Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

US-Iran Relations

Riz Khan on US-Iranian relations, interviewing Gary Sick.

Veteran diplomat Edward P. Djerejian also weighs in on US-Iranian relations:

'You negotiate peace with your adversaries and enemies, not with your friends. That is what diplomacy is all about. With current sanctions and talks under the aegis of the United Nations making little progress in impeding Iran's nuclear program, concerns are mounting and there is a steady drumbeat of possible resort to military options. Under these circumstances, and on the eve of our presidential elections, there could be no more urgent need than to address the overall United States-Iranian relationship. '


At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched the video clip, wow I am surprised we still have a few people in this country that know a thing or two.
Considering what is happening these days, and noone being held accountable for all the goof ups economicaly or poticaliy.
Regarding Iran, let's not forget they are the only democracy in the region besides Israel, albeit with some restriction non the less they old election.
Considering where Iran stands today despite all difficulties, less not forget Iran (wheather you like it or not)despite all 30 yrs economic embargo by U.S is a stronger country.
You ask how could that be? well it is easy for someone to look internally and find out how self suffiecient in regard to defend themself.
I been saying for yrs u.s embargo is the biggest help that government could get to stay in power, you may been asking again how could that be?
In regard to their nuclear stand, one needs to understand why?
Just take a deep look in their economic stands and where the population will be in 20 yrs.
Iran needs that nuclear energy in order to prevent their type of economic armageddon.
Let me finish this post by this note, which will be a surprise to all warmongring population here
Iran is the only country in the region that population has most respectful view toward u.s population, despite all drum beat by media we have yet to see any physical casualty from Iran even during that 455 hostage crisis.
Let's chew on that

At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neither McCain nor Obama will meet with Ahmadinejad while he's in New York of course.

This would be a perfect opportunity for a frank, diplomatic discussion of issues and a more detailed exploration of ideological positions held by the Iranian president and clerics. Unfortunately that is far less important to * both * candidates than is political grandstanding. This type of republican-lite behavior from Obama may help explain why his support has fallen off dramatically.

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Ahmadinejad Eager for Public Debates with US Presidential Candidates

24 September 2008

NEW YORK - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday he is "ready" to meet publicly with both US presidential candidates while he is in the U.S.

"The podium given to us by the UN is a great opportunity," Ahmadinejad said during his speech to the United Nations Council. "Far better than threats, political pressures, when words come out that are sometimes baseless."

"....I strongly condemn President Ahmadinejad's outrageous remarks at the United Nations, and am disappointed that he had a platform to air his hateful and anti-Semitic views," [democratic U.S. presidential candidate Barack] Obama said.

Nevertheless, Ahmadinejad said on CNN's Larry King Show on Tuesday night that he would gladly meet with Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain to discuss and debate world issues with them.

At 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iran, USA and Nuclear Dilemma:

There are solutions to the dilemma of nuclear fuel for Iran unless we are just playing politics. The solutions demand the International cooperation mostly from the USA.

Israel has nuclear bomb, Iran does not. Should Iran acquire nuclear bomb to balance the threat from Israel?
No. It would be insanity to acquire it. Then we must demand that Israel should eliminate her nuclear bomb.
Solution: make the Middle East free of nuclear bomb.

Should Iran continue to develop her nuclear fuel cycle for generation of electricity? Yes. The alternative options will increase the Iranian dependence on other nations. The recent problems of Iran to acquire from Russia nuclear fuel for the Bushehr nuclear power station prove my argument.

If we don't want Iran to have any nuclear fuel cycle, then place all nuclear fuel enrichment facilities in the world under the control of only IAEA for production and distribution, and waste disposal. Otherwise, accept the Iranian concept of nuclear fuel consortium.


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