah was a persian who had no problem uniting with the US, and to hell with the Arabs.

The IRI in contrast has put itself at war with the US for 29 years and lost a million of its men to the US proxy saddam in the 80's. All in the name of fighting the zionists and freeing the palestinians.

As an Iraqi i say to you Arabs that it is you who are having the destructive role in Iraq. Why dont you send us money and food to the people. Instead you harbour raghad and send us suicide bombers to kill us when we shop for food.

We know Iran is out for herself but our interests collide. Hence it is a natural alliance.

At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadr Offensive Shows Failure of Petraeus Strategy

by Gareth Porter

March 27, 2008

....The Petraeus assertion that the rocket attacks on the Green Zone were Iranian-inspired strongly implied that Iran is still providing arms to Shi'ite militias. However, Odierno told a press briefing in mid-January, "We are not sure if they're still importing [sic] weapons into Iraq."

That admission came only after many months in which U.S. officers in the border provinces were unable to find any evidence of arms coming across the border from Iran.

Those officers also found no trace of the alleged presence of the IRGC personnel in Iraq. Last November, the French weekly news magazine Le Point quoted Maj. Scott A. Pettigrew, the military intelligence chief in Diyala province on the Iranian border, as saying, "I have never seen any activity or presence of the Quds Force. I see nothing here that resembles a proxy war with Iran."


Iran-Etats-Unis : drôle de guerre en Irak

....C'est là que nous rencontrons le major Scott A. Pettigrew, responsable du renseignement militaire américain pour la province de Diyala. Lui ne croit pas à une connexion entre l'Iran et Al-Qaeda. En fait, il contredit placidement la plupart des accusations qui circulent à Washington contre l'Iran. « Nous n'avons jamais arrêté aucun agent iranien dans cette province et nous n'avons jamais intercepté de flux financier en provenance d'Iran. Je n'ai jamais vu aucune activité ni présence de la Force Al-Qods. Je ne vois rien qui ressemble ici à une guerre par procuration avec l'Iran. »

Roughly translated into English:

Iran-United States : Peculiarity of war in Iraq

....That's where we meet Major Scott A. Pettigrew, man in charge of American military intelligence for the province of Diyala. He does not believe in a connection between Iran and Al-Qaeda. Indeed, he calmly contradicts most of the accusations that circulate in Washington against Iran. "We never stopped an Iranian agent in this province and we have never intercepted finances flowing [into Diyala province] from Iran. I never saw activity of or the presence of the Al-Quds force. I see nothing here that resembles a war by proxy with Iran."


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