IAEA Resolution on Iran
Text of the International Atomic Energy Agency resolution on Iran from the IAEA website.
Derestricted 27 November 2009
(This document has been derestricted at the meeting of the Board on 27 November 2009)
Board of Governors
Date: 27 November 2009
Original: English
Item 4(c) of the adopted agenda (GOV/2009/83)
Implementation of the NPT safeguardsagreement and relevant provisions ofSecurity Council resolutions 1737 (2006),1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and 1835 (2008) in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Resolution adopted by the Board of Governors on 27 November 2009
The Board of Governors,
(a) Recalling the Resolutions adopted by the Board and the UNSC,
(b) Commending the Director General for his professional and impartial efforts to implement the Safeguards Agreement in Iran, to resolve outstanding safeguards issues in Iran and to verify the implementation by Iran of the suspension,
(c) Stressing the important role played by the IAEA in resolving the Iranian nuclear issue and reaffirming the Board’s resolve to continue to work for a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue,
(d) Reaffirming the inalienable rights of all the parties to the Non-Proliferation Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in accordance with Article IV of the NPT,
(e) Commending the Director General for his proposal of an Agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Governments of the Republic of France, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation for Assistance in Securing Nuclear Fuel for a Research Reactor in Iran for the Supply of Nuclear Fuel to the Tehran Research Reactor; appreciating the intensive efforts of the Director General to achieve an agreement on his proposal,
(f) Noting with serious concern that Iran continues to defy the requirements and obligations contained in the relevant IAEA Board of Governors and UN Security Council Resolutions,
GOV/2009/82 Page 2
(g) Also noting with serious concern that Iran has constructed an enrichment facility at Qom in breach of its obligation to suspend all enrichment related activities and that Iran’s failure to notify the Agency of the new facility until September 2009 is inconsistent with its obligations under the Subsidiary Arrangements to its Safeguards Agreement,
Cont'd (click below or on "comments")
(h) Affirming that Iran's failure to inform the Agency, in accordance with the provisions of the revised Code 3.1, of the decision to construct, or to authorize construction of, a new facility as soon as such a decision is taken, and to submit information as the design is developed, does not contribute to the building of confidence,
(i) Underlining that Iran's declaration of the new facility reduces the level of confidence in the absence of other nuclear facilities and gives rise to questions about whether there are any other nuclear facilities under construction in Iran which have not been declared to the Agency,
(j) Noting with serious concern that, contrary to the request of the Board of Governors and the requirements of the Security Council, Iran has neither implemented the Additional Protocol nor cooperated with the Agency in connection with the remaining issues of concern, which need to be clarified to exclude the possibility of military dimensions to Iran's nuclear programme,
(k) Emphasizing the Director General’s assertion that unless Iran implements the Additional Protocol and, through substantive dialogue, clarifies the outstanding issues to the satisfaction of the Agency, the Agency will not be in a position to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and
(l) Noting that the Director General has repeatedly declared that he is unable to verify that Iran’s programme is for exclusively peaceful purposes,
1. Urges Iran to comply fully and without delay with its obligations under the above mentioned resolutions of the Security Council, and to meet the requirements of the Board of Governors, including by suspending immediately construction at Qom;
2. Urges Iran to engage with the Agency on the resolution of all outstanding issues concerning Iran’s nuclear programme and, to this end, to cooperate fully with the IAEA by providing such access and information that the Agency requests to resolve these issues;
3. Urges Iran to comply fully and without qualification with its safeguards obligations, to apply the modified Code 3.1 and implement and ratify promptly the Additional Protocol;
4. Urges Iran specifically to provide the Agency with the requested clarifications regarding the purpose of the enrichment plant at Qom and the chronology of its design and construction;
5. Calls on Iran to confirm, as requested by the Agency, that Iran has not taken a decision to construct, or authorize construction of, any other nuclear facility which has as yet not been declared to the Agency;
6. Requests the Director General to continue his efforts to implement the Safeguards Agreement in Iran, resolve the outstanding issues which give rise to concerns, and which need to be clarified to exclude the existence of possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme, and to implement the relevant provisions of UNSC resolutions;
7. Further requests the Director General to report this resolution to the UNSC; and
8. Decides to remain seized of the matter.
"Iran’s failure to notify the Agency of the new facility until September 2009 is inconsistent with its obligations under the Subsidiary Arrangements to its Safeguards Agreement"
My understanding was that Iran DID fulfil its obligations to notify regarding the new facility, and did so long before relevant materials were brought to the site. In fact, I read this at several good sources. So is this a fabrication?
Nora, they failed to follow protocol. Despite what you may have read, the rules are clear. Iran was supposed to notify the IAEA before construction of any new facility. Qom has been under construction for years. Therefore, they did not follow their obligations to the IAEA.
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