Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

5 US troops Wounded;
5 Killed Monday put on Planes;
Who is thinking about the 18-year Olds?

AP reports that:

' A bomb exploded at a checkpoint Tuesday in Baghdad, wounding five American soldiers and three civilians, the U.S. military said. Iraqi officials claimed it was a suicide bombing and said two people were killed. The attack occurred just after noon as women were being searched before being allowed to enter a commercial street in the predominantly Sunni Amariyah neighborhood in southwest Baghdad, according to a local police official and an Iraqi army officer." '

The wounding of these US troops follows a day after five US troops were killed in a roadside bomb attack on Monday in Mosul. This attack was the second-deadliest this year, and brings the total so far for US fatalities in Iraq to 37, far more than December's 23. The commitment of troops to an actual set of engagements in Mosul led to these recent deaths, and I have for some time wondered if the fall in troop deaths was simply because they were no longer being committed to ground campaigns in any numbers. The recent attack on Arab Jubour appears to have been done mainly from the air, as Tom Engelhardt points out, and when afterwards troops were sent in, they were at risk from roadside bombs.

AP reports that a ceremony was held on base on Tuesday for the five troops killed Monday, as their bodies were loaded in an airplane:

' At a U.S. base outside Mosul, scores of U.S. troops and an honor guard stood at attention on the airfield tarmac as five coffins of their slain comrades were loaded onto a plane for the journey home.

A cold wind blew as the bleak ceremony began. Five groups of eight pallbearers each took turns unloading a flag-draped coffin from the back of five Humvee ambulances, as about 75 members of the fallen soldiers' unit stood at attention.

At least 100 other soldiers stood erect and silent through the 30-minute ceremony. Even civilian workers at the airport of Forward Operating Base Marez on the outskirts of Mosul formed an honor line as the dead soldiers bodies' were loaded into a gray C-130 transport plane.

Soldiers refused permission to photograph the ceremony, saying the pain of the sudden loss of five comrades was too great, and that not all the families had been notified.

"President Bush should be out here watching this ramp ceremony to see what it is really like," said one soldier, who asked not to be identified.

"The people who created this war need to be thinking about the families of these 18-year-olds who are dying."

Let me just repeat that last phrase: "The people who created this war need to be thinking about the families of these 18-year-olds who are dying." That was said by one of our patriots in Iraq. It is true. It made me cry a little.

On Tuesday, 9 headless bodies and 10 heads [sic] were found in a field in Diyala province. McClatchy says that police found DVDs containing confessions that the men belonged to an Awakening Council group. So this was likely Baathists of Salafi Jihadis killing what they saw as collaborators. The US gives a stipend of $250 a month to most Awakening Council militiamen.

US officers in Iraq seem uncomfortable with the diction of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who announced that the current military operation in Mosul would "finish off" "al-Qaeda." Maj. Gen. Mark P. Hertling said that taking on the rebels would be "a long process."

McClatchy reports political violence in Iraq on Tuesday:

' Baghdad
4 Iraqi Army servicemen and 6 civilians injured as IED exploded targeting an army patrol in Bab al-Sharji, Sadoon St. in central Baghdad at 08:00 this morning.

3 policemen and 5 civilians injured as IED exploded targeting a police patrol Sina'a St, the industrial neighbourhood near The University of Technology at 08:30 this morning.

An IED targeted an American military patrol in Canal St. east Baghdad. No casualties reported.

3 civilians injured in an IED explosion in al-Dakhiliya neighbourhood, al-Yarmouk, south Baghdad at 10:30 am..

A mortar round hit al-Fdhailiyah neighbourhood, east Baghdad injuring 2 civilians at 11:00 am.

3 Katyusha missiles hit the green zone starting at 02:50 this afternoon at almost 30 minute intervals. No casualties were reported. . .

3 bodies were found in Baghdad today by Iraqi Police. 1 in Ma’amil, 1 in Shaab and 1 in Doura.


A vehicle born IED driven by a suicide bomber targeted an American military patrol in al-Thubbat neighbourhood, central Mosul Killing 1 and injuring 15 civilians. The Americans cordoned the area off. No American casualties were reported.

2 policemen killed and 2 injured as gunmen attacked a vehicle carrying 4 policemen of the Mosul police force on the main road to Baghdad yesterday afternoon.


