Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Friday, October 31, 2008

Olbermann: McCain/ Khalidi

Keith Olbmermann on how the McCain campaign's sleazy attack on Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi backfired when it turned out that McCain had given Khalidi's non-profit over $400,000

Remember, buy Khalidi's "Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood" and give it out to friends who don't understand the situation in the Mideast.

See also Glenn Greenwald's savvy comments on the Neoconservative misuse of the charge 'anti-semite' to mean 'disagrees with Neocons,' thus cheapening the term.

Joe Klein questions the glib accusation that Khalidi is 'antisemitic.'

And Jane Hamsher weighs in on Joe Klein's courage.


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What goes around comes around.

At 10:44 PM, Blogger BF said...

It is remarkable that Ms Palin has not taken the trouble to learn the correct pronunciation of "Khalidi", which she pronounces as "Calady" [watch around 1:14 min into the above video].

And, last week was Ms Palin denigrating research on fruit flies:

Lastly, some may be interested to know that Ms Palin is now being cited in film reviews, such as that of Quantum of Solace:

Here, Mr Peter Bradshaw writes:

"But it's all a cover. What Bond really wants is revenge on this man who stole his love. M, played by Dame Judi Dench, is furious with Bond as he starts topping and whacking people right, left and centre, without maintaining proper discipline. MI6 decides it must cut Bond loose, because he's gone rogue - like Sarah Palin, only with less expensive clothes."


At 10:44 PM, Blogger Leila Abu-Saba said...

Thank you for posting this. I normally ignore and avoid all broadcast TV. This clip gave me several big belly laughs which I desperately needed.

At 4:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is remarkable that Ms Palin has not taken the trouble to learn the correct pronunciation of 'Khalidi', which she pronounces as 'Calady'."

Why is it remarkable? She has not taken the trouble to learn the correct pronunciation of the word "nuclear", which she insists upon pronouncing "nukyular", despite the fact that for her speech at the RNC she was heavily coached, and it was written nu clear for her on the teleprompter. She pronounced it correctly in that speech, but has never done so since then, thus demonstrating that her only real skill is reading a teleprompter, not learning or remembering new stuff.

And she has also not taken the trouble to learn the correct pronunciation of Iraq or Iran, has she?

But it IS interesting that her pronunciation of Khalidi as KuLADee is not only incorrect, it is not consistent with the English transliteration of the name, nor even with the way virtually every other American mispronounces it. Seriously, how difficult is it for government and media people to find out how to pronounce common Arabic names? The name is pronounced KHAlidee, not KuLEEdee.

At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree 99% with you and the references you cite, especially Glenn Greenwald's perceptive comment that many former Bushies are sensing the political wind and supporting Obama...and can be expected to revert to conservatism when the wind changes.
But I strongly disagree with Joe Klein's comment that Arabs can't be anti-semitic because Arabs are also Semites. He should know better--the term anti-semitism means anti-Jewish and was invented in Europe when there were lots of Jews there but few Arabs.


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