Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Monday, July 23, 2007

Blumenthal: Young Republican Chicken Hawks

Max Blumenthal via YouTube,on young Republican Chicken Hawks [wouldn't they just be 'chicks'? Or maybe 'peepees'?].

You'd think after what happened to Jonah Goldberg, they'd get together and make up some sort of collective alibi or something.



At 8:18 AM, Blogger RC said...

Sorry, but that video reminds me why I’ve dumped a whole lot of left-wing blogs from my regular-check list.

It begins with a stroll through Arlington. Doesn’t that make Blumenthal as unprincipled an opportunist as anyone else building reputations on the bodies of the dead?

He denigrates an entire cohort with silly or misguided comments from a few.

He got himself hustled out of the place — as nearly as one can tell from the edited version of the video — primarily for playing the fool. (For similar behavior, he’d have been booted from more than Young Republican meetings.)

He presents no data, not even speculation, that he’d have found more noble or heroic behavior and comments from a group of similarly-well-off young Democrats.

Sure, those are the Republicans of the future, some of whom may turn out no better than Bush or Wolfowitz. But if he is the future of journalism, that too is bad news.

And just out of curiosity, has he served in the military? If so, he ought to have indicated it; if not, he ought to keep his mouth shut on the subject.

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Scott McDaniel said...

You <----a million miles---->The Point


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