Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Guerrillas Kill 9 US GIs
Over 100 Dead in New Wave of Violence
Sectarian Killings at forefront Again

Sunni Arab guerrillas killed 9 US GIs in five separate attacks on Wednesday, bringing the death toll for May so far to 80. A tenth soldier was found floating in the Euphrates on Wednesday. He was one of three who had been captured the previous week.

Remember the Bush administration briefings in Iraq that touted a fall in "one type" of violence in Baghdad, sectarian killings? Alas, the bad news is that sectarian death squad attacks, which produce bodies in the street every morning, have crept back up. Sudarsan Raghavan of WaPo discovered that more people have been killed that way so far in May than had been in all of January, before the new security plan (the "surge") was implemented.

As if to underline Raghavan's point,
Reuters reports that on Wednesday, police found 30 bodies in Baghdad
. Other major violence:

' MANDALI - A bomber wearing a suicide vest killed 20 people and wounded 30 in a cafe in Mandali, a predominantly Kurdish Shi'ite town about 100 km (60 miles) northeast of Baghdad, police said.

SAMARRA - A roadside bomb killed five policemen on patrol in central Samarra, 100 km (60 miles) north of Baghdad, police said. . .

BAGHDAD - Mortar bombs killed three people and wounded 14 in Karrada district in central Baghdad, police said. . .

RAMADI - The bodies of five people were found shot and tortured in different districts of the city of Ramadi, 110 km (70 miles) west of Baghdad, police said. . .

McClatchy adds, "This morning gunmen wearing the ministry of interior forces uniforms raided the famous Sinak market (not far away from the Green Zone) and tried to kidnap the shops owners. The gunmen clashed with the gunmen and later with U.S. and Iraqi troops, eye witnesses said helicopters attacked the attackers and burned two cars. The gunmen fled and 5 citizens were killed and 17 were injured, ministry of interior officers said."

This newspaper estimates that over 100 Iraqis were killed on Wednesday in a new wave of violence. is urging US voters to pressure Congress with regard to withdrawing troops from Iraq.

Iraqi rice farmers in the south are beginning to plant opium poppies as a cash crop. The Bush administration is turning Iraq into Afghanistan.

One of the problems for the Bush administration with regard to the history of their fiasco in Iraq is that they invited in so many eyewitnesses from among "the willing." Gradually they will start to talk. Col. Mike Kelly of Australia, for instance, has started spilling the beans about former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. He says that he urged Rummy to stop the looting in April of 2003, and that Donald over-ruled him. He calls Rumsfeld "criminally negligent."



At 9:48 AM, Blogger John Koch said...

Naive question: has anyone (Iraqi or foreign) written anything about the Ministry of the Interior based on direct interviews or documents? Or is it a black box or such a dangerous hornets' nest that no one dare investigate it?

The Crocker-Petraeus plan to shore up Iraqi security forces will fall flat if there is no way to address Interior's workings, machinations, mischief, and spillovers. Perhaps Bush should appoint some brave AEI or WINEP wonks to serve as on-site liaisons. Any volunteers?

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Billy Glad said...

When they start selling opium and heroin to our troops, we'll have arrived at yet another Vietnam era milestone.

At 12:07 PM, Blogger Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves said...

I read the news today, oh boy...

ABC's Blotter blog: Bush Authorizes New Covert Action Against Iran

To continue the discussion of the Woodrow Wilson Center et al.

Has anyone perused the wikipedia entry for Woodrow Wilson?

It might do well to look at what Woodrow Wilson's accomplishments were, because I think it will become obvious why the WW center's site isn't going to directly mention it's philosophical underpinnings:

"He went to Paris in 1919 to create the League of Nations and shape the Treaty of Versailles, with special attention on creating new nations out of defunct empires, His contributions to this negotiations set the stage for World War Two."

What is being described is specifically 'regime change' of 'failed states'... and the wars to create the failed states.

...and, on the domestic suppression front:

"On the home front he began the first effective draft in 1917, raised billions through Liberty loans, imposed an income tax, set up the War Industries Board, promoted (Imperial American, de-globalized) labor union growth... and suppressed anti-war movements."


These are the unstated philosophical underpinnings of the Woodrow Wilson Center.

Bad news for an ostensibly apolitical academic stuck in the middle at this juncture in US/Persian relations.


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