Feingold to Introduce Censure Resolution against Bush
Senator Russ Feingold plans to introduce a censure motion against Bush for misleading the US public into war, he told Meet the Press on Sunday.
Feingold makes the good points that the president has been involved in things that look like criminality; that the votes aren't there to impeach him; but that at the very least his enormities should not be allowed to pass without some statement from the legislature. Feingold suggests that such a censure vote might even attract support from some Republicans. Since the Republicans have stopped so much as mentioning Bush when they want to convince the public of something, Feingold is likely right about this point. It could be a way for some of them to distance themselves from Bush before the next election.
Video from NBC:
Labels: Iraq
I suppose censure is better than nothing, but when we have an Executive Branch asserting authority far beyond the wildest nightmares of the Founding Fathers, a slap on the wrist seems hopelessly weak.
Perhaps the votes are not there to convict him - we don't know because the American people haven't heard the evidence yet - but the members of Congress have taken a solemn oath to "protect and defend the Constitution" and that oath does not say they should do so when they have the votes, or that they should do so when it is politically expedient.
Censure is worthless when we are dealing with a criminal enterprise. Impeachment is the only hope we have of restoring Constitutional government in our lifetime, and when the most liberal Democrat in the U.S. Senate wimps out, our Republic is truly in dire straits.
Or will this will give the Republicans a way to dis the President while still voting nay on cloture. Untill something of substance is done by the congressional Republicans nothing is accomplished.
If nothing else it would show future generations that some of us were aware of what was happening when bush completely ruined our country. They would know at least one thing was done to try to stop it.
This would be the perfect time for some Republicans to jump ship and into a life boat.
Impeach Indict,Imprison
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