Napoleon's Egypt
I am repeating this posting for Monday, since many readers skip the weekends.
I just received an advance copy of my new book, Napoleon's Egypt: Invading the Middle East. I'm a proud parent/author and breaking out the virtual cigars. I think Palgrave Macmillan did a stellar job with the editing and production. The actual publication date is August 7.

This episode, all too little known, was the first instance of a modern European country attempting to invade, occupy and "liberate" an Arab, Muslim Middle Eastern region.
I have started a historical blog on the book as a place to put up some materials that might interest readers of the book, as a sort of supplement. If I get time I may do some translating or posting of translated texts.
The first posting was of the relevant portion of a PBS documentary on Bonaparte, which covers the Egyptian expedition.
Labels: Egypt
Congratulations, Juan!
God knows how you find the energy, the time and the sheer bloody optimism to write so much great stuff. The world, not only the USA, is indebted to you for your efforts.
May they help lead us all to peace.
Thanks again.
dr. cole
congratulations on the new book
i like the old subtitle better--it seems more appropriate as a historical reference to today's greed-inspired mayhem
i will, however, judge this book by its cover. with the name juan cole on the front, this book's gotta be gooooood.
i imagine in 200 years, juan cole XIV will write a similar tome, this time however it will be called "CHENEY'S IRAQ--The Regurgitation of the Middle East" and will sport a nifty pic of paris hilton on the cover.
does this mean we will see you on colbert soon (ya gotta sell them books!!)? or how about faux noose--they always need rational voices to ridicule
thank you so much for trying to instil a little sanity into these fear-shrouded times we are being forced to endure
you rock (¿iraq?)
Congratulations, Juan! Hope to see it in the library soon.
I have ordered my copy and eagerly await delivery. I have brought up the topic of the Napoleonic invasion of Egypt in the past during discussions about the Middle East, and been greeted by blank stares.
I'm broke again but eventually I'll get a copy.
OT but you may find Marc's latest on the POIR of interest, also Grimsley's latest for the past week or so.
Congratulations! Although my academic field is the medieval and Renaissance eras, I am compelled to read your book based on this blog, which has been so helpful to me over the last few years. I also look forward to your supplementary work.
Jason Tondro, UCR
Hearty congratulations Juan. I'll spread the word...and of course I very much look forward to reading this book (next time you visit Santa Barbara I'll make sure to get my copy signed).
All good wishes,
Patrick S. O'Donnell
Congrats on your new book !!!
I'm a regular reader and only troubled you with an e-mail to report on the Jerusalem Post article ...
and the topic might be too obscure, but ... is there any chance you covered the nomenclators (noun generators) used by the 189 Rosicrucian scholars sent to survey the Giza Plateau ?
The onomasticon produced by the nomenclators is a topic that needs to be covered by someone (like Juan Cole) with a superior world view, who can grasp its implications.
#5,140 on the Amazon best-seller list, and it hasn't even been released yet. Order yours now before it has to go into a second printing to meet demand!
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