Statement on Airline Plot by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
The USG Open Source Center translates the claim of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to be behind the Christmas day bombing attempt against Northwest Flight 254 by the Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. For more on this organization, see Aljazeera's profile.
Al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula Claims Attempted Attack in US
Jihadist Websites -- OSC Summary
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
On 28 December, a forum participant posted a statement on a jihadist website from Al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula entitled "The Operation of the Mujahid Brother Umar al-Faruk Al-Nijiri in Response to the American Aggression Against Yemen."
The group claims responsibility for the attempted attack on Northwest Airlines flight 253, saying that it was done "with direct coordination...with the mujahidin in the Arabian Peninsula after the savage bombardment of cluster bombs and cruise missiles launched from US ships occupying the Gulf of Aden against the courageous Yemeni tribes in Abyan, Arhab, and finally, Shabwah." The statement ends with a declaration of "total war against every Crusader" in the Arabian Peninsula. The statement was signed by the Al-Malahim Establishment for Media Production and Al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula, and disseminated by the Al-Fajr Media Center.
A translation of the statement follows:
"In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate...
" The Al-Qa'ida Organization in the Arabian Peninsula
" The Operation of the Mujahid Brother Umar al-Faruk Al-Nijiri in Response to the American Aggression Against Yemen
"Thanks be to God, who said: 'And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah' (Partial Koranic verse, Al-Baqarah, 2:193).
"Prayers and peace be upon the final prophet, who said: 'With a month's march I made fear victorious' (Hadith).
"With the help of God, the heroic martyrdom-seeking mujahid brother Umar al-Faruk carried out an operation aboard a US flight from the Dutch city of Amsterdam to the US city of Detroit. This was during their celebration of Christmas on Friday 25 December 2009. He infiltrated all the modern and advanced tools and security checkpoints in the international airport with courage, not fearing death, and relying on God. With his great accomplishment he struck down the myths of the US and international intelligence. He exposed their fragility and forced their noses into the dust. He made them bemoan all that they spent in upgrading their security measures.
"The unity of faith and Muslim fraternity are what drove this wealthy youth of Nigerian origin, the mujahid brother Umar al-Faruk, to respond directly to the unjust American aggression against the Arabian Peninsula. This was (done) with direct coordination (with the help of God) with the mujahidin in the Arabian Peninsula after the savage bombardment of cluster bombs and cruise missiles launched from US ships occupying the Gulf of Aden against the courageous Yemeni tribes in Abyan, Arhab, and finally, Shabwah, where they killed dozens of Muslim women, children, and entire families. This (US) operation was conducted with the cooperation of Yemen, the United States, Saudi Arabia, and other countries in the area.
"The mujahidin brothers in the manufacturing division were able (with the help of God) to come up with a technically advanced (explosive) device. It was tested and proven successful and effective, and then passed through the detection machines. The martyrdom-seeking brother Umar (with the blessing of God) reached his target. However, God chose for a technical malfunction to lead to the entire device not detonating. We will continue on the path (God willing) until we achieve what we want, and until all religion is for God.
"We call upon all Muslims who are jealous over their religion and creed to kill every Crusader who works at an embassy or elsewhere, and to declare an all-encompassing war on every Crusader in the peninsula of Muhammad (prayers and peace be upon him). We declare it as a total war against every Crusader in the peninsula of Muhammad (prayers and peace be upon him) on land, sea, and air.
"We call on every soldier in the Crusader armies and the agent governments to repent to God and emulate the example of the heroic mujahid brother, Nidal Hasan, and to kill, with every possible means of killing, evey Crusader in support of the religion of God and to raise His word on Earth.
"From here we say to the American people, that since you support your leaders and stand behind them in the killing of our women and children, you can look forward to what will befall you. We have come to slaughter you and have prepared for you men who love death just as much as you love life. God willing, we will come for you with what you cannot withstand. You will be killed just as you kill. Your day will come tomorrow. Those who are unjust will come to know their fate.
"Oh God, keep the mujahid Umar al-Faruk steadfast on the truth and grant him multiple times more peace, patience, and steadfastness than the calamity that has befallen him. Oh God, relieve him and release him, and make for him a relief and an exit from where he does not expect it. Oh God, release him and Muslim prisoners all across the Earth unchanged, and keep them steadfast on the truth with all your mercy, for you are the most Merciful. Oh God, champion your mujahidin subjects everywhere, and defeat non-belief and its people. Our final prayer is thanks be to God, Lord of all creation.
" Al-Malahim (Establishment for Media Production)
" Al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula
"Saturday, 9 Muharram 1431 Hijri (corresponding to 26 December 2009)" . . .
"Pray for your brothers.
"Source: Al-Fajr Media Center"
End/ (Not Continued)
They really need to hire some better writers.
So the bomber didn’t fail entirely. His actions set off a shit storm in the US that will go on for weeks. The screeching heads and feces flingers in the congress and the media will have great opportunity. The Democrats will, of course, try to calm the public; the “loyal opposition” will, as usual, try to panic the public. Let the finger-pointing begin.
In addition, the bomber gained immense publicity for his cause. Extremists around the world are no doubt inspired and joyful.
It looks like Janet N. is being set up to be the fall-girl. But I doubt the fault was principally hers. More likely, the breach in the system was principally in the State Dept., not airport security. The State Dept. could have and should have placed his visa on hold, like the British, based on information received. Had they done that, the bomber would not have been on that plane. Either the SD didn’t receive the information from the father (why?) or it did receive it and failed to take appropriate action (who?, why?). It nothing but obfuscation to suggest system failure when in fact it was the failure of a specific actor in the system. That actor needs to be identified and upgraded.
But in the end, foreign terrorists are a negligible cause of death in the US. Far greater threats are ignored every day with no more than routine comment.
Thanks very much Juan.
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