Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Sunday, May 31, 2009

40 Taliban Killed in Waziristan;
Iran Protests to Pakistan on Mosque Bombing

The Pakistani military claims to have completely taken over the city of Mingora, the largest in Swat, and says that the campaign in Malakand Division will be completed within three days.

ITN has video:

This upload from CCTV gives some of the Pakistani military's press conference:

There is an urgent need for the fighting to end soon, so that people can return to their homes and aid can reach the dispossessed. The monsoon, or rainy season, is coming, and with impromptu rivulets springing up, there will be danger of cholera and other water-borne diseases among the refugees living in tent cities with no proper sewage.

Aljazeera English reports on the condition of the 3000 Sikhs who have been displaced from Swat by the fighting.

There is speculation that the Pakistani military may turn next to Taliban strongholds in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. The Taliban are not sitting on their hands waiting. They attacked a government military outpost in South Waziristan on Saturday. The military claims to have driven them off and to have killed 40 of them in the process.

Meanwhile, trouble is brewing to the west. Iran summoned Pakistan's ambassador over evidence that a Sunni rebel group, Jundullah, was responsible for bombing a Shiite mosque in Zahidan. Zahidan is largely Baluch in ethnicity, not Persian, and most Baluch are Sunnis. They often chafe under Shiite rule. The small province of Sistan and Baluchistan has a population of 2.2 million (Iran's population is over 70 million), and is one of the poorest and least developed in the country. Small separatist groups, which seek safe haven on the Pakistan side of the border, have operated for some time.

Iranian leaders are hinting that they think the United States was behind the mosque bombing.

Aljazeera English has video on the mosque bombing:

Iranian fears of US meddling in its ethnic relations are not completely unfounded. Representative Jane Harman (D-Cal) has called for the break-up of Iran, apparently influenced by the thinking of Israeli hawks on this issue. Harman has been accused of trying to get the chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee by intervening to stop the prosecution of two men accused of espionage on behalf of Israel, for which she was to be rewarded by wealthy backers of the Israel lobbies.

Pakistan itself has a problem with its Baluch minority, which feels it does not get its fair share of the country's resources. The government is pledging more aid.

End/ (Not Continued)


At 7:53 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

There is no way to know whether Khatami is right or wrong because for Congress the Lobby is "untouchable".

At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It should be a priority for Obama to start a not-so-gradual shift of military spending to peace-keeping uses. It could begin with dispatching a platoon of ambitious young soldiers with a small budget to help groups like the 3000 Sikhs reported on here. Such a program would use soldiers trained for aid, come under the military budget and help make peace instead of war. More and more of the military budget could go for such projects.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger easyplankin said...

Harman needs to be unseated. We need to start removing warmongers and troublemakers from office.

At 12:06 PM, Anonymous JamesL said...


I have thought your longstanding template is one of the best for efficient but uncluttered page use and readability. The new trial template is no easier to read, but feels unbalanced with too much white space, which to me is a distraction. A good site/page contains a maximum of information (but not overpacked or, for heavens sake, animated) in the sense the viewer must scroll the least. The main text width in your trial is a good line length. But the white space represents lost opportunities to minimize scrolling and maximize one-glance navigation. Many thanks for your continued and important contributions. --JamesL

At 2:54 PM, Blogger An English European said...

Seymour Hersh claimed that the Bush administration funnelled money to Jundallah:

At 2:55 PM, Anonymous lidia said...

anon 10:29 AM

Have you ASKED anybody do they WANT USA soldiers (young or not) to come to their country? Could you think about USA troops staying HOME? Or is it too fantastic to you?

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Ron Bruce said...

I love your commentary, Juan, but my old eyes are having difficulty with the new fine print.

I was quite happy with it as it was before, hope you get it sorted to everyone's satisfaction.


At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...amazing reading comments from typical liberals that we should cut spending on the needs of the military while we are fighting two wars....its imbeciles like you that will cause the end of this great nation. World popularity guarantees nothing but signs of weakness. If I could I would ship all of you to Russia so you could enjoy your socialism!


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