40 Killed in Massive Bombing of Marriott in Islamabad
Guerrillas in Pakistan set off an enormous bomb blast at the Marriott in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad Saturday morning EDT. It left a 30 foot crater and set off a conflagration that was still burning brightly hours after the bombing.
Aljazeera English reports on the explosion:
The Pakistani military has been bombing the tribal territory of Bajaur intensively, forcing 300,000 people from their homes and killing scores,including civilians. And the US has made incursions in South Waziristan recently against the Wazir tribe there.
Just logically speaking, an attack on the Marriott where international businessmen and US government personnel tend to stay, would likely be a response by the Pakistani Taliban to these attacks on them and their people.
For the Federally Administered Tribal Areas where the Tehrik-i Taliban is based, see this link.
The tribes are not necessarily the same as the Taliban and sometimes fight them, and each is different from the foreign operatives that have gravitated to these remote regions.
The FATA areas are only 3% of Pakistani territory and have only 2% of its population, about 3 million people.
John Robertson has more and links to
Pamela Constable on the new, improved Taliban in Afghanistan.
My comment is not related to the current post, but I just want to point out that Mr. Ahmadinejad has officially denied that he wants to wipe out Israel. Here's the link of his interview with Press TV:
The US is actually the highest threat to world peace and stability. It is worse than Germany was in the middle of the previous century, because it is destabilizing the whole world with its imperialist views and its greed for oil. After Afghnistan and Iraq now Pakistan is next.
No pacifist can like the US, not even the Americans because they voted twice for Bush and knowingly for his second term.
I'm fed up with the Americans, I'm not even sure that they will vote for Obama and even if Obama is chosen, it doesnt' really mean change, it will be more of the same, inferring from what he has already said concerning Afghanistan and Pakistan.
I'll give up following the world scene, it's too depressing.
What are the status of Pakistani-Iranian relations these days, anyway? There was a plan to build a Iranian - Pakistani - Indian gas pipeline, wasn't there?
Somehow, that seems relevant to the Afghanistan issue.
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