Truck Bombing of Kurdish HQ in Mosul Kills or Injures 45
A recent report on the readiness of Iraqi troops. says that the Iraqi military won't be ready to 'stand up' any time soon, according to the General Accounting Office. A third of Iraqi troops are on leave at any one time. Many troops on the books who draw a salary don't really exist and are just a scam. And, the Iraqi troops are deeply dependent on the US for the simplest logistics.
Reuters reports political violence for Wednesday. Among the major operations:
' MOSUL - Five people were killed and 40 were wounded when a suicide bomber blew up his truck at the headquarters of a Kurdish party, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, in the northern city of Mosul on Wednesday during the celebration of the spring festival of Nawruz, police said. . .'
MOSUL - Police said that they found the bodies of seven people shot dead on Tuesday in different districts of the northern city of Mosul, 390 km (240 miles) north of Baghdad. . .
DIWANIYA - A policeman was killed and eight wounded, including four civilians, when clashes erupted between police and gunmen on Tuesday in several districts of Diwaniya, 180 km (110 miles) south of Baghdad, police said. . . '
The southern Diwaniya Province is a stronghold the the Sadr Movement, though the police seem to be dominated by the Badr Corps paramilitary of the rival Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq.
The Sadr Movement and its paramilitary, the Mahdi Army, has never been very unified. Both were leant a certain unity by loyalty to the young cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. With the latter in hiding, the movement is predictably splintering. It is not at all clear that a splintered Mahdi Army is less dangerous than a disciplined one, as this article makes clear.
The increasing hostility of the Sadr Movement to the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and toward his new security plan, may help explain why al-Maliki went to the mat to secure the release of Sheikh Ahmad al-Shibani, an aide to Muqtada who was arrested in 2004. Al-Shibani was found innocent of the charges against him by a tribunal, but was kept in US custody anyway. Although the press keeps saying that al-Maliki will get street credibility because of the release, I can't actually believe that getting one Sadrist out of jail, who had been held illegally by the US for over a year, would make much impact on attitudes.
Meanwhile, questions have arisen about a raid by US troops on a Husayniya or Shiite mourning center. The Mahdi Army is claiming that US troops broke up a peaceful religious meeting and killed worshippers. The US military is investigating. One has a sinking feeling that whatever the investigation reveals, the Shiites of that Baghdad district aren't going to be dissuaded from the "Americans invade religious building and kill innocent worshippers" sotry.
Iraqi vice president Tariq al-Hashimi, from the Sunni fundamentalist Iraqi Accord Front, said Wednesday that Iraq should be talking to the insurgents and trying to cut a deal with them. Although the Iraqi government sometimes maintains that it is on the verge of getting Sunni tribesmen in Western Iraq to attack foreign fundamentalist Salafi vigilantes in Iraq, that seems to me quite a stretch.
Al-Hashimi also called for electoral reform and for new elections. The Sunni Arabs are frustrated by Shiite dominance of the new government and Shiite refusal to even think about negotiating with the Sunni Baathists and Salafi fundamentalists who are blowing their people up. I can't imagine that anyone in Iraq is really ready to go to the polls for national elections again so soon. It is true that in a genuine parliamentary system, Nuri al-Maliki's government might well fall as a result of a vote of no confidence, and that would lead to new elections. Iraq, however, is only going through the motions when it comes to democracy, and the top politicians cut deals with one another and rule by fiat.
The following item was somehow thrown up at google news from an old data base via the Gulf Daily News and was erroneously marked breaking news for Thursday morning. The item is actually very old, and I apologize to readers for this error-- which, however, was not my own.
Labels: Iraq War
War Zone Diary
Last evening, 21st March 2007, MSNBC aired an hour-long special programme, War Zone Diary, lived and presented by Richard Engel. The intent of the programme was to provide viewers with a reporter's eye view of the situation in Iraq. Of course, it centred mosly on Engel's experiences throughout Iraq over the course of four years, focussing on his life, movements, and experiences as an 'embed' (but not necessarily 'in bed') with the American military. Scenes of bombs and explosions, aimed at others as well as at him, are shown including the various ones that were directed at the news organisations and those supporting the reportage. There are a few parts that deal with the effects on the Iraqis, such as the mass morgue and an orphanage for girls, descriptions of the carnage and societal destruction that is an every-day occurrence in the country. Needless to say, personal and personnel security is an all-consuming issue, given that several reporters and support staff members have either been killed or wounded, some having narrowly missed either or both. The Iraqis are not able to guarantee security for themselves, much less for their 'guests,' necessitating the outsourcing to former SAS and other specialists. While the programme does focus on the person of Engel, it is easy to move beyond him to try to understand the effects on the other Americans, GIs included, as well as various Iraqis who have no short- or long-term options but to just survive. Security is relative, something that exists for those who are not yet among the casualties, at least the ones who are so identified by their physical integrity. The presence of pain and suffering remains one of the ways to distinguish life from death.
The corporate blurb can be read at
I am not sure if or when there will be a re-airing but it is nevertheless interesting, even though it is four years crammed into one hour. Future events offered by Engels might be in the offing but, on this, I am uncertain. There are linques at the site from where more information can be obtained.
Naive question: is there a single case where "Iraqi troops" of a given sect attacked and captured insurgents or militia of their own sect? Was it autonomous or a staging (you pretend to attack, and we pretend to be arrested)?
The 200 Sunnis who attacked the jail, feed the prisoners, and destroyed so many vehicles must have known there would be little resistance (by agreement) or that the US would find out too late. Were the 30 killed also picked in a setup?
I suspect that the Iraqi habit of spraying "death blossoms" of automatic fire uselessly into the air is not due to incompetence, but a deliberate way to send a warning and avoid return fire.
The wads of cash doled out to the "ghost" soldiers can probably be skimmed in every which way: 1/3 to the paymaster, 1/3 to the CO, and 1/3 (as insurance) to the insurgents. Petraeus has no audit trail to prove otherwise. Oddly, Republicans who allege fiscal shenanigans in every aspect of government suspend their suspicion when doling out cash for military ventures.
in an ironic twist, AngloAmerican occupation forces have expanded the NO FLY ZONEs in IRAQ : you will recall that "No Fly Zones" remind us of the genesis of (Air Power) violence in the region...
...only this time, it is the AngloAmerican commanders restricting their own helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft to avoid certain newly-designated "red zone air-spaces" in the 3-Dimensional, occupied territory of IRAQ (self-imposed NO-FLY ZONEs being the commanders' response to ever more frequent and successful guerilla counter-attacks on occupation aircraft).
it would be interesting for the American public to see a 3-D mapping of IRAQ, depicting those "green" Forward Operating Bases, supply-routes, and air-spaces ~ and how these "successfully occupied territories" have evolved ~ and apparently shrunk since the 2003 invasion, n'est-ce pas?
The link for the prison attack doesn't seem to work. I can't find this reported anywhere else. Does anyone have a working link?
Mr. Cole, the link to the article on the prison attack is not working. Is there another account of the attack?
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