Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Thursday, December 27, 2007

2 US Troops Killed, 3 wounded;
Turkey Bombs KRG again;
Iraqi Cabinet Proposes Amnesty

The banner under all CNN stories on Iraq on Wednesday in the US was "Progress in Iraq 2008," with the 'reduction in violence' the subtext. This is not news, it is propaganda. CNN can't know what 2008 in Iraq will be like, and this 'progress' banner gives a positive impression of what is still a dreadful situation. I mean, really, this is a Fox Cable News sort of tactic. And, they did not even report most of the actual news in Iraq (see below).

Turkey bombed Iraqi Kurdistan again on Wednesday. This time the guerrillas of the Kurdish Workers Party [PKK] had already fled farther from the border (perhaps they were tipped off that the attack was coming). So the Turkish bombs fell on empty villages. The US embassy in Baghdad expressed support for the air strikes on the PKK, but warned that it would object to civilian deaths or a destabilization of northern Iraq. Uh, I'm afraid when you have a NATO ally bombing a country you militarily occupy to kill members of a terror group supported by your local allies who have been killing soldiers of the NATO ally-- you already have destabilization. And, if the Turkish military really has killed 150 Kurds on the Iraqi side of the border since Dec. 16, it certainly has killed civilians.

The BBC reports that the Iraqi cabinet reported out to parliament a bill calling for the release of large numbers of detainees in US and Iraqi prisons in that country. The US holds about 26,000 prisoners, and Iraq holds about 24,000, for a total of 50,000 (some sources report a higher number), or about 0.2% of Iraq's entire population. The real reason for the cabinet's having passed this law in my view is that the Sunni Arab "National Accord Front" has made it a precondition for rejoining the largely Shiite government of PM Nuri al-Maliki. One question is whether parliament will pass it. Al-Maliki is now a minority prime minister, and I'm not sure the Kurdish and Shiite members of parliament will be willing to let thse mostly Sunni Arab prisoners go . . .

The Kurdistan Regional Authority's parliament agreed Wednesday to postpone the referendum on Kirkuk for 6 months. The Iraqi constitution called for Kirkuk Province to hold a referendum by December, 2007, on whether Kirkuk should become part of the Kurdistan Regional Authority (which has grouped and administratively replaced the former provinces of Irbil, Dohuk and Sulaymaniya). The Kurds have flooded Kirkuk with Kurdish residents, some but not all having lived there before Saddam Hussein expelled them. They would therefor likely win such a referendum. Holding it is opposed by the Turkmen and Arabs of Kirkuk, who do not wish to be ruled by the Kurdistan Regional Authority. Kicking this problem down the road for 6 months avoids a crisis now, but guarantees one whenever the measure goes through. I'd say the Democrats should hope that the referendum is not postponed for a year or more, since in that case the resulting crisis will likely break on their watch.

Sawt al-Iraq reports in Arabic htat Abd al-Jalil Khalaf, the police chief of Basra, told the al-Arabiya satellite news channel on Wednesday that a shadowy group calling itself "Commanding the Good and Forbidding what is Prohibited" has recently killed 50 women in the southern port. It is probably a puritanical Shiite group, and it says it objects to make-up (tabarruj or the wanton display of oneself in public). The women killed have been for the most part Muslims (both Sunni and Shiite), though two were Christians.

DPA reports in Arabic that Syrian border authorities found and confiscated Israeli-made listening devices that appeared to be on their way to Iraq.

Tina Susman at the LAT reports on how the US military is 'weaning' local Iraqi officials off US help and insisting that they apply for it to the central government in Baghdad. As historian of African decolonization Fred Cooper has pointed out, this 'weaning' process is actually just decolonization, of the same sort the French had to do in Senegal or the British in Uganda, back in the late 1950s and the 1960s. My own suspicion is that the US officer corps knows that the US military is likely to draw down quite substantially over the next two years, and that such decolonization moves have become urgent.

Reuters reports political violence in Iraq on Wednesday:

NINEVEH PROVINCE - Two U.S. soldiers were killed and three others wounded in a gunbattle in Nineveh Province north of Baghdad, the U.S. military said.

BAGHDAD - Seven dead bodies were found in Baghdad over the past two days, police said.

NEAR BAQUBA - The decomposed bodies of 17 men were found dumped in a town near the restive city of Baquba, 65 km (40 miles) north of Baghdad, the Iraqi army said.

KANAN - Gunmen attacked an Iraqi army check point, killing three soldiers and wounding another seven in the small town of Kanan, east of Baquba, a security source said.

BAQUBA - Three members of a neighborhood patrol fighting with Iraqi forces and the U.S. military against al-Qaeda were killed and two were seriously wounded when a booby-trapped house exploded as they entered it in Baquba, police said.

MOSUL - Three children were killed and two wounded when a roadside bomb in a garbage dump exploded while they were playing nearby in the city of Mosul, 390 km (240 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.

LATIFIYA - Two bodies were found bound and shot in the town of Latifiya, 40 km (25 miles) south of Baghdad, police said.

