20 Killed in Baghdad Bombings;
Al-Maliki New Strong Man?
Three bombings in Baghdad on Monday left some 20 persons dead and many others injured. One bomb targeted a mini-bus with female Iraqi government employees on it. A woman suicide bomber detonated her payload in a crowd just outside the Green Zone. Although the Western press tried to tie these bombings to the vote on Wednesday on the security agreement with the US, such bombings are still commonplace in the capital, and are mostly carried out by Sunni Arabs
Although some commentators used the bombings to raise the question of whether it is safe yet for the US towithdraw, I don't see it. The bombings happened despite US military personnel being in the country.
The security agreement to be voted on Wednesday will affect the fate of 16,500 Iraqi prisoneers still in US custody. The agreement stipulates that the US may no longer hold Iraqis without charges and indefinitely. The US only has actual documented evidence against a few hundred prisoners, but considers some 5,000 highly dangerous. Military prosecutors are now working on these cases overtime.
The LAT says that the quick release by the Iraqi government of an Iranian national arrested by the US military in Iraq shows Iran's clout with the Iraqi government.
The LAT also speculates about the impact of the security agreement on Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who has asserted himself as a strongman in the past 8 months. He may have an even freer hand were the US to leave.
It is being alleged that the US kept a file on the private life of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, a serious violation of an informal agreement of the British and US governments not to spy on one another. The US was allegedly also listening in to the pillow talk of Iraqi interim president Ghazi al-Yawar. (Al-Yawar was wooing Nasrin Barwari, an interim cabinet minister whom he later married as a second wife). You have to wonder how much cooperation Bush extracted with these spy techniques applied to foreign leaders.
Al-Hayat reports in Arabic that lines have hardened among Iraqi parties in the question of whether they will vote for or against the security agreement in parliament on Wednesday. The United Iraqi Alliance (Shiite fundamentalist) has redoubled its backing. But the Sunni Iraqi Accord Front continues to have reservations, while the Sadr Movement is die-hard against it. The Sadrists are predicting that the votes are there to defeat the agreement.
At Tomdispatch.org, Larry Wilkerson is highlighted as a truth-teller. ' McClatchy reports political violence
in Iraq on Monday.
- Around 7:30 a.m. a magnetic bomb detonated under a bus for Ministry of Trade employees carrying 18 passengers – 17 female employees and a child. Fourteen passengers were killed, including the child. Three women and the bus driver were wounded, police and witnesses said.
- Around 8:30 a.m. a female suicide bomber detonated near the checkpoint three outside the International Zone where the U.S. embassy and Iraqi government buildings are located. Iraqi police say five people were killed – three civilians and two Iraqi soldiers – and 2 others were wounded. The U.S. military confirmed one death, the Iraqi soldier, and eight injuries.
- Around 11 a.m. a roadside bomb targeted a police patrol in Sinaa street near the Technology University in the Karrada neighborhood (east Baghdad). One person was killed and five others were wounded, including three policemen.
- A mortar hit Meda’in town ( south of Baghdad). Six people were wounded.
- Gunmen killed three brothers in Thiaba village of Muqdadiyah town (east of Baquba) around 11 a m.
- A sniper killed a policeman in Borsa neighborhood in Mosul city.
- Gunmen opened fire on policemen in Intisar neighborhood in Mosul city. One policeman was injured.'
Actually, that was third wife, not second.
I have to admit that I'm a bit confused on Iran's stance towards the SOFA. First they were against the agreement. Now they are almost in agreement with it although the Sadrists still stand firmly opposed.
Is it because of a split amongst the shiites? Is it because they have something up their sleeve for the coming parliamentary vote on the 24th? Or is it a message of conditional cooperation they are sending to the new American administration?
I've also read that it is a tactic to prove Iran's influence in Iraq. That they can fashion a consensus any which way they want - for or against. I am thoroughly unconveinced by this. Any theories, suggestions?
The Iraqi general election is due in just over a year, and Maliki's chance of retaining his job is virtually nil.
To win outright, his party must win the majority of the seats in parliament, but it is a faction of the small, unpopular, Da'wa part(ies.) To top it up, he is been unbelievably inept in providing the most basic functions despite the huge resources at his disposal, so his very presence in any list will be a major turn off.
Maliki is very good at scheming and back-stabbing, but he is too simple to manage anything. Last year, he promised to create 3 million jobs by "building factories to employ people", which goes to explain his amazing failure.
According to the ridiculous LAT article, Maliki is a strong man who has won big concessions from the US amking him popular in Iraq.
But it was Maliki, no other, who signed with Bush a Strategic Relations memorandum which gave the Americans breath-taking long-term rights in Iraq: dozens of mitiary bases, running the Iraqi intelligence forces and air space, preferential treatment for US corporations, immunity to the likes of Black Water ..etc.
The Iraqis know that Sistani said no, and Maliki had to agree. If that is a strong man (as LAT claims) what would a weak man be like?
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