Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cole on Pakistan Drone wars, on Rachel Maddow's Show

I was on Rachel Maddow's MSNBC television news show on Friday evening, commenting on the Pakistan bit of President Obama's plan. She referred to it as a drone war. I said I didn't think we were at war with Pakistan so much as with some Pushtun tribes on either side of the Hindu Kush. And I didn't think it was likely that they would be brought under "control."

End/ (Not Continued)


At 2:21 AM, Blogger hawkwind said...

wow, i heard you on the diane rehm show. i know that was on the 11th, but i have been doing silly things like trying to get a grant proposal in .
i was, am a poor white child in the south. i remember in 1972 seeing MANY iranian "youths" attending georgia college, obviously spoiled rotten people who just wanted any degree from america, and then they would go home and have a good job for life. i, we as americans set up the shah, and taught him how to imprison and torture his own people so we could have forward listening stations in northern iran to listen to the ussr. why do i hear nothing about this.
it is up to us, and the president in particular to admit, yes we did this, and we are sorry, and this will never happen again. that is what the iranian people want

At 5:35 AM, Blogger Jack Mitchell said...

Great interview! Man, I wish you were in charge of American policy.

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To help an American audience understand the terrain, maybe don't compare the Hindu Kush to the American Southwest, which most Americans think of as remote, and undesirable, but not inaccessible. For reference, consider a drive from LA to Las Vegas, or through the Valley of the Monuments.
Easy to get to, plenty of roads and jeep trails, but few besides extreme athletes and anthropologists would want to go.

Instead maybe describe it as being like the desert Southwest
after it was transplanted into the northern Canadian Rockies, but without the skiing.
Or like "Ice Road Truckers" during the Summer thaw.
You just can't get around without a helicopter, unless you're a goat or a local.


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