BAIJI - Gunmen killed Ali al-Igaidi, a tribal leader, in a drive-by shooting in the town of Baiji, 180 km (110 miles) north of Baghdad, police and hospital sources said . . .

McClatchy adds:

Baghdad - Around 9 a.m., a roadside bomb targeted an American patrol at Bab Al-Muatham ( north Baghdad ) . No casualties recorded but some damage to one of the convoy’s vehicles . . .

Kirkuk - Wednesday afternoon, gunmen kidnapped Hamid A.Abdul Latif , a member of Democratic Party of Kurdistan in front of his house at Jalwla district . . .

Hannah Allam of McClatchy writes a perceptive survey of the censoring of the internet in the Middle East. Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States are the worst, whereas Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Jordan [I would add Turkey] at the moment have little official censorship. (The governments of all four countries allow parliamentary elections (though only Lebanon's are relatively un-fixed) and are opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood and similar such puritanical groups. I suspect that they leave the internet uncensored for the same reason they allow belly dancing to be shown on television-- a little bit of libertinism is seen as an antidote to too much puritanism. And, multiparty parliamentary elections promote a free internet, since the parties have an interest in it for campaign purposes). I predict that the countries that heavily censor the internet, such as Syria, will suffer for it economically and with regard to development. By the way, Informed Comment is proudly censored in several Middle Eastern countries.



At 4:37 AM, Blogger Christiane said...

Al-Maliki is now a minority prime minister, and I'm not sure the Kurdish and Shiite members of parliament will be willing to let thse mostly Sunni Arab prisoners go . . .

I think that the US has also arrested a lot of militants of the Al' Sadr current. So there could be an alliance between the Al'Sadr current and the Sunni on this point. (Al'Sadr may be happy to have part of his uncontrolled militiamen in jail.. but he may also think that by now they have learned the lesson and need to be freed.. or those emprisonned weren't really uncontrolled men, but faithfull followers whom he wants free again). It's only the SCIRI current who is happy to see the Mahdi army leaders in jail.

At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hannah gets it all wrong. She should check her facts. All these countries have either censored the internet or those who use the internet. Here are some examples:

- Egypt imprisons blogger Kareem Amer for "insulting religion and president Mubarak". He is serving currently 4 years in prison and was the first in the region to be tried and convicted over a blog post.

-Morocco recently banned google earth, youtube and daily motion because they either carried videos critical of the royal family or showed royal palaces and property. Although unblocked after a fierce campaign, there is no guarantee that this could not happen again.

-Jordan imprisoned ex-MP Al-Abbadi was sentenced to two years in jail for "false news through email" and "undermining state dignity" and "illegally distributing leaflets". He in fact had sent an open letter to US Senator Harry Reid denouncing government corruption.

All of these countries have very sophisticated filtering and censoring equipment. And just to give you an idea of how uninformed the author is, this Saturday Judge Murad of Alexandria Egypt--the same who convicted blogger Kareem Amer is to issue a ruling in a case he has been engineering that could see more than 50 prominent websites censored and their owners sent to jail.

At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Amnesty" is to satisfy one of the conditions of the Sunni bloc, as you say, but it is the US who want that. For Iraq itself, the reconcillation is bad news since it allows the ruling class to stay in power. A tragedy in the long-term. They are far too inept and corrupt to run the country, ignoring that they should stand trial for the crimes they have already committed.

Bush & Co still hope to get an oil law giving his Big Oil masters a share in Iraq's oil and consequently a big say in Iraq's affairs (by paying the corrupt Iraqis they come in contact with.)

This is not going to happen. The nodding moronic parliament of 2005 (the kind the USA planned for Iraq) has changed through pressure from the Iraqi elite outside the country. They are free from the terror of the ruling class and can say and do what they like. The Sadrists and Fadhila have also messed up US plans by leaving Hakim's bloc which is increasingly impotent.

At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Informed Comment is not blocked in Syria. I am just back from Damascus. Blocked are only some sites in official governmental internet places (like the main post office). In the many other internet cafes that are located in Damascus you are able to access every site you want.
M. Edwards, New York

At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Benazir Bhutto has been killed in a blast.

What now, Pakistan?

At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Report: Turkey using drones in N. Iraq with help of Israeli crews

Personnel from Israel's Aerospace Industries are assisting the Turkish army in activating Israeli-made unmanned aircrafts for use in military operations in Kurdish northern Iraq, Turkish sources were quoted as saying in a report to be published Thursday in the Turkish Daily News.

At 10:42 AM, Blogger ploeg said...

Obviously you are using a pre-9/11 definition of "progress" as movement toward a positive outcome, rather than the post-9/11 definition of "progress" as the inevitable progression of events to their logical conclusion.

At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The US holds about 26,000 prisoners, and Iraq holds about 24,000, for a total of 50,000 (some sources report a higher number), or about 0.2% of Iraq's entire population." Just out of curiosity, what proportion of the U.S. population is currently imprisoned? What about if we limit it to the proportion of African-Americans who are imprisoned?


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