Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Lebanese are Phoenicians After All; And so Are Many of the Rest of US

A team of biologists at Lebanese American University estimates that 1 in 17 persons around the Mediterranean carries genetic markers distinctive to the ancient Phoenician people who resided in what is now Lebanon. The Phoenicians spread out in a trade diaspora two millennia ago, establishing colonies from Spain to Cyprus. The team also found that one third of Lebanese have the markers for Phoenician descent, and that these are spread evenly through the population, among both Christians and Muslims. In fact, all Lebanese have broadly similar sets of genetic markers. The lead researcher commented, "Whether you take a Christian village in the north of Lebanon or a Muslim village in the south, the DNA make-up of its residents is likely to be identical . . ."

In a Lebanese context these findings are politically explosive. There is a longstanding conflict among Lebanese as to whether they are Arabs or Phoenicians, with adherents of the Phoenician identity predominantly Christian. This sort of identity politics fed into the civil wars. In fact, Arabic is a language, not a race, and Phoenician descent is a heritage of all humankind by now.

I don't want to sound like a broken record, but the presence those distinctive "Phoenician" haplotypes on the Y chromosome only tells us about a fraction of the descendants of Phoenicians. Let's say you had a Phoenician father in the port of Tyre in 50 BC who only had two daughters and no sons. And let us say he married one daughter to a resident Greek merchant. The sons and male descendants of the Greek merchant would lack the Phoenician signature on their Y chromosome, but would have a genetic inheritance from their Phoenician female ancestor. Since most genes get mixed up in every generation, there just would not be any way, after a while, to tell it.

Almost everyone in the world by now probably has some Phoenician ancestry. What the LAU team is finding is those lineages that retain markers for it. It is conceptually a difficult thing to keep in mind, but I am alarmed that a kind of Y chromosome or mitochondrial DNA fundamentalism will make people divide themselves up on these grounds and create new forms of racism.

On the other hand, any finding that might convince the Lebanese that they are all one family would be all to the good. Many Lebanese Muslims reject the idea that they are descendants of converts to Islam from Christianity and prefer to trace their ancestry to Arabia. The LAU team is finding that the Lebanese don't differ much among themselves.


At 10:46 AM, Blogger Jeff Crook said...

Thanks again for hitting the problems with mitochondrial DNA tracing. There are just too many historical variables to use DNA to make any sort of definitive declaration about anyone or any event in human history. This research is the phrenology of the 21st century.

We are all kin.

At 10:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Tiny quibble (a quiblet?): The Phoenician diaspora actually started nearly three millennia ago. They founded the Spanish port of Cadiz around 800 BCE and carried on an active commerce in tin with Britain back in the Bronze Age.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger freude bud said...

Recent findings that genetically-speaking there are basically no distinguishing features between the Irish, the Scotts, and the Brits seems to have had zero effect that I have seen on the general feeling amongst them that they are very different and distinct groups.

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, hapless haplotypes.

Would that we could then discover that the Jews of Palestine (50 BC, natch) played the same genetic song.

At 12:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Professor Cole for picking up on this story, especially as it regards the Phoenicians themselves. Their role in history has been minimalized or ignored. Larry above pointed out merely one aspect of their adventuresome history. Phoenicia has a nation and as a people should be counted in the upper ranks as are other ancient societies.

At 5:41 PM, Blogger James-Speaks said...

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At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know that this is an old post but i just read it
and i was wondering if you have a link to the study by the Lebanese American University about the Phenician genetic make up of the Lebanese population

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seafaring is generally associated with E1b1b Somalids (phoenicians were a much later Somalid Group), so technicially not all Somalids are phoenicians!

In Italy our heaviest E1b1b population centers are on the coasts, it doesn't matter if its Northern Coasts or Southern Coasts, up until Genoa E1b1b is still presistant at a strong 24% of the modern population!

In Syria, Cyprus & coastal Turkey those folks were the same people that moved to the Balkan Coasts & later Italy.

You Can't expect me to buy into a 24% Phoenician genetic contribution to Italy! When in reality the E1b1b Somalids Settled Italy long before there was a Phoenicia.

Also some guys say J2 is Phoenician, thats wrong because Greeks & ancient farmers were J2 while E1b1b were seafaring folks.

At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care if some Italians are Somalid or Not. The Pheonicians that came from LEBANON & LEBANON ONLY we built the civilization!
The ancient Somalids came from NE Africa to Lebanon first, then the Phoenicians spread their DNA in Italy not the other way around!


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