Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday roundup

At the Global Affairs blog, Philip Cunningham, who teaches at Dosisha University in Japan considers the ways in which W.'s Iraq debacle has weakened the ability of the US to play a positive role in the Burma / Myanmar crisis.

Susie Madrak links to a real soldier who upbraids the chickenhawk Rush Limbaugh for calling veterans opposed to the Iraq War "phony soldiers". (No doubt he thinks the badly wounded among them are "phony handicaps" too; about 30,000 US troops have been killed or wounded bad enough to go to hospital, with perhaps 10,000 so very badly injured.)

At Tomdispatch: Guantanamo Forever, and "It's the Oil, Stupid."

At the Napoleon's Egypt blog, a frank admission by an officer, Dezirad, that war in the Middle East is hell: "Since we have been in Egypt we have done nothing but suffer. The immense fatigues which we experienced in the Desert, the prodigious heat of the sun, which sets the very ground on fire, the absolute want of food, and the necessity of continual marching, have carried off a vast number of volunteers, who dropt down dead at our feet from mere exhaustion."

Dropped dead while marching in the desert? We know what Rush would think of them!


At 2:26 PM, Blogger Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves said...

Alex, 'Army of Dude' Mil-blogger has something to say about Rush Limbaugh:

Speaking of phony soldiers, I wanted to show Rush a few that I know:


"This was taken on a rooftop during a firefight on March 24 in Baqubah. One guy lost a leg up to his knee and another lost a foot in an IED blast that day. Talk about sacrifices! Out of seven Americans on that rooftop, one is going to reenlist! The rest decided to get out to avoid going to Iraq again, despite what Mike from Olympia, Washington said on your show about what real soldiers say, like "they want to be over in Iraq. They understand their sacrifice, and they're willing to sacrifice for their country." All I see is a bunch of phonies!"


"This is Matt tugging on a buried wire connected to a massive IED underneath the road. In Baqubah they were so prevalent that the explosive ordnance disposal dudes couldn't take care of them all in the city, so we started finding them and blowing them up ourselves. Matt just finished his second tour, in which he was deployed a total of 27 months. This coward that followed wires to huge bombs in the road is getting out in a few months. And that's a good thing, as this military could use a lot less phony soldiers."


"Here's Bill, digging up a grave containing a woman with her two daughters in a field in Baqubah. They were executed by gunshot and buried in the same hole. We took turns digging as the brave men of the Iraqi Army watched and joked. Bill also served 27 months in combat and like Matt, will be getting out of the Army in a couple months. Good riddance, phony!

In full @ 'Army of Dude'

My favorite commentator, Travus T. Hipp (Korean war veteran) also had something to say about his 'patriotic' cohorts in the talk radio industry:

[September 28 2007] Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary:
Hemroids On The Rectum Of Progress - Right Wing Talk Radio… How Talk Radio Has Changed, And How It HASN’T

At 2:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hypocrisy is the mainstay of Right-Wing Water Carriers. Many have been involved in unsavory scandals, eg. Limbaugh and O'Reilly. It is unfortunate that the corporate-owned media gives them airtime; because they are a wast of time. Truly intelligent and erudite individuals ignore them. They are hatemongers, fearmongers and warmongers par excellence. I can see nothing positive that any of them have ever contributed to society. They are primarily in the business of contributing to their own pocketbooks, so they spew stupid and outrageous nonsense. The more controversy they can stir up, the more attention they get, the more money they and their corporate fat-cats are able to make. Only fools and other charlatans believe any of the drivel they try to pass off as commentary. Bad breath is better than no breath at all; and the Limbaughs, Coulters, Hannitys, stink to high heaven. Cranks and crackpots flock to them like fleas to a Hound Dog's back. They are NOT worthy to lick the boots of any of the young men and women, who have fought in Bush's Debacle, and returned to tell the truth about it, unlike General Petraeus. The Right Wingnuts avoid the truth like poison ivy. They won't tolerate its presence in any discussion. Truth and objectivity are their nemeses.

At 2:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "phony soldier" accusation isn't accurate I think. Here's Rush defending himself.


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