Alexandrovna Guest Op-Ed:
Saddam's Execution and the Campaign Against Iran
Saddam's Execution is about Iran
Larisa Alexandrovna
When someone does something obviously egregious, we tend to look past it because it is our nature to believe that people are naturally sane, good, and honest. We cannot imagine that anyone would willfully destroy their own country, violate their own laws, trample on their own people, and do it with such naked bravado while the world looked on.
But people have done it and do it even still, because there is also a darker side to human nature. Those of us who see the good in people look past actions that appear to be willfully evil not only because it is in our nature but it is also a foundation of our culture, as Americans, we believe guilt must be proved.
So we do not see what is going on before our eyes and directly in front of us. We look past it, around it, through it, but not at it. We cannot look directly at it, because if we do, we lose the vision of our beloved America and see something so sinister, that our minds would rather collapse than accept it.
But chess forces us to abandon our preconceptions and emotions. It pushes us to think in terms of cause and effect and it forces us to consider each action and counteraction in terms of the whole game. That is to say, chess forces us to think beyond our own present and fixed position, forcing us to reason every possible outcome of each action and counteraction.
Furthermore, chess teaches us to calculate not against a person, or a group, or a nation, but against a strategy that has no inherent religious, moral, or human characteristics. Master players can suspend their fixated self at will. Sadly, I am no master, and so I continue to struggle in seeing the game despite my human nature as an obstacle.
But sometimes, it just happens, something sets it off and there you are, inside the board, walking each action out in your mind and seeing the whole from beginning to end.
Sometime this morning, all the various and truly bizarre events the Bush administration has been engaged in recently with regard to troop levels and surges suddenly crystallized for me, as though I were sitting at a chess board and seeing the entire strategy unfold before my eyes.
This is of course my opinion and I may very well be wrong. In fact, I hope I am wrong. But the news that Saddam Hussein would be executed soon, and then the news that it would be in the next 48 hours, boggled my mind. Why on earth would anyone want to set off an ideological bomb during an already chaotic situation? I do not defend Saddam Hussein, not by any measure. But when Iraq is falling into total chaos and civil war, and as American troops continue to die, why would anyone want to add fuel to that fire, enough fuel to destroy what is left?
Suspend your emotions and think strategically. Now look at the question again and in context.
The administration is stalling as it supposedly weighs its Iraq options, when in fact they have already made their decision. How do I know they have made their decision? One need only look at the slow leaks coming out, not the least of which was Joe Lieberman’s op-ed in the Washington Post, to understand that we are going to be sending more troops to Iraq. So why does the administration wait to tell us this?
In the meantime, naval carriers are deployed to send Iran “a warning,” as though the threats thus far and the passing of sanctions are not warning enough. Add to that the detainment of Iranian diplomats invited to Iraq by the Iraqi leadership. Why is the US arresting diplomats invited to a country that the US claims is a sovereign nation governing itself?
And what about those sanctions, which ultimately mean nothing and sadly mean everything? The sanctions are so watered down as to have no real effect on the Iranian population or economy. Why even bother passing them?
Why censor Dr. Leverett's opinion piece on Iran when the CIA already cleared it?
Now given this entire context, ask yourself again why Saddam Hussein is being executed now, during Hajj even? What is the urgency?
This is what I think may be playing out, my opinion of course. And yes, the strategy is so brazenly obvious, arrogant, and antithetical to everything America is supposed to be and stand for that it will be difficult to digest.
What the Bush administration appears to be waiting for, stalling for, while they allegedly mull over the Iraq question, is for the naval carriers and other key assets to fall into position. This will happen in the first week of January. Saddam Hussein is being executed (and I would not be surprised if every major network aired it) to enrage tempers and fuel more violence in Iraq. This violence will justify an immediate need for a troop surge, although I think it will be described as temporary. Remember too that the British press has for the past week done nothing but report that Britain will be attacked by the New Year. Clearly they are preparing themselves for a contingency, and that contingency is the massive violence that will erupt across the Muslim world as they watch (and I really believe it will be televised) Saddam’s hanging just before the New Year.
Why is the rush to execute Saddam Hussein not account for Hajj? Or does it?
The carriers will be in position. I imaging there will be an event of some sort in Iraq, or the violence will spill into friendly (our friends) territory. It will be dramatic, even more so than the immediate violence.
The attacks will be blamed on Iran, with the help of the Saudis and Pakistan. Iran will be blamed for something that happens in Iran. The naval carriers, again, will be in position. The sanctions, as watered down as they are, have given the administration the blank check they needed from the world (and they still have their blank check from Congress) to order aerial strikes. The surge troops will be in position, and I estimate that ground support will begin around late February, early March.
