Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Nation of Masochists

"I send my tormentor hurrying
hither and thither in the
service of my
suffering and desire."
- Mason Cooley (d.2002)

I have concluded that Americans, who pretend in public to be straitlaced, are in fact rabid masochists addicted to whips, black leather and the application of fists. It turns out that large numbers of people throughout the world are accidentally asphyxiated every year because they need to be choked for maximum pleasure.

The diagnosis of national masochism is the only thing that can satisfactorily explain the poll numbers in the presidential race.

Let's get this straight.

The Republican Party came to Washington, DC, in 2000 with a solid majority in both houses of Congress and on the Supreme Court, allowing them to steal the presidency, as well. If you wanted to know what a pure Republican-Party government unhindered by the Democrats, Libertarians, Greens or Socialists might look like, this was the moment.

So they came to power when there was a budget surplus bequeathed by a Democratic president.

They immediately ran up a big deficit every year since, doubling the national debt from $5 trillion to $10 trillion. You don't run big deficits of $300 and $400 billion a year in good times according to Keynes. You save the the deficit spending for a recession, when the economy needs a jolt. If you're already racking up a big deficit every year in a good economy, you have no way of making a difference during a significant downturn except by then going for a truly mega-deficit, which risks destroying the value of your currency abroad. In a service economy like that of the US, a dollar with a declining value might not even help the economy via exports very much, since the manufactured goods are being made down in Mexico now, anyway.

Note that Clinton had been talking about using the surplus to pay down the debt or to fix the looming crisis in social security.

With the government encumbered with $5 trillion in new debt before September, and now with another trillion and a half (probably when it is all said and done with), how exactly will social security be fixed?

(Hint: Republican leaders such as Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich hated social security, because the people are grateful to the Democrats for it. Bush tried to privatize it and McCain would have helped him; you wonder if they are trying deliberately to destroy it. Social security is the main reason for which the elderly are not now, as they were in the 1930s, the poorest and most miserable section of society.)

Then many of the Republicans came to Washington with a crooked plan to use fraudulent methods to ensure that campaign financing went almost exclusively to them through super-lobbyists like Jack Abramoff. Grover Norquist's K-Street Project aimed at guaranteeing big corporate dollars for the Republicans in exchange for their granting the corporations the right to write the legislation affecting their industry. Thus, laws governing pharmaceuticals were written by the pharmaceutical industry lobbyists and just signed off on by the Republicans.

This scam goes beyond Marx's fear that government in a business society was just a "managing committee" for the business classes. Tom Delay, from 2002 the Republican Party majority leader in the House, was too lazy even to be the managing committee! The K-Street crowd just let the business classes run the legislature directly, themselves, having the regulatory laws written to suit them.

So Abramoff, Delay, the K-Street crowd are busted. Once upon a time such a thing would have been a huge political scandal and would have haunted the party that produced it. But because US Big Media is mostly Republican-owned, it just quietly subsided as a story.

It is not just that the rap sheet against the Class of 2000, 2002, and 2004 among the Republican politicians is longer than a trans-Atlantic cable, it is that so much of the corruption took the form of a conspiracy.

All parties have people in them looking to get rich on the side. But the K Street Project and various other such scams weren't just about individual aggrandizement. They were about fixing the whole American system permanently to kow-tow to the super-rich without so much as a whimper, and to positively punish the middle classes.

After the 2002 mid-terms, even George W. Bush wanted to do a tax cut for the middle classes. But Cheney over-ruled him, insisting on another deep tax cut for the very wealthy. We won the mid-terms, Cheney said. This is our due. Deficits don't matter. "Our" due? Cheney is saying that the Republican Party is the party of the super-rich, of the 3 million at the top of American society who own 45% of the privately held wealth (as though we were Brazil), and they are the ones that will be exclusively benefited by Republican rule.

Of course, there were many other conspiracies by the pirouetting pirates of plunder.

There was the Iraq War, one of the great criminal conspiracies of modern times. Barton Gellman has how related the story of how Dick Cheney lied to Dick Armey before the vote on the war, telling him that Saddam's family was all al-Qaeda and that Saddam's evil scientists had made a suitcase nuclear bomb that he would certainly turn over to Bin Laden, and such rank horse manure as that. Dick Armey weeps, says he deserved better than to be bullshitted by the vice president of the United States.

They took us to war against a country that had not attacked the United States; they killed or maimed 33,000 Americans, and turned a whole Arab Muslim country into a burned-out hulk, displacing millions and continuously bombing the very cities that they had conquered and occupied, killing and disfiguring.

They propagandized us with implausible lies about mobile biological weapons labs and Baathist al-Qaeda, and our journalists and their corporate bosses bought them hook line and sinker, as did the public.

Cable and satellite television "news" tells us nothing of elections in India or constitutional crisis in Thailand, and barely mentions a major workers strike at Boeing. Dozens of car bombs go off in Iraq and we are told it is "calm" now. It is a vast electromagnetic form of bread and circuses, wherein hapless celebrities and philandering politicians are fed to the lions before millions of cheering plebes, by corporate moguls desperately hoping that the marks will not notice the legion of pickpockets in the arena, relieving them of their purses.

