Another Helicopter Downed, 5 Americans Dead
Mahdi Army Pledges not to Respond to US Arrests
Sunni Arab guerrillas used some sort of surface to air rocket or missile a heavy PKC machine gun of a sort the US has trained the Iraqi Army in to shoot down a Blackwater helicopter guarding a high-level US ground convoy.* This downing of a helicopter is the second such attack in the past few days. See Today in Iraq.
Guerrillas (probably Shiite militiamen) wounded 7 British troops in Basra on Tuesday with bombings or mortar attacks.
In Baghdad and Mosul, a further 45 persons were killed by new violence or showed up dead in the streets, and US forces killed a further 16 in clashes. Guerrillas detonated five car bombs in the capital, including one in the Karrada district. Some districts of Mosul, according to al-Zaman, witnessed pitched battles most of the afternoon on Tuesday. Al-Sharq al-Awsat says that guerrillas in Mosul killed 5 policemen and wounded 3.
US and Iraqi troops launched an operation in the Sunni Adhamiya district of Baghdad.
Reuters reports a US firefight with guerrillas at Ramadi, guerrilla attacks in the supposedly pacified cities of Fallujah and Tal Afar, and killings and assassinations in a wide number of Iraqi cities.
US forces have captured some 600 Mahdi Army militiamen since the current push against guerrilla violence began.
Al-Zaman reports in Arabic that leaders of the Mahdi Army are saying they will not retaliate for the arrests. Baha' al-A'raji, a Sadrist MP, said that the followers of young Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr would not stand against the Baghdad security plan.
Oh, great. Now Bush's Iraq War is in danger of destabilizing Pakistan, too.
Representative Walter Jones (R-NC) will introduce a bill forbidding Bush from undertaking military action against Iran without Congressional authorization. Good for him! Maybe someday we'll get our Constitition back.
*Thanks to readers who corrected this point and provided additional information.
Expect more aircraft casualties as the guerillas hone their skills with their shoulder fired missiles in anticipation of the heavy application of airpower to make up for the lack of boots on the ground in Baghdad. From experience, rubbled buildings make even better defensive positions, and movement between positions is easy and undetected through the sewers. I also expect to see TOW missiles used for the first time. Further, streets become chanalized by building rubble facilitating anti-armor ambush. The whole situation favors the defender. Casualties will be high on both sides, but the Iraqis can take them, while the US cannot--both politically and militarily. The battle is lost on paper before it even begins, so why fight it?
In the future there will be a new word for abject failure--bushed.
Al Jazeera reports the killing of a great Iraqi benefactor.
"(Economics professor Diya) Al Meqoter was well-known for his work in helping poor people secure loans to start small businesses, police and his university dean said."
(scroll to bottom of article)
How important was Mr. Al Meqoter's work? Last year Muhammad Yunus and the bank he founded were awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for extending micro-credit business loans to the poor.
A correction which may not be minor. The Iraqi official does not say that the Blackwell chopper was downed by a rocket, but by a PKC machine gun. This happens to be the model used by the Iraqi military, with the benefit of U.S. training.
Here's a cache of a page of relevant info.
Rep. Walter Jones of the GOP shows more spin than the Democratic big wigs. Plenty of them seem anxious to bully Iran to the brink. Will they vote for Jones's bill? Time to open a Waffle House on the Hill?
Heavy fighting in the center of Baghdad.
US troops in Baghdad battle
Pitched battles in the streets, attempts to take and hold individual buildings. So here's Baghdad devolving into the nightmare urban guerrilla war of attrition in a city of millions, as predicted by the more gloomy doom-sayers prior to the war. Like Groznyy, but worse: here we have a much more complicated and messy scene with two major sectarian elements warring not only mutually but also with the army of another country plus mercenaries. All in the same city, with far more innocent bystanders.
Today's events were stranger than fiction, as is so often the case with this sort of crumbling chaos. According to early reports the Blackwater aircraft whose crew was slaughtered after landing was coming to the aid of a U.S. diplomatic convoy under attack by one or another Iraqi element. Where was the U.S Army? Off attempting to take and hold buildings, presumably, so the rescue of the convoy was handed off to mercenaries.
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