Saddam’s execution and the violence will also be a convenient cover while the administration moves pieces into position.
But what the planners in the administration don’t seem to realize is that the Persians are the most expert of chess players, and they are a patient, strategy minded opponent. They are watching this develop, all of it, and they too are planning their counteraction. They know better than to strike first, because in doing so, they would lose the moral argument in the eyes of the world, as well as the advantage of counteraction. The US has a superior air force, but Iran has a formidable navy, and while the house of Saud will fuel this, the fallout will be fatal. Why?
Here is why: Because the US is too stretched to be able to protect Israel, and Israel cannot sustain a long term attack. They can sustain a few hits, but they will not be able to sustain a full blown attack.
If you have any doubt, go back to the recent war with Lebanon. The British will pull out, despite promises of support. Blair is on his way out, and the British public will not tolerate support for Israel, because of its help in supporting US imperialistic aggression. Whatever terrorist cells lurk in the US, and make no mistake, our administration has done little to address this issue, will be activated.
Also consider that the house of Saud is not prepared to defend itself against an uprising, and that the US cannot protect it while simultaneously operating on three different fronts and covertly in god knows how many. Despite the various sectarian differences in the Muslim world, there are two enemies that they all agree to fight and die fighting against: the US and Israel. This attack will set off a Muslim counterattack so large, that nothing will be able to stop it or contain it.
But our leadership does not see this, because they cannot think strategically and won't think in human terms, so they are left with nothing but arrogance. And we ae left with a world ablaze. '
Larisa Alexandrovna maintains the blog At-Largely and is Managing Editor - of Raw Story.
Seems to me that scenario is a bit overblow, especially when it comes to Israeli vunerability. Looks like the setup for WW3 rather than a regional brawl. Plausible, yes, pausible, no.
George W. seems to be the metaphorical equivilent of the anti Christ. The world must learn how to resist those who choose war over peace. It makes no sense. Nobody wins. Nobody, except those in favor of de-population, pain and suffering.
The decision-making process that led the country into war in 2003 is the same process that will lead to a shocking escalation of violence in 2007.
The neo-cons were determined to seize Iraq before the search for a marketable argument began. The same type of sequence is still operative. When the Joint Chiefs were told they were going to have to implement a ‘surge’ of troop levels in Iraq, they leaked their opposition to the New York Times, saying not that the army was hard-pressed to maintain even current levels, nor that the indefinite presence of armed foreigners was itself the problem. Those answers are good, but they seem like political business and feel off-limits to the uniformed Chiefs, men who may be so committed to civilian authority that the army would have to be collapsing before they balked at orders. Thankfully they were confident enough to suggest the absurdity of sending additional troops to Iraq without a mission, but even that protest did not last.
Once again the C-in-C wants to send US forces into conflict without a plausible explanation because his reasons are wildly ideological. White House strategy is based on hard-line PNAC dogma and on a fundamentalist interpretation of the bible. It is not a fact that permanent brute-force global hegemony is a wise goal for America, and it is definitely not a fact that a hydra-like enemy might be defeated by any greater application of force. Violence is increasing even with the status quo.
Adding troops is apparently what President Bush will do, and it will be like throwing jellied gasoline on a burning village.
When that ‘village’ of over a billion people fully erupts, we will long for the days of pretext.
The USA Patriot Act, the renunciation of the Geneva Conventions, the Military Commissions Act, and other astonishing legal reversals have already undermined basic human and civil rights protections for Americans and others.
President Bush consults “a higher father” rather than his own who, unlike God, served a four-year term as President and surely has some human perspectives to share on that experience. And the Christian Embassy is spreading apocalyptic religion at the Pentagon.
Any American who has not yet read The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood had best do so now. Do not take for granted your present ability to find such books at the library.
"The surge troops will be in position and I estimate that ground support will begin around late February, early March."
This sentence in the context of its paragraphs suggests you think the "surge" troops are intended for Iran?
Overall, I certainly hope you are wrong. But "reality" has never been the hallmark of this bunch. Since this administration has lost so much momentum with the voters, the Congress and the Press moving us back to a state of wanting more war would seem to be an essential element of "new say forward". Could it be that wanting to provoke a homeland terrorist attack be seen as a desirable end?
Great job as usual Larisa.
Assuming that your take on the strategy is correct, let's take the chess match analogy one step further. Assume that it is not just one match, but rather a tournament.
What other players would benefit from the chaos resulting from a US/Muslim clash? How about Russia? Perhaps China? Perhaps a group of corporate concerns that would benefit from the demolition of all nation state borders?
What logistical and military preparations have these other players made pending this imminent clash? Is there a significance in China's recently reported 15% increase in its annual military budget? Is there a greater significance than we thought to Russias building of infrastructure to possibly supply Europe's petrol and gas needs?