This crew in Washington thought nothing of assiduously attempting to induce the press to out a covert CIA operative working against Iranian nuclear proliferation, Valerie Plame. Their culture of lies is such that they attempt to divert attention from all the phone calls to journalists by Irv Lewis Libby and Karl Rove trying to get the press to print her name by saying that those two did not succeed. As if the attempt were not dastardly!

Why is trying to inform the Iranians of the identity of a CIA field officer assigned to spy on Iran not an act of treason? After all, you can't inform the world without also informing the Iranians. Isn't the punishment for treason hanging?

The Republican Party conducted a vast illegal spying operation on Americans and on foreign diplomats. We still don't know why exactly, and that the operation had domestic political motivations cannot be ruled out.

They imposed on us this so-called PATRIOT act that gutted the Constitution. The peaceful protesters in St. Paul at the RNC were actually charged with being terrorists, in this Brave New World.

By their incompetence and cupidity the Republican politicians deeply damaged the relief effort for one of America's great cities, New Orleans, which will never see the $33 billion pledged for its reconstruction. Not to mention that levies and bridges are breaking and falling down all around us because Cheney did not want to tax his billionaire friends to pay for the country's infrastructural upkeep.

And then they so radically deregulated and removed any oversight from the banking system that they came within hours of presiding over a 1929-style absolute meltdown of the entire financial and securities system. To cover the criminal activities of their cronies, they are now proposing to impose a fine of one trillion dollars on the middle class, to ensure that their partners in crime will receive their $25 million Christmas bonuses and be held harmless for their misdeeds.

And in the wake of the greatest and most sustained act of systematic plunder since the Mongol hordes appropriated to themselves the riches of everyplace in Asia from Beijing to Isfahan, the reaction of the supine and slave-like American voting public is to scratch their heads and have a hard time deciding if they would like more of the same.

Despite his aristocratic prerogatives and connections in high society, even the Marquis de Sade himself was brought down by a lowly maid, who complained to the police of his cutting her while having his way with her, leading to his arrest.

In contrast to that plucky domestic servant, the American public appears to enjoy being lacerated while being badly used, moaning with delight at each new act of abuse and abasement, while, blue-lipped, gasping for air.

One worries for our children, threatened with the fate of the homeless street children so common in the sort of third world country into which we are being turned by our managing committee.

But, well, if you are determined to bend over on November 4, at least I hope you enjoy pain. In that case, you are going to be ecstatic.


At 5:32 AM, Blogger James-Speaks said...

Google on "Flat Earth Society" and the first hit is a site at

Go figure.

As for our collective masochism, keep in mind that all Americans think that the bad stuff only happens to someone else. They think the dollar is is unassailable. They need to think again. Since 9/11, it appears forces unknown/unseen have been quietly undermining the dollar with the help, of course, of everyone who pushed us into wars unwinnable with funds invisible. What happens next will be quite unpalatable. Harumph!

At 6:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Juan, let me say that you have a decidedly sharp and witty pen, and you know how to wield it. The only issue I would take up with you is that this is a issue that cannot just be left at the door of Republicans, but the Democrats also feasted. Every step of the way they stamped with approval what this administration did, it is quite undeniable even in the examples you give.

Which brings us to one conclusion, this is a systemic issue. What we have is the grand finale of a "grand experiment." Being founded as a polyarchy it has developed full blown to the present hour. Another election is not going to deliver the cure.

Government of this nature has and always will be a franchise of the elite. We all know that the politicians are their for window dressing, and the real "state" is always in power, and those are the moneyed few. So if we want to see change it will have to be deep and abiding, it can only be brought about by the people as a whole. By now you probably know what I am writing about, and that it has little to do with the status quo or the next election. If you are still unclear I can elaborate.

At 6:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, Professor Cole:

Don't beat around the bush - say what you really think!

This savaging of the Republican administration is just what every McCain supporter needs to read. I'm printing off copies for my friends and relatives in this "red town."

At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Thank you, Juan. May I please have another? Seriously.

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Jill said...

I hate to say this, but I think it's more like a nation of racists and xenophobes. John McCain may be awful, but people think they know what they're going to get. Barack Obama has an unfamiliar-sounding name, and his "pigmentation is unseemly." And he's running in a nation of incurious dupes. Thinking people would at least try to debunk the smear e-mails they receive instead of deciding those e-mails give them an excuse for a racist vote.

At 7:17 AM, Blogger PRS said...

Nice summation of the state of affairs, worthy of a play by de Sade himself. But Juan, it's football season. We've no time for all that stuff. McCain wears the red, white, and blue, and will lead the home team. That's all that matters. We're the nation that scores the touchdowns. It doesn't matter how many of the huddled masses are left dead and mangled on the field. We'll play it to the end. It's the American way, ain't it?

At 7:33 AM, Blogger James-Speaks said...

