American Jews, Blacks, Fiercest Opponents of Iraq War
77% of American Jews oppose the Iraq war, according to a new Gallup poll. Only Black Protestants are more opposed, at 78%.
(Given that the Pope and the bishops oppose the Iraq War, you'd think Catholics would be against it in large numbers, too. But only 28% know what position their religious leaders have taken on it, so the Church has not been good at getting out the word. And, the hierarchy has seen its moral authority on such things deeply eroded by its silly stance on birth control and more recently by the pedophilia scandals.)
Both Jews and Blacks have a long history of preferring government spending on social justice to giving billions away to the (largely white Protestant) Military-Industrial Complex. And, of course, both overwhelmingly vote for the Democratic Party. American Jews were far less enthusiastic about going to war in 2003 than were other Americans (Only 50-some percent supported the war as opposed to 75% of the general public).
My suspicion is that the Israel factor does not play a significant role in this attitude, and that it has an almost wholly American context. Some 37 percent of American Jews say they are disturbed by Israeli policies, and less than half say that caring about Israel matters "a lot" to their sense of Jewishness.
Besides, if one did care about Israel, one couldn't take a lot of heart from the transformation of Iraq into a failed state full of determined bombers and guerrillas in training. Falluja just isn't that far from Tel Aviv. Even Yuval Diskin, head of Shin Bet, the Israeli intelligence agency, admitted last year that Israel may end up missing Saddam Hussein: "When you dismantle a system in which there is a despot who controls his people by force, you have chaos," he said. "I'm not sure we won't miss Saddam." (Israeli television was recording him, unbeknownst to him).
Neoconservative Jews in the US like Richard Perle, Frederick Kagan and Michael Rubin at the American Enterprise Institute who vocally support the Iraq War (and have gotten rich off it) are a minority of a minority, and even are at odds with the Israeli security establishment! Moreover, the American Enterprise Institute, which crafted the Iraq War, gets funding from Exxon Mobil, and last I checked it was run by white Protestants. The vice chair of AEI is Lee Raymond, former CEO of Exxon Mobil and surely Dick Cheney's old golf partner in the Dallas years. That is, the Kagans and the Rubins, who identify with the Revisionist Zionist movement on the Israeli Right, are useful idiots for Big Oil, not movers and shakers in their own right.
Exxon Mobil has surely earned a reputation as the corporation from Hell. It tops the list of immoral, viscious, arrogant companies, that will create murder and mayhem for profit. Shame on the shareholders, as well. They are taking blood money. Remember the book, "The Arms of Krupp"? Exxon Mobil has replaced them as the top-dog warmongers. I hope that the day will come when this brutal bunch of bandits go the way of Enron. They have befouled our shorelines, fomented war, and callously catered to the killing of thousands. Their profits are obscene, their executives inhuman. Like the Carlyle Group, wherever there is a bloodbath, turn over the bodies and you find their spoor. Greed fuels every aspect of their existence, while our government grovels to assist them.
I am glad that, once again, you have taken the time and the effort to note how the minority of American Jews are allied to the right-wing neoconservative agenda...
Whether it is the civil rights movement, or holding Israel to account for its acts of war against civilians, American Jews have been at the forefront of speaking truth to power, often at the cost of being given a tongue lashing in their own community... Noam Chomsky and Avi Shlaim immediately come to my mind…
Those who wish to fuse the minority hawkish agenda of the right wing elements of Israeli and US policy deserve to be confronted and exposed, but we must always remember to acknowledge the contributions of Israelis and American Jews who have courageously dared to confront rogue American and rogue Israeli foreign policy when few others among the American “free press” dared to speak out.
There've been several reports here in Israel that the Bush administration has been responsible for Israel not pursuing the Syrian negotiating track, even though the non-paper leaked to Ha'aretz included Syria ending support for Hizbullah and Palestinian groups and distancing itself from Iran.
Alex Hindin kindly writes:
"Just some thoughts from a liberal but not pacifist American Jew on why so few of us support Bush's Iraq war.
1. As you say, the war was bound to be bad for Israel. Even more importantly, it was clearly going to be a nightmare for America, our
2. Jews are among the most educated and politically informed
Americans. Because of this, we were more likely to see through the nonsense about Iraq threatening the US. For the same reason, we don't buy into the ridiculous jingoism that's become the only justification
for pursuing the war further.
3. We have enough accountants to tally up the costs and see that they
far outweigh the mostly abstract and theoretical benefits (sending a
message to the terrorists?)
4. We have enough lawyers to see that this war was not only a violation of international law but of the implicit contract America
had with the world, that we were overwhelmingly powerful but not
expansive or (militarily) imperialistic like past hegemons.
5. We have enough psychiatrists to be aware of the obsessive and
delusional nature of Bush and Co. when it comes to Iraq.
6. The Prophet Amos tells us that even God's chosen are not allowed to break the rules or stray from the path of Justice. In fact, we must be more virtuous than Caesar's wife. This may be a bit of an
antidote to the fever of American exceptionalism."
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