Israelis Kill UN Peacekeepers
Halutz Commits to War Crimes
Israeli Airstrikes Kill Nabatiyeh Family
$150 Million Damage to Factories
Update: Hizbullah fighters defending Bint Jbeil have killed 14 Israeli soldiers, according to early reports on Wednesday. Hizbullah is ratcheting up its kill ratio with the Israeli military toward 1:1, something no other Arab fighting force has even approached.
A Radio interview with me by Barry Gordon.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan expressed shock at the deliberate targetting of the UN peacekeeping base in Khiam, south Lebanon.
' "This coordinated artillery and aerial attack on a long established and clearly marked U.N. post at Khiam occurred despite personal assurances given to me by (Israeli) Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that U.N. positions would be spared Israeli fire," '
The Israelis denied that they hit the base deliberately, but Kofi would know. Why do it? When you have in mind war crimes, it is better not to have neutral observers in the region.
Philip Gordon relays the thinking of the Israeli political and military elite behind its inhuman and massive bombing of all Lebanon:
' According to retired Israeli army Col. Gal Luft, the goal of the campaign is to "create a rift between the Lebanese population and Hezbollah supporters." The message to Lebanon's elite, he said, is this: "If you want your air conditioning to work and if you want to be able to fly to Paris for shopping, you must pull your head out of the sand and take action toward shutting down Hezbollah-land." '
In other words, Zbig was right that the Israelis have kidnapped the 3.8 million Lebanese and are holding them all for ranson, while breaking their legs from time to time to encourage prompt payment. The horrible thing is that the Lebanese could not do anything about Hizbullah if they wanted to. Their government is weak and divided (Hizbullah is in it, and the Bush administration and Ambassador Mark Feltman signed off on that!) Their new, green army only has 60,000 men, and a lot of them are Shiites who would not fight Hizbullah. Lebanon was a patient that needed to be nurtured carefully to health. Instead, it has been drafted and put into the middle of the worst fighting on the battlefield.
Then there is this: ' Brigadier General Dan Halutz, the Israeli Chief of Staff, emphasised that the offensive . . . was open-ended. “Nothing is safe (in Lebanon), as simple as that,” he said. '
In other words, Halutz, who is also said to have threatened ten for one reprisals, is openly declaring that he will commit war crimes if he wants to. Nothing is safe? A Christian school in the northern village of Bsharri? A Druze old people's home in the Shouf mountains? A Sunni family out for a stroll in the northern port of Tripoli? He can murder all of them at will, Halutz says. And Luft gives us the rationale. If these Lebanese civilians aren't curbing Hizbullah for Israel, they just aren't going to be enjoying their lives. They are a nation of hostages until such time as they have properly developed Stockholm syndrome and begin thanking the Israelis for their tender mercies.
I was in Beirut briefly in mid-June. I went downtown in the evening, where big LCD displays had been set up outside at the cafes, and thousands of people were enjoying the World Cup games. The young Lebanese, in jeans, were dancing to the new pop music of stars like Nancy Ajram and Amal Hijazi. Some had painted their faces with Brazilian flags. They were rooting for Brazil. The shops were full of fashionable clothing and jewelry, the restaurants tastefully decorated, the gourmet Lebanese food tantalizing. The bookstores were full of probing studies and intelligent commentary. The Syrians were gone and there was a lighthearted atmosphere. The snooty nightclubs at places like Monot street were choosy about who could get in.
I went to see publishers about my project, of publishing the works of great American thinkers in Arabic. Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Martin Luther King. They mentioned about how the US did not have a good reputation and maybe not many readers would be interested. I said, maybe that is changing. Washington supports the new government, after all. We are your well-wishers.
Meanwhile, while Nancy was singing and Brazil was scoring, Halutz and Olmert were putting the final touches on their long-planned bombing campaign. They would go up and hit Tripoli's port, a Sunni area. They would hit the port at Jounieh, the trendy Christian city near Beirut. They would hit Beirut's port and its new shiny airport. They would hit the milk factory, the telecom towers, the roads, the bridges, and some clinics and hospitals for good measure. They would hit the fuel depots. It would be a total war on the Lebanese civilian population, setting 800,000 out of 3.8 million out from their homes or the rubble of their former homes, forcing them to other cities as homeless refugees, or abroad to Syria or Cyprus. They would reduce al-Dahiyah al-Janubiyah, the teeming Shiite slum to the south, to rubble and stray bloody fingers, feet and noses. They would say that these were all military targets, but they lied. Hizbullah is a political party with 14 MPs in parliament. It has political party offices, soup kitchens, clinics, in those Shiite slums. A lot of times it seems to be these that the Israelis hit. They lied and said that missiles were launched from Beirut, when they never were.
Israel's present policy toward Lebanon, of striking at so many civilian targets as to hold the entire civilian population hostage, is unspeakable.