I have only one word for the corrupt Republicans and their Fox News spoketrolls:

Guillotine! Guillotine!

Okay, two words, or one word twice.

At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All too true, Professor, but I assume that poll numbers can be made fraudulent as well.

At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good to see some real passion!
But "masochism" is not quite the right word. The ability to feel moral outrage, which of course is predicated on the ability to tell right from wrong, has been systematically bred out of the American people. Inability to perceive in the moral sphere leads to being manipulated, hence to feeling of low self-worth - this resembles masochism but is not quite the same thing.

At 7:56 AM, Blogger News from Mad Plato said...

Juan, this was one of your best. Quite literary.
Thank you.
M.L. Squier

P.S. May today's autumn leaves brighten and renew the minds and souls of the American electorate, and prevent the GOP from further propelling us towards perdition.

At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...supine and slave-like American voting public"!!!!
Very good Juan, and so very true!!!

The land of those who "think" they're free, and the home of the milquetoasts"!!!

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Professor Cole, I deeply respect your wisdom and draw on your work constantly, but I have to say that there is a simple answer to your question, and it doesn't involve whips, black leather or the application of fists.

After very effectively laying out the case against the Bush Administration -- a sharp, succinct and true bill of indictment -- you then say:

..."the reaction of the supine and slave-like American voting public [to all this] is to scratch their heads and have a hard time deciding if they would like more of the same."

Why is this? Because in very many, very important respects, "more of the same" is all they are being offered -- by BOTH parties.

You eloquently describe the flagrantly criminal activities of the Bush Administration, each of them crying out for where are the bills of impeachment introduced by Senators Obama and Biden? Where are the high-profile, Watergate-style Senate hearings into the Administration's high crimes launched by the Democratic-controlled Congress? Where are the federal marshals rounding up Administration minions who defy subpoenas and refuse to testify before Congress? When have we seen Obama or Biden leading public crusades denouncing the heinous practice of official torture or aggressive war, putting themselves out in front of these issues? Where are Obama's pledges to relentlessly pursue prosecution of these still-fresh crimes once he comes to office, without fear or favor?

Where, in short, are the indications that the malefactors of the Bush Administration will face even the slightest tincture of justice for their crimes if Obama is elected? And if they do not, then the situation will indeed be "more of the same."

Where was Obama when the time came to stand up against the illegal surveillance of American citizens that you have rightly and eloquently decried? He was standing on the other side, with Bush and Cheney, voting to legitimize tyrannical powers and immunize lawbreakers. More of the same.

What does Obama offer us as his future foreign policy? He will "withdraw combat troops" from Iraq, he says, as long as "conditions on the ground" are right. This is also what Bush and McCain say is their policy, and their ultimate goal. But Obama, like those two, plans to leave an unspecified number of U.S. troops in Iraq, in those impermanent permanent bases. More of the same.

Obama proposes expanding the War on Terror to Pakistan's hinterlands -- a policy already being adopted by Bush and promoted by McCain. More of the same. He also supports expanding the war in Afghanistan itself, with more troops (and more blunderbuss airstrikes to support these troops). More of the same. Obama has declared his fast intent to bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO, baiting the Russian bear just like Bush and McCain, and reigniting the Cold War. More of the same.

Like Bush and McCain, Obama too rattles the nuclear sword at Iran, vowing in no uncertain terms that he will never take ANY option "off the table" against Iran. More of the same. Like Bush and McCain, Obama has declared his support for the hardest-line Israeli policies against Palestine, and he too refuses to have any truck with the democratically-elected Hamas government. There is virtually no chance whatsoever that an Obama administration would be substantially different in any way from Bush and McCain. It will be, in every important respect, more of the same.

Like McCain, Obama proposes an even larger military machine, one even more ready to strike anytime, anywhere, all over the world, to any perceived "threat" to the ever-unspecified "American interests." More of the same. Like McCain and Bush, Obama says nothing about rolling back America's vast empire of military bases -- those provocative and intrusive imperial outposts that produce so much of the kind of grievous blowback that Chalmers Johnson, among others, has documented so well. More of the same. Like Bush and McCain, Obama has been completely silent about America's direct involvement in the horrific conflict in Somalia -- another botched and murderous job like Iraq. More of the same.

Obama supports the $700 billion theft of American tax money to be ladled out to the cruel and stupid wastrels of the elite, albeit with a few mild caveats about "oversight" -- no doubt the same kind of rigorous "oversight" we have seen from the Democrats throughout the Bush Administration. But the end result will be, yes, more of the same: vast amounts of public money spent to coddle elites and protect them from the consequences of their actions, while millions of ordinary people suffer lasting hardship.

What's more, Obama's own hands as president would be tied by the massive commitment of public funds to the bailout. More money for education, for infrastructure, for affordable health care, for a "Manhattan Project" on global warming? Sorry, can't afford it; we're too busy paying off Wall Street's debts, and expanding the military, and spreading the War on Terror into Pakistan, and maintaining tens of thousands of "non-combat" troops in the hostile environment of a country we destroyed in a criminal act of aggression that no one is going to be held accountable for. But don't worry, there is still enough money left for us to eavesdrop on your emails whenever we feel like it. So that's OK, right?

