Harman Admits She Talked to American;
Saban said Involved
On being interviewed by Robert Siegel of National Public Radio on Tuesday, Rep. Jane Harman kept denying she knew which conversations had been referred to by the Congressional Quarterly report, even seemed to question the existence of the conversations.
But then Siegel pressed her and she suddenly remembered something about the conversation:
' MR. SIEGEL: But, indeed, if what happened was, initially, your phone wasn’t tapped; the person you were talking with was being tapped. And if that was an investigation of a foreign agent, is it realistic to think that anybody is going to release a completely unredacted transcript of that conversation?
REP. HARMAN: Well, let’s find out. I mean, the person I was talking to was an American citizen. I know something about the law and wiretaps. There are two ways you do it. One is you get a FISA warrant, which has to start with a foreign suspected terrorist, a non-American foreigner. If this was FISA, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, that would have had to happen.
MR. SIEGEL: But if you know that it was an American citizen –
REP. HARMAN: If it was Article III, FBI wiretap, that’s different. But I don’t know what this was. And I don’t know why this was done. And I don’t know who the sources are who are claiming that this happened are and I think –
MR. SIEGEL: But you are saying that you know it was an American citizen. So that would suggest that you know that there was a –
REP. HARMAN: Well, I know that anyone I would have talked to about, you know, the AIPAC prosecution would have been an American citizen. I didn’t talk to some foreigner about it.
MR. SIEGEL: You never spoke to an Israeli? You never spoke to an Israeli about this.
REP. HARMAN: Well, I speak to Israelis from time to time. I just came back from a second trip to Israel in this calendar year. . . '
It seems obvious to me that Harman knew exactly which conversation had been tapped, and remembered exactly to whom she was talking at the time, which was an American citizen. (By the way, an American citizen recruited by Mossad would still be an Israeli spy or agent, run by an Israeli field officer. In fact, in tradecraft terms, an attempt was made to turn Harman herself into an agent. "Agent" is used in popular parlance to refer to field officers, but this is not a technical usage. The agent is the local.)
Her later protestations that logically speaking she could only have been talking to an American are weak, and then she undermines them by saying she talks to Israelis. So she can't know she was talking to an American as a matter of logic, as she implied when challenged.
There is an immense irony in her faux horror that she was wiretapped without her knowledge, since the allegation against her is that then Attorney General Alberto Gonzales dropped the investigation of her over the deal she seems to have made with the Israeli agent, precisely in order to retain her as an advocate of warrantless wiretapping. The tap on the Israeli agent, into which she fell, was apparently in fact court-authorized, so she was being treated better than she wanted the rest of us treated.
Another piece of breaking news is that Israeli-American billionaire Haim Saban may have been involved. That is, he was a major funder for Nancy Pelosi and the thinking was that he would threaten to cut his campaign contributions to her if she did not make Harman the head of the House Intelligence Committee.
Saban admits that he is "sometimes" Avigdor Lieberman. That is about the scariest thing I've heard a billionaire say since the 1930s.
Although it is being suggested by some that Saban himself was the Israeli agent under surveillance, that cannot be assumed on present evidence.
Phil Weiss has more on Saban, whose endowed center at the otherwise liberal Brookings Institute pushed the Iraq War and kept trying to put the situation in post-invasion Iraq in a good light.
I once corresponded with someone who was well-connected, and said I was amazed at something people at the Saban Center were saying. He explained the bizarre statements to me, saying that "the word is, the client is happy with them." The client is Saban.
As usual, you'd be amazed what you can find out on wikipedia.
Saban is in fact off the rails on Israeli nukes and on the alleged need to attack Iran:
Do you still feel, as you once did, that America's attitude toward Israel is liable to deteriorate?
"At the moment there is no sign of a crisis. But we must not be complacent. The two pillars of the state are the Israel Defense Forces and the U.S., Dimona [the site of Israel's nuclear reactor] and Washington. [Israel] must do all we can to maintain the alliance with America. A major crisis at the wrong time could be a disaster, a disaster." . . .
You meet frequently and quite intimately with Israeli and American decision-makers. What do you tell than about the situation regarding Iran?
"The Iranians are serious. They mean business. [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad is not a madman. [....] When I see Ahmadinejad, I see Hitler. They speak the same language. His motivation is also clear: the return of the Mahdi is a supreme goal. And for a religious person of deep self-persuasion, that supreme goal is worth the liquidation of five and a half million Jews. We cannot allow ourselves that. Nuclear weapons in the hands of a religious leadership that is convinced that the annihilation of Israel will bring about the emergence of a new Muslim caliphate? Israel cannot allow that. This is no game. It's truly an existential danger." '
I mean, this is absolute nonsense. Ahmadinejad has never threatened to kill any Jews at all, much less millions of them. And nothing in the Shiite beliefs about the coming of the Mahdi requires militancy. In fact, strict Shiite law forbids offensive jihad or holy war until the Mahdi appears, since only he has authority to declare it.
Saban is that most dangerous of persons, a billionaire ignoramus and fanatic with enormous political influence.
As for little old non-millionaire me, I think the American Israel Public Affairs Committee should have to register as the agent of a foreign state. Maybe Saban too.
End/ (Not Continued)
Remember that NSA was conducting warrant-less wiretaps and was not using FISA at the time. The program allowed the NSA to tap calls by American citizens to international destinations. The person could be dual citizen American-Israeli
Wait a minute, Ahmadinejad never said that? I can't believe this, i had actually let myself believe he said that without even questioning it. I just assumed he did because he was also a holocaust denier (and now i realize that phrase sort of implicates a "type of person"), and i had heard it said so many times, over and over and over, that i must have assumed it was true at some point.
