Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Top Five Mistakes of the McCain Campaign in the past Week

1. McCain and Palin called up fraudster Ashley Todd and 'wishing her a speedy recovery' after she lied about being attacked by a tall Black man who carved a 'B' into her cheek.

2. They did no fact-checking, and if they can't do fact-checking before a telephone call like that now, when can we expect them to fact-check once they are in the White House.

3. Employing the kind of campaign directors in Pennsylvania that will come out and make incendiary remarks about what proved to be a hoax.

4. Palin says she supports scientific research on autism but she disses genetic research on fruit flies, which is key to scientific advances in this field.

5. The highest-paid McCain staffer is the one who does Sarah Palin's make up.


At 3:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, the Republicans are full swing into their "swift boating" mode, which has been extremely effective in the past.

Next they will be in their "let's win the election by cheating" mode, which is also extremely effective.

You can't beat a cheat.

At 3:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The worst was McCain's promise "I will maintain the value of your homes".

Apart from being anti-free market, the price inflation for the last few years is estimated at over $5.5 trillions. Where is he going to get this kind of money from?

At 4:10 AM, Blogger larkrise said...

If the choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate does not show John McCain's poor judgement, then I dont know what will. The woman is a disaster from start to finish. Surely, Fox News will hire her after the election and take her out of running anything other than a Far Right-Wing Fanatic's Talk Show.Just the thought of her becoming President, makes my skin crawl. She is so ignorant. She knows nothing about medical research; and yet has a baby with a condition that may one day be helped by such research. She insults community organizers. She reveals her ignorance about medical research. She spews hatemongering and fearmongering at the drop of a hat. She lies, spins, and smears. These actions are obvious. No one has to exaggerate or tell tales about her. Only the True Believers and the Rabid Right are taken in by her. THEY are the ones who are obviously and blatantly partisan.
Her truly dreadful environmental record is there for all to see. Defending her is a waste of time and energy. Anyone who does so would put their efforts to more appropriate use by working in a food pantry or volunteering for some other worthy charity. $150,000 would be far better spent on such activities than on lavish spending sprees for an already wealthy woman. I am weary of hearing how she is "frugal, middle class,just-folks". She is just phoney. Let Faux News give her a multi-million dollar contract like they give to Bill O'Reilly. From the way she has charged the State of Alaska for everything from soup to nuts, it is apparent she is all about money. If that is what it takes to get her out of government, then I am surely for it.

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course the silver lining in this whole pathetic dark cloud called the Republican campaign for president is that at $11,400 a week makeup guru Amy Strozzi can more than likely help young College Republican Rove/Attwater wannbe Ashley Todd "coverup" and disguise her self-mutilation.

What a bunch of sick, twisted desperate people Republicans are...

At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although it will not attract as much attention as her other celebrated gaffes, Palin's knee-jerk and dismissive criticism of fruit fly research - symptomatic of a fundamental hostility to science generally - demonstrates as much as any other gaffe her unsuitability for national leadership. Worse, it perpetuates the war on science that has been the last 8 years. We cannot afford any more of this crippling attitude from the White House.

At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

$22,800 for two weeks of a makeup artist's services?! My god! For that amount of money you can get a neck and face lift, a brow lift and an eye job from the best plastic surgeons in the world.

At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to knock down your first two points there, Juan, but the first article you link to actually attributes an Obama press release as wishing the woman a 'speedy recovery'. All it says about McCain and Palin is that they 'spoke to the victim and her family'.

At 3:04 AM, Blogger BF said...

The books that John Updike recommends the presidential candidates and their running mates to read:

"Did I actually write a soliloquy for a hamster?"


At 11:03 AM, Blogger InplainviewMonitor said...

The credit card scare

Under close examination, recent GOP scare about anonymous credit card donations appears to be pretty much pure bogus.

What happens is that in the end, credit card number uniquely identifies the donator's account and identity. So, in the end, credit card donations can't be really anonymous and remain to be an excellent tool against the election fraud.

At 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a question....In Salem, VA today, Ms. Palin has a rally scheduled, and the cost for attending is $10.00 per person...why the charge? It is a sad reality to think that these folks will waste $10.00....they should donate their money to a worthy cause like a local food would be far more appreciated!


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