The Obama campaign has been a massive, historical failure in terms of offering anything like a genuine alternative to the dysfunctional and destructive system we have now. This is not to say that an Obama administration would not be different in numerous and not insignificant ways from a McCain regime. But that is not the issue here. The question is why the election is still in doubt, why McCain may very well win it, even though he represents a continuation of policies that most Americans have thoroughly rejected. And I repeat, this is not because Americans are masochists, or suffer from some other collective character flaw. It is because they see both candidates offering more war, more meddling in the affairs of other nations, much much more of the military-industrial complex, more coddling of the rich, less liberty for our citizens and a bleaker future for our children as they spend decades paying off the debts of the rich and facing the terrible storms of blowback from the imperial adventures that both candidates support.

It is so unreasonable that many people would feel hesitant about such a "choice"? Who should really be castigated here, especially in such harsh and lurid terms? The American people? Or those who failed to offer them a clear and genuine and substantive alternative to "more of the same."

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Ron Bruce said...

You nailed it Juan...

and didn't even get around to the heart throb of the working class, the VP to be, the erstwhile governor of Alaska and moose wrestler, Sarah Palin.

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My own sad experience is, that reality is simply not a factor for most people when they decide on how to vote.

You can talk till you are blue in the mouth, but a republican will vote republican. ALWAYS! Even if they make Frankenstein's Monster a candidate (frankly, they did do that, didn't they?).

Republicans vote like that because it they just hate 'liberals'. Hating 'liberals' for some reason makes them feel good and better than...uhm...liberals.

The democrats are foolish to try to win republican votes. It's not possible. Democrats would have to mobilize their own base and people who usually don't vote. They are doing no such thing. Thus the outcome of the elections is already certain.

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The diagnosis of national masochism is the only thing that can satisfactorily explain the poll numbers in the presidential race."

you need to travel outside of Ann Arbor, where the population is relatively well educated ( U of M, EMU, Washtenaw CC, etc ) and get thee out to the hinterlands - the amerikan sheeple are just plain flat out stupid / retarded / inbred. i just don't know how else to say it. plus they are as racist as the day is long. in the pundits' look at this presidential race last year and up to today, they leave that component out - the racism, the bigotry, the prejudice. Obama may be the best candidate in the universe, but do i have to tell you how many people i have heard say "i ain't votin' for no n*****"?? i told my parents before the democratic primary that if Obama won the primary battle, the democrats had unfortunately just lost the war.

so, i don't think the amerikan sheeple even know that they are doing themselves in - they just see skin color. and that, my friend, is what is going to seal the fate of this republic.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Bravo !!

but didn't Clinton invoke the deregulation of the financial industry?


At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesomely brutal telling it like it is, Juan. This post should blanket the internet. I don't think it's really masochism, but rather sleep walking. Wake up, America!

At 9:42 AM, Blogger sherm said...


At 9:46 AM, Blogger InplainviewMonitor said...

Psychology aside...

The way GOP ideological machine works as it does 24*7, they can present a 4-star general with Nobel prize in physics as a monster. But they can also present somebody half-literate as a hero of fighting for one bogus "right" or another.

On the contrary, dems seem to get active only when they see unfavorable poll numbers. Once they get 5% advantage, there is a general feeling of self-congratulating satisfaction and it is all over - until they lose this advantage.

It appears that it is all based on personalities on the dems' side. For example, now that Clintons are out of the direct race, they just don't care what is going on.

Hillary shows no intent to engage Palin on women issues. What is even worse, her main fundraiser Rothschild changes sides to McCain in the critical moment of the race.

On economy, it is clear that GOP economic theory is dead because it is impossible to imagine a reasonable theory according to which $1T can be spent unexpectedly. If there is any need in economic theory, it is exactly to avoid situations like now.

But now we see that Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are allowed to do both investment and regular banking - contrary to old post- Great Depression regulation.

This means that systemic infrastructural regulation is replaced by ad hoc day-to-day bureaucratic limitations. Sure, it is a perfect opportunity for those directly involved, but, in general, a huge and ugly can of worms is opened.

Coveting for a check to spend $1T, the GOP cares only to get it as blank as possible without any visible concern for comprehensive systemic measures.

Still, dems are busy putting lipstick on a pig and promoting cosmetic corrections for fatally flawed GOP measures. This looks like a problem to me!

At 10:04 AM, Blogger John Rohan said...

I'm not going to respond to every point of this wildly one-sided and insulting post, because I frankly don't have the time.

But: 1) You are assuming that every bad event in recent history was due to Republicans alone, not to terrorist attacks, worldwide financial decisions, or heaven forbid, the Democrats as well (who also voted to authorize the Iraq war, allowed the deficit to climb, support the current bailout, etc).