I can't believe i fell for that...
That instantly came to mind with me too... in light of the NSA's most recent audit that found their wiretaps had overstepped into domestic phone calls. And yes, that person could be a dual citizen a la Michael Chertoff (not that I'm saying it was him.)
I heard that interview on NPR last night as well. She was extremely evasive and often downright rude. Fortunately, Bob Seigel is not Chris Matthews and managed to stay on topic and get some information out of Ms. Harman.
Is it just me, or are we at a tipping point?
The harshness of the comments I hear continually from AIPAC members, liberal or conservative, are just frightening. There is an antipathy to Palestinians and Iranians that is astonishing, and they are politically wildly active and influential.
IIRC and IANAL, but Harman is wrong about the FISA court not being allowed to issue warrants to wiretap US Citizens. There is are specific things that must be done if you're getting a FISA warrant for a US citizen that don't need to be done for a foreign national, but you can get the warrant from a FISA court. In fact, it says right in the law about the issuance of the order in Title 50, Chapter 36, Subchapter I, Section 1805.a.3.A:
"the target of the electronic surveillance is a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power: Provided, That no United States person may be considered a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power solely upon the basis of activities protected by the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States;"
You don't need that "provided" in there if the whole law is supposed to be exempting US citizens from being "agents of a foreign power" in the first place.
And it sounded like she was mistaken - like she honestly believed that the FISA law was written in such a way that you can't get a warrant for a US citizen. Which means that her whole defense of the warrantless wiretapping schtick is even more irritatingly stupid because she actually didn't know what the law already allowed.
In the same broadcast she has another bit where she is shocked that the DoJ didn't notify her that she was the subject of an investigation. Because clearly in the US if you're under investigation by the DoJ the first thing they do is knock on your door and let you know about it. Does this woman not understand the political system she's a part of or read the laws that she votes on?
Bottom line - these could well be based on legit FISA warrants. In fact, I'd be shocked if the DoJ and the CIA hadn't dotted their 'i's and crossed their 't's on this case. This is suspected al-Qaeda guys or suspected Iranians - this was suspected spying by an ally. Israel, of all countries. You're going to need to build a case like that very carefully, because most of the Congress is going to come down on you like a ton of bricks unless you've got a rock-solid case.
In reading this:
"the target of the electronic surveillance is a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power: Provided, That no United States person may be considered a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power solely upon the basis of activities protected by the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States;"
Could it safely be assumed that in this sense Harman was viewed as an agent of a foreign government in as much as she was actively lobbying on Israel's behalf, i.e. their spies?
Things do seem to be reaching a tipping-point, that being the point at which we can no longer ignore that ugly whatizit on the sole of our collective shoe. And in this case the ramifications are so profound I've yet to read a relatively credible blog stat flat-out where the current momentum (fairly obviously) is taking us.
Harman's remonstrations smacked of the Leona Helmsley line about "little people". Sadly, she would not have gotten this attitude from nowhere.
As Armitage said the other day, it's going to be awfully hard for the congress to police itself when they are complicit, much less when they are effectively bought and paid for by You Know Who.
Hint: for the perhaps naive hope we can put (dare I say it), America first, I've found it far more accurate, and mildly less inflammatory to refer to the "Likud Lobby"...(due credit to Chas Freeman).
It's my understanding from all the information which has come to light about Harman over the past few days that the wiretap was covered by a warrant signed by a FISA judge and therefore completely legal. As for who the tap was intended for, I can understand her chagrin if indeed it was the OTHER speaker who was the focus of the investigation. It's a lucky case of reeling in two fish with one hook.
I still think she's being set up...
...because AIPAC felt she was disposable if she DID NOT back their play on 'war with Iran' so they applied extra pressure in the form of phone calls (which I'm assuming she did not originate, else THAT would have been mentioned prominently) asking her to exert influence...
...to which she replied, ACCORDING TO REPORTS:
"Harman told her interlocutor that she would have more pull on the AIPAC case with a White House official than with the Justice Department."
She could have been backhandedly saying... "Sorry, that's a lot harder than a quick phone call, and honestly, I just... don't... have... the... time."
So someone 'leaks' on her 'carpet', as seen in "The Big Lebowski" (sorry, no screenshot available)
Also, and let me put it bluntly, that IS NOT a quote. I want the quote, AND ALSO context for the initial report that stated she said: "This conversation never happened"... which without context could mean a lot, or, absolutely nothing, or even a rebuke to the caller, as in "Don't EVER call me again".
Just because she's a supporter of Israel, and turned a blind eye to the siege of Gaza does not mean she's prepared to back AIPAC's pressure for a war on Iran.
F'rinstance, this 2007 press release:
Says good policy is to talk to Iran and "sheath the sabers.”http://www.house.gov/list/press/ca36_harman/Dec_4.shtml
I'm, SURE AIPAC or someone affiliated with them called her, but what I want to know is whether they were trying to deal, or just looking to create 'dirty laundry' where none existed.
C'mon professor, AIPAC's dug Soooo deep into the US military-Industrial-Spy complex that they would be remiss not to know Harman's phone was tapped.
Unless further DAMNING evidence appears, and none of what I've seen is, on it's own, lacking context, I'm calling it a setup.
Technically, a 'pinch'.
If it is, hopefully it will backfire on them.
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