I want to wish you the happiest of New Years, but I suspect that if you are anything like me, you will lose a LOT of sleep over this.
Best regards,
Back in April, I read a very disturbing column at Raw Story by John Steinberg (aka BlueMeme) titled "Armageddon." The scenario you describe above seems like a lead up to his story. When I read Joe Lieberman's op-ed this morning, I remembered that chilling column and then recalled how scared Dubya looked yesterday when he made his announcement that he and his "war cabinet" had done some hard work for three whole hours... and the cold look on all of their faces standing behind him.
Go and read John's column - from April 2nd. When I read it then, I was sure it would happen, but didn't know when. The recent sending of the second aircraft carrier and battle group to the region said it may just be now. Dubya needs a backup set of battleships in place. The Great Leader needs another 9/11-style loss of life to justify his next set of planned actions and (this time) may actually be preparing to sacrifice the 10,000+ sailors aboard the carrier and battle group that's there now to revive his "legacy" and start Armageddon. And the nut-case Neo-Cons and devout followers of The Great Leader are salivating. I'm serious. Bush & Company are not as dumb as they look. Like you say, they're playing chess.
For a good scare:
The Persians invented chess... The Mayberry Machiavellis have no clue what game they are playing.
While I think some of the neocons do have Iran in their sites, I think this theory credits GW with strategy. I don't think his "gut" can contemplate something so complicated. I think the way to view Saddam's execution is from a political framing point of view.
In my viewpoint, GW has decided to send more troops (because he isn't going to succeed with less...) and Rove and company are trying to set the stage to appeal best to the American public. A speech that invokes freedom and the death of Saddam works better than one w/o Saddam. Sadly, I think that is the only consideration from the US. Of course, if one considers the motivations of Maliki, one might come upon different reasons.....
I don't disagree with the presumption -- which, based on past callamitous actions by the Cheney/Bush cabal, we must take seriously -- that America's latest (and scheduled) military build up in the Persian Gulf may have an attack on Iran in view. Still, one does sometimes hear analogies advanced to historical military disasters like Stalingrad, Dien Bien Phu, or Dunkirk. So, just leaving Iran out of the picture for the moment, let us consider only the already-bad situation America now confronts in Iraq:
(1) The troop escalation (forget the Orwellian euphemism "surge") and carrier support groups could have in mind simply pounding the rubble of Iraq into smaller pieces of rubble, like the Germans tried at Stalingrad. I think the Germans called this blunderbuss approach "rattenkrieg" ("war against the rats"?) Lots of German casualties and POWs from this one.
(2) The additional soldiers and carriers could just presage a last-ditch, desparate effort to reinforce an indefensible and collapsing position, like the French (using American planes and mercenary pilots) parachuting more doomed Foreign Legionnaires into the surrounded Dien Bien Phu. Just more French causualties and captured POWs from this one.
(3) The additional troops and carriers (plus other naval support vessels) intend only to facilitate a rapid and orderly retreat (under fire?) of our forces to the surprise and relief of the American people. I admit, this scenario probably has the least likelihood of coming to pass. Nonetheless, I surely hope that some competent persons (if such even exist any longer) in our military have planned for this eventuality because we certainly don't have the available private boats and narrow English channel favoring us should we attempt a massive rescue like the British accomplished when they saved their army from the beaches of Belgium so long ago.
Then again, just stand by for a shit-storm, because the words "planning" and "Cheney/Bush cabal" simply don't belong together in any association other than the oxymoronic.
All good and valid points Michael, none of them good for the U.S. its allies or anybody in the region (not even Iran).
I wrote something a few months ago about what would happen if the Shiites or the Iranian Revolutionary Guard decided to close southern Iraqi highway system.
If that where to happen, the U.S. commanders would have few choices:
" * Stay in place: rely on the Coalition air forces to keep them supply. American forces would attempt to open a land corridor to Turkey in hopes that the Turks will allow supplies and reinforcements to pass though their territory.
* Run for the border: This means abandoning southern and central Iraq and moving toward the northen part of Iraq, either to be among “friends” (the Kurds) or evacuate the bulk of American forces though Turkey.
* Break out, either through western Iraq (Sunni territory) or southern Iraq, taking on the Shia militias and Iranian forces."
The rest of the "article" can be found here:
Indeed the article doesnt mention the iraqi shia militias. Moqtada sadr has already annonced that he will fight the US if they attack Iran. His militia has grown massively since he made that declaration. Not to mention the Badr Brigades who, while being close to the US now, will no doubt turn and fight the men they once stood shoulder to shoulder with.
18 million shias in iraq. One Word from sistani... 'Jihad'.
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