2) You assume that McCain is some cookie-cutter Republican and painting him with the same broad brush as if he was George Bush. You and I both know he is not.

3) Many of your facts are flat-out wrong - you know the claim that Bush tried to "privatize" social security is a wild exaggeration; all he did was try to give people the option of having a portion of their SS savings in private investments (of course, with the current government takeover of the major banks, I'm not sure how "privatized" that would have been in the end, anyway!)

I'm not voting for Obama, and it's not because I am a masochist - it's because I look at the long record and miliary service of one senator from Arizona vs. the junior senator from Illinois, and to me, it's no contest.

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Empires typically end orgiastically, but this one's looking more like Jonestown, so I think suicidal religion is a better metaphor than sexual kinkiness.

At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the difference in having a President who is for waging more war in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as Obama wishes, and thinking that is any reasonable change?

At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Dr. Cole. That's one of the better synopses of the past seven years, or indeed the past seventy or more. I continually wonder why people--especially the poor-- vote against what is clearly their best interests. A friend terms this "pludentity", or the desire to pretend you are wealthy by voting as if you were wealthy. Which is another way to deny you are poor, which of course in America is the highest sin.

I must pick one bone: you use the 33,000 figure for dead and wounded Americans, which I assume is the much repeated Pentagon total for dead and wounded. I believe that in the past you have reported more than once that this figure is a gravely misleading accounting of US military casualties in Iraq, both in terms of overall numbers, and in terms of the severity of injuries. My recollection is that the actual, carefully buried figures for the total number of medical evacuees from Iraq runs just about double that figure, with more than 50,000 having been evacuated as of two or three years ago, and the total certainly much higher now. By determined repetition and constant obfuscation, and the ready assistance of uncritical media, the Pentagon has made the lower figure stick in the public mind, which is a coup of the public consciousness that all who repeat it enable and support. A single additional example of casualty obfuscation would be the changing definition of "combat casualties", and I would like to hear from our military friends to what degree this term has been politically morphed, and especially if the change has diminished the treatment or benefits of troops disabled or killed in Iraq in "non-combat" incidents. Any way to externalize costs, not that military accounting means anything.

I recently heard that an Iowa flood victim was visited by FEMA which, via interview, determined that he was eligible for flood relief. The bedroom set, refrigerator, washer and dryer were covered. The stereo, radio, carpet, and drywall were not. But the television was definitely covered--must keep the stream flowing. He got his check. It was higher than he expected. He asked for an item by item breakdown, and also asked if they could do anything about the mold. Sorry, no accounting was the reply. And you're on your own with the mold. How do you like your new tv?

At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Complacent, uncritical Americans soon to have government assistance:
“Acknowledging that 20 years and millions of dollars spent loudly and bitterly attacking the liberal leanings of American campuses have failed to make much of a dent in the way undergraduates are educated, some conservatives have decided to try a new strategy. (snip) They are finding like-minded tenured professors and helping them establish academic beachheads for their ideas.”

At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear, hear.

At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your characterization of the criminal Bush administration and the GOP plagued by neoconservatism is largely accurate. However, you omit discussing the most drastic failure: 9/11.

If Pelosi and the democrats had made serious attempts to impeach the most criminal president in history (w/ Cheney) than it would be much easier for me to vote for a Democrat this election cycle. However the Democrats have also failed to hold our leaders accountable and uphold the sanctity of the US Constitution.

Many people feel trapped in this two-party duopoly of political power. That is why turnout for this election will still be less than half of those registered and maybe a quarter of those who are eligible.

At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

right on juan.... argentina 2002 here we come.

At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheney et al's lesson from the Marquis de Sade is that he didn't cut the lowly maid enough.

At 12:44 PM, Blogger artistdogboy said...

I agree with the premise that older white folks and others can't bring themselves to vote for a black man.
This type of widespread unspoken racism is keeping the presidential race from being a complete runaway for Obama

At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While citing Grover Nyquist's site, the main point of Grover Nyquist's efforts is to 'destroy government'. He has publicly stated such and what is ironic is that such efforts are, in effect, working in a backwards way.
Glenn Greenwals perhaps has said what needs to be said best: "The people on whose behalf these schemes are being implemented -- the true beneficiaries -- are the very same people who have been running and owning our Government -- both parties -- for decades, which is why they have been able to do what they've been doing without interference. They were able to gamble without limit because they control the Government, and now they're having others bear the brunt of their collapse for the same reason -- because the Government is largely run for their benefit."

At 1:10 PM, Blogger jte said...

Please, please, please: I agree that the Republican Party and leadership (and the base that empowers them) deserve great blame for a great many significant problems we now face. But a "Social Security crisis" is not one of them. Professor Cole: for all that you rely on the analysis of progressive economists on so many other topics, when will you notice that the "crisis" in Social Security is a fake? Not just the Republican's preferred "solution," but the "fact" of the problem in the first place. See, for example, Dean Baker's and Mark Weisbrot's "Social Security: The Phony Crisis," among others.