An armed group attacked a police commander’s motorcade which was also carrying some high ranking officials of the Tharthar area near Saqlawiyah town 20 km to the north of Fallujah, but were unsuccessful in their attempt. A police force was sent on their trail, with allegedly Sahwa members. They rounded up 20 people suspected of being amongst the attackers and executed them in the same neighbourhood. [sic]

Two truck drivers were abducted and taken along with their trucks on the route between Fallujah and Tharthar. Their hands were bound and they were killed by releasing their freight of pebbles upon them.

The police at Saqlawiyah police station opened fire upon two suspicious men headed for the police station. The two men then exploded and it was found that they had been wearing explosive belts. 5 policemen were superficially injured.


District Commissioner of Salman Bek district and member of the provincial council for the Kurdistan Coalition party, Talib Mohammed Mustafa survived an assassination attempt. He and his driver got away from the attack that was carried out with machine guns and other light weapons on the main road to the south of Tuz.

Fatma al-Haseni was seriously injured and her two colleagues were killed by gunmen in the Mahatta neighbourhood on the way between Baghdad and Tikrit this afternoon. Al-Haseni and her deceased colleagues worked for the Furat satellite station.'



At 6:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The supporters of the war should be able to look those soldiers in the eye and tell them the meaning of their sacrifice.

"A stable Iraq" just doesn't cut it, in my opinion. Our soldiers are for our country, not Mesopotamia.

Iraq isn't worth one dead American soldier. Full stop. We do not owe the Iraqis any more soldiers. If we want to help them then send them money. Send them doctors. Send them lawyers. Send them anything except soldiers.

At 8:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

per your bolded text:
Summary executions? Of twenty people? In public, in daylight?

Not even Saddam would have done that.

Pandora's box really has been opened. The US promise to import the 'Salvador Option' has borne fruit beyond all expectations

I would have thought that the promise to bring democracy and freedom to an oppressed people might have meant something different.

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Santa Rosa New School Aikido said...

Juan, the "9 headless bodies and 10 heads" are not an error. The ten heads belonged to other bodies. I believe some of the bodies later were found elsewhere in the field. 19 men and women had gone to a nearby base to represent their community regarding some grievances, and did not make it home.

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The people who created this war need to be thinking about the families of these 18-year-olds who are dying."

Including the mindlessly bellicose Republican front-runner, John McCain?

At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is thinking about the 18-year olds?

Not Big Oil:

US oil firms offered $5m to each Iraqi MP to pass the oil law

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Engelhardt's piece is very much worth a careful read.

Our militarists are keenly aware that the public is quite squeamish about violence except in some idealized representation. Recall the masking of the Guernica tapestry at the UN so that viewers would not be reminded of the horrors of modern warfare, particularly the effect on ordinary people. Read David Cohen's piece on this event and the history of this particular work in Slate at

Sadly, it appears that many citizens don't really object to barbarism. Commentators on CNN were giggling and joking about John McCain yesterday and characterizing his platform as 1) The jobs won't come back, 2) the illegal immigrants are here for good and 3) more wars. Note carefully, they were not outraged; they were greatly amused and laughing hysterically.

If any of our "elites" care about the death and maiming of our young men and women, it is only because it "looks" bad and creates a message problem.

We have a very sophisticated military. Our losses on the ground are largely under the control of those in charge. There is a policy and the policy is just to be there. It's an election year. US military losses don't play well in the media. You can expect a lot of bombing that will be under reported and you can expect that you will continue to have a general news black out on the actual effect of our presence in Iraq.

Some historians have been a bit premature in declaring the end of the age of colonialism and imperialism. Apparently many Americans basically think it is a good thing... as long as you don't show them any pictures. One person I know even said, "I wish they would not show pictures of our boys kicking down doors." I'm sure our leaders would be completely willing to grant that wish.

For whatever reason, Americans are enchanted by violence as a way to get what one wants but most won't admit it.

At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous has said it. We Americans love war. We love the murder our troops commit "overseas". It is our right as Americans to kill whoever we want, whenever we want, wherever we want. To teach them a lesson.

We are literally the baddest bastards in the world.

That's why we're voting for Grandpa and Grandma War at the polls.


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