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One small problem with Juan Cole's essay -- partisanship.

This problem has been bipartisan from the start. That it happened under the Bush/Cheney Admin is serendipity for those who like to laud the Noble Donkey and denigrate the Criminal Elephant. But such partisan denigration shouldn't garner much intellectual empathy, really.

NOTHING that has been done during Bush/Cheney could have been accomplished so quickly and easily if it were not for the full complicity of the Democrats.


But partisan Donkeyphiles will continue to bray and keen at the evil deeds of the Criminal Elephants, as if the only problem we face is those doggone Elephants.

The course of events since the 2006 election is clear -- pure Donkey complicity.

The course of events in the 2000 election was clear -- Gore didn't even bother challenging the Constitutional nature (or lack thereof) of the SCOTUS decision in Bush v Gore. If you were Al Gore and you really believed your right to be POTUS had been stolen, and then confirmed by a corrupt SCOTUS, would you merely accept the SCOTUS decision and call it a day?

I wouldn't.

Nor would Al Gore if his real aim were to represent America, and the American Government's pivotal organic document, the Constitution.

And if you really wanted to get the nation back would you offer John Kerry in 2004, on a platform that was basically little more than

"I'm not Bush"

while holding the same views and aims as Bush/Cheney?

I wouldn't. But that's what the DNC and DLC did.

And witness the current candidacy of Barack Obama.

So Juan Cole would have me believe this is all due to Criminal Elephants.

And I just don't believe Juan Cole on that point. Perhaps it's time for professor Cole to rethink his partisan loyalties.

At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Think of America as a town with one casino, in which the only economic activity is gambling. Most people lose, but the casino keeps lending them more money to play. Eventually, of course, the casino must go bankrupt. At this point, the townspeople people vote to tax themselves in order to bail out the casino. Collectively, the gamblers cannot help but lose; individually they nonetheless hope to win their way out of the hole."

At 2:24 PM, Blogger super390 said...

Chris Floyd,

The purpose of the far right movement for the last 40 years has been to frame the debate further and further towards extremes, leaving the Democrats chasing a ever more reactionary public. You act as though there was no difference between Bush and Gore. Well, we live in a police state in which ordinary people are taxed to maintain a corrupt privatized empire, an Orwellian permanent war, and now all the financial institutions necessary for the rich to further profit. Normal people didn't think Bush was that far to the right in 2000 because the game of his movement is to push the terms of debate to the right and then slip in Trojan horse "unifiers" from right-wing states whose Democrats are already broken. Bush was a Christian extremist in 2000, but relied on a dog-whistle stealth campaign by Christian fascist ministers. The media refused to investigate.

Things can get much, much worse with McCain, who loves war and revenge in his very bones more than even Bush, and Bush's replacement as Christian Right fuhrer Sarah Palin.

John Rohan -

Hoover versus FDR. Who would you have voted for? That's all we need to know about you. The GOP got what it deserved then, America was saved, and still 75 years later we are told by the right's ideological priesthood that it wasn't capitalism's fault, that starving a few more bums and shooting a few more strikers would have delivered us from the horrible Communist dictatorship that we lived under until Reagan liberated us.

FDR gave capitalism one more chance to prove its right to exist. It abused its power in exactly the same way as before, defended by the same kinds of people, as soon as the memory of the Depression had faded. The only difference: this time the GOP president gave himself dictatorial powers in advance to crush the betrayed masses and prepare to be the aggressor in a new World War. Two strikes and you're out.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Romeo Morningwood said...

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it GOOD and HARD."
H. L. Mencken

Excellent and tragically all too true. Maybe it is time to shoot the messenger?

At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From an outsider, Canadian , to John Rohan, Chris Floyd and the like ... you reap what you sow and it's harvest time. After 7 years of solidarity, empathy, sympathy and understanding the good will has worn out. After 10 years of talking to you guys through my call centre job, and defending you guys to my fellow ignorant countrymen, I have given up. After the re-election of bush I had my hands full trying to help stop the spread of anti-American sentiment around me, from now on I am fully behind the encouragement of it. Time for tough love. I'm not fooled by Obama's claims to bring about all this change, abstract and generic, but the fact that a guy who was gleefully singing about bombing the Iranian population is almost tied is beyond comprehension, even for a foreigner who has dealt with American on a daily basis for a decade. Iran's leaders talk smack and you threaten their people because you hold them responsible for their leaders, I thinks it's time that you play by the same rules. My long standing policy of separating the American people from their leaders had ended, you are to blame for war crimes and incomprehensible financial crimes. I pray to God, Allah and the flying spaghetti monster that karma and justice finds all of America for their crimes of omission and commission.

At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Largely agree with your analysis. Don’t think that Americans are masochists but extremely dumbed down due to overexposure to commercial T.V. and the cooperate “news” media. As another commenter has pointed out, facts and reality do not matter much anymore when it comes to voting, or not voting.

At 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is much truth in most of these comments - the criminal Republican administration was aided and abetted extensively by Democrats even while the Republicans controlled all three branches,and it is beyond shameful that the Democrats since 2006 have utterly failed to begin the impeachment of at Bush and Cheney, perhaps not in that order, plus happily acceding to Bush's demands for retroactive immunity for the telecoms who facilitated his lawless wiretapping, and the like. Obama has been, indeed, a serious disappointment. But all that said, can anyone think that improvement in the broken system will come by electing John McCain, who is not only George Bush's third term, but demonstrably even more corrupt and soulless? If we get an Obama adminstration despite the best efforts of the Republican-controlled media, and the voting stealing plans of Rove et al, that is just the beginning of system reform. If we have a President McCain on January 20th, that is the end of reform, and perhaps the end of the United States as we knew it. Can anyone say "nuclear war with Russia?"

At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Economists Warn Anti-Bush Merchandise Market Close To Collapse

At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It did my functioning heart and brain good to read this. Lord knows, the next time I talk to dipshit acquaintances who are still trying to decide if the Bush crop are "bad people", it will be this summary of the past eight years that sustains me. No, I'm not crazy. Yes they are fucking evil.

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Comparison of Vehicles, Aircraft and Houses Owned By the 2008 Presidential Candidates and Their Families

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like it will make the NAU all that much easier and quicker to accomplish.

At 8:46 PM, Blogger MonsieurGonzo said...

ref : “Paulson cast the proposed market intervention as a lesser evil, arguing the consequences of inaction would be more dire than the large burden on taxpayers, while Democrats began to swap proposals with the Treasury.

This (type of propaganda) is called a "False Choice", and we have seen this device before (e.g., within recent American history employed by Bush/Cheney to FRAME various crisis-driven : a priori conceived agendas, such as... CRISIS : "Invade IRAQ", thus; or CRISIS : "offshore drilling", thus.)

The "False Choice" presents "We, the people" with this dilemma, apparent that, "to do NOTHING is worse, perhaps catastrophic! than it is to do this RADICAL thing that I want you to do."

It... "is a deliberate attempt to eliminate the middle ground on an issue," and the very fact that these politicians, from both Republican & Democratic parties, are employing this "False Choice" propaganda should cause us to be very wary about: Why our leaders believe it is necessary to attempt to fool us in such an obvious manner.

The question is not: “ Should we trust our Leaders ? ”

The question is: “Why do our Leaders not trust US ? ”

And the answer, imho, is that their conceit is: “Because it is so easy for us to fool you! To manipulate you all with gimmick, identity candidates; To divide you with wedge issues; and appeal to your base ANGST = fear & anger, rather than REASON.”

What is "un-American", shameless about the Republicans is that they equivocate the REASON of "We, the people," with treason.

What is "un-American" about the Democrats is that they fail to stop TREASON, even after "We, the people," elect them to do so.

At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is clear that many decisions are too big to leave to politicians and their vagaries. The US dismal state is a very good demonstration of this. Here in Australia, we have seen similar examples, the Murray_Darling river dying being a good one. When left to the politicians it was turned into a disaster. It is now being handed over to a management authority that will use science as its basis for doing the planning. I am sure you can find many more examples where politcally based decisions have lead to avoidable disasters.
The sooner we move some of these decision making areas to specialists who also have every chance of having less of a vested interest and hence can make better decisions, the sooner we get away from a system that is clearly "broke".

At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I like to say.
Everything is on schedule please move along.
Thanks Juan

At 10:11 PM, Blogger stewarjt said...

Good call, Dr. Cole!

I'm an economist. Unless someone can explain to me the exact mechanism by which Wall Street investment bank failures are detrimental to the working class, then I'm against bailing them out!

At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, polls are not to be trusted - anyone who looks at how the questions are slanted should know that by now.

Second, electronic voting systems are insecure, and voter rolls are under assault as well, meaning that the integrity of the election is not the least bit guaranteed.

Bush stole the White House in 2000 with the aid of a politicized right-wing supreme court. 5-4 vote? That's U.S. democracy for you.

Did the press cover it? No - the press lied. Maybe the press is the real problem, after all - maybe they are the ones who should face the music - not the American people, bamboozled as they are.

At 12:13 AM, Blogger Jim Ginn said...

Bush's Legacy by the numbers

Federal Deficit (6.4 trillion up to 11.5 trillion) = $5.1 trillion

Iraq War (estimate) = $600 billion

The Wall Street Handout Bailout = $1.8 trillion

TOTAL is $7.5 trillion!

There's approximately 300 million US citizens.

Bush has borrowed (saddled) every US citizen with $25,000 of debt!

Family of 3 is $75,000!
Family of 4 is $100,000!

Not bad for a 'tax cutter'!

At 3:36 AM, Blogger BF said...

Dear all,

To rid our society (or societies) of the ills that we all seem to be seeing, and recognizing, we need to resort to a long-term solution, namely teaching our children their civic duties at the earliest possible stage in their lives. Most of us are simply unaware of these duties. I recommend all those who are troubled by the present sorry state of our political system, to watch the following speech by Mr Ralf Nader, delivered on December 29, 2006, on the occasion of the publication of his book "The Good Fight":

For details concerning "The Good Fight" please consult:

I take the opportunity and further refer the interested to the book "Failed States" by Professor Noam Chomsky:

In the Preface of this book, Professor Chomsky writes:

"Among the hardest tasks that anyone can undertake, and one of the most important, is to look honestly in the mirror. If we allow ourselves to do so, we should have little difficulty in finding the characteristics of "failed states" right at home. That recognition of reality should be deeply troubling to those who care about their countries and future generations. "Countries", plural, because of the enormous reach of US power, but also because the threats are not localized in space or time."


At 9:04 AM, Blogger Elisabeth Caron said...

For some it is indeed masochism; for those, very numerous, who believe cancer or car crashes will only affect others, it is sadism. No matter, they are all moved by the same pleasure principle.

At 9:13 AM, Blogger Thomas said...

What a load of twaddle.

Cole doesn't know much about fiscal policy or social security or New Orleans or the financial system. That's not his area of expertise, and so his ridiculous claims above aren't to be taken seriously. They are interesting in that they reveal the ignorance of a certain strain of the educated class, but that ignorance is now amply documented.

He is an expert on the Middle East--the sort of person one might turn to to see if an administration is telling the truth about threats from Iraq.

Cole supported the war in 2003.

What else is there to say? Oh, I know: Bush lied to Dick Armey. Somehow that's supposed to exculpate Cole. But it doesn't.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger ejh said...

The painting, by the way, is in the Prado in Madrid.

If you ever go to see it I recommend being there at the very start of the session and heading straight for it. If you do not, it may take you half an hour to work your way through the crowd in front of it.

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cole doesn't know much about fiscal policy or social security or New Orleans or the financial system.

As if you cared what Cole's expertise was. You read someone criticizing you, and you reacted by attacking his credibility. If you actually cared about the issues he was raising, you'd make a counter-argument.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Coop said...

bingo! you nailed it. i only wish your mini screed would become required reading for the sundry nitwits who populate the macain & palin rallies. of course, that would require them to read, so it's obviously a pipedream on my part.

give `em hell

At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ thomas : fortunately for all of us, You are "an expert" on Professor Cole, if not his opinions on current events.

At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thomas appears to think that Cole's support for the war in 2003 cancels any comment that he might make about the war now, or any other subject. The fact that scrupulous evidence now shows that Cheney (not Bush, who was also being manipulated) lied to Dick Armey, does indeed have something to do with it - it is part of the criminal endeavor undertaken by Cheney, with Bush's acquiescence, to get the war underway. Some people unfortunately accepted the premise, perhaps assuming that the president and vice president of the United States were decent persons and would not lie and lie and lie - until this was rudely and totally exposed in the first days and weeks of the war. So? That means that they must forever after foreswear any comment on anything?

The expression "the ignorance of a certain strain of the educated class" reeks of the 1930s to me. That kind of characterization is the most revealing element of this nasty little comment.

At 2:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Thomas. 2003 was a defining moment in history. EVERYONE had all the information concerning Iraq. EVERYONE knew that there was no WMD. EVERYONE knew that the entire USG and Congress (except Lee) was LYING. However the urge to kill Arabs and Muslims was irresistible. The day before Shock and Awe Iraqi's were dismantling some pathetic missiles that had a range of 100 Km instead of the 99 Km allowed by Gulf Bloodbath I. Loathsome people. Reap what you sow.

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you left out almost starting World War Three by attacking Iran.

(Which will be far more likely if that unstable and dangerous McCain gets elected.)

Mohammad Alireza
Tehran, Iran

At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do wish people would stop peddling the lie that Clinton left a budget surplus. The national debt has increased every year since 1957. If the debt increases then obviously there was a deficit not a surplus.
See this:

At 11:55 PM, Blogger jim said...

It's highly disingenuous to label the current state of the US as a Republicans-only affair. The Democrats have reacted to Bush's crimniality & folly in directly inverse ratio to their real power.

Pelosi spelled it all out with crystal clarity years ago when she said "impeachment is off the table" - refusing to do her duty, & choosing to enable an already criminal administration to carry on with further illegal activity. Responding to GOP operatives who scoff at subpoenas with "strongly worded letters" is unmitigated cowardice. Americans just aren't stupid enough to believe the latest pie-in-the-sky ... they remember how that has turned out in the past. They want a real alternative & none exists. It's not masochism - it's despair.

The complicity of Democrats in Bush's nefarious rule is a matter of public record. From Iraq to the FISA Bill to the recent bailout, their complicity is both ongoing & manifest.

You won't see improvement until you can get a REAL opposition party to counter the GOP - right now, you have none.

I think America is in for a very rude awakening when President Obama takes office - & very little actual change occurs. Unless there is a real shift within the Democratic party it will never have the confidence of Americans - the policies of the GOP may be ugly, but at least they tend to do what they say they'll do.

Good luck.


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