I haven't complained about the Israeli border war with Hizbullah. I'm not sure it is wise, and I don't know how many Israelis Hizbullah even killed in, say, the year 2005. Is it really worth it? But I don't deny that Hizbullah went too far when it shelled dozens of civilian towns and cities and killed over a dozen innocent civilians, even in reprisal for the Israeli bombing campaign. (You can't target civilians. That is a prosecutable crime.) That is a clear casus belli, and I'd like to see Nasrallah tried at the Hague for all those civilian deaths he ordered. The fighting at Maroun al-Ra's and Bint Jbeil was horrible on all sides, but it was understandable, even justifiable. The fighting itself isn't going to lead anywwhere useful, though, and it is time for a ceasefire and political negotiations--the only way to actually settle such disputes.
What was done to Lebanon as a whole is among the most horrible war crimes of the young 21st century. And that it was done tells me that there is something sick in the heart of the Israeli military and political elite, a sickness of the soul that had better be faced and remedied before our entire world catches the contagion.
I mean, who talks like that? "if you want to be able to fly to Paris for shopping, you must pull your head out of the sand and take action toward shutting down Hezbollah-land." . . . “Nothing is safe, as simple as that.” If they are the good guys, why do they talk like James Bond villains?
Yes, yes, Nasrallah and his shock troops are also evil. They are also sick in the soul. We have established that. Halutz can have the 5,000 fighters and the 12,000 rockets to do as he pleases to them. I have been to Haifa, too, and the city means a lot to me. I mind deeply when I hear that the mad bombers around Nasrallah have killed people there and done substantial damage.
But you will note that 800,000 Israelis are not homeless, that the ports are still operating, that Tel Aviv airport is open, that over 400 Israeli civilians aren't dead in two weeks, that factories, roads, bridges, telecom towers are still there. In fact, you will note that no flotilla of international vessels had to come to evacuate tens of thousands of foreigners from Israel. It is suffering, and that is wrong. It is not suffering what Lebanon is.
The Daily Star reports
Israeli airstrikes throughout Lebanon killed 10 civilians and wiped out a family:
' Meanwhile, Israeli attacks on Lebanon claimed the lives of at least 10 civilians . . . Israeli warplanes raided Southern Lebanese towns and pounded the Bekaa and the Chouf areas, and committed a new massacre in the Southern town of Nabatiyeh, where six people from the Hamza family, Saad Hamza and his wife and children, were killed in attack on their home.

Rubble in Nabatiyah Courtesy as-Safir
The article adds,
After two days of relative calm, Beirut's southern suburbs, a Hizbullah stronghold, were once again targeted by Israel in an attack which destroyed 10 buildings . . .
I don't know why the wire services keep saying Monday had been a day of "relative calm" in Beirut. The Israelis bombed it at least twice, once before Condi's visit and once after.
Fighting continued in the far south as Israel continued its land invasion of Lebanon, including at Maroun al-Ra's, a small village the Israelis claimed to have taken days ago. One Israeli soldier was announced dead at Maroun al-Ra's on Tuesday. The Israelis claimed to have "sealed off" the town of Bint Jbeil (ordinary pop. 30,000) but admitted that they were engaging in firefights with its defenders. Hizbullah admitted that the Israeli army had killed 5 of its fighters on Tuesday.
With regard to Bint Jbeil, The Daily Star notes
' Sources in the foreign observer force UNIFIL said it was difficult to know which side controlled which parts of the town and that some civilians were feared trapped by the crossfire. '
Maj. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot played down the idea that there were still civilians in Bint Jbeil, saying that there were only 200 to 400 Hizbullah guerrillas left there.
The total death toll for civilians in Israel's total war on Lebanon has risen to 406, with 20 Lebanese Army soldiers killed and 27 Hizbullah fighters.
The Israelis continued to interfere with humanitarian aid efforts despite their announcements to the contrary, according to the Daily Star:
Israeli warships also forbade a French ship loaded with humanitarian aid from reaching a port in Lebanon, according to media reports.
Israeli gunboats also fired warning shots at a Turkish ferry that was helping evacuate Australians from Lebanon and held it for several hours, Turkish Transport Minister Binali Yildirim said on Tuesday.
Hizbullah fired more than a dozen rockets into Haifa (see next entry).
Nicholas Blanford of the Daily Star reports on the human dimension of Israel's vast displacement of civilians from their homes in South Lebanon:
' TIBNINE: Wearing only slippers on his feet, it took Youssef Beydoun two-and-a-half terrifying hours to walk from his shell-battered village of Kounine to the relative safety of Tibnine. Here the 78-year-old is one of some 1,600 refugees crammed into Tibnine's government-run hospital, all of them having fled from a cluster of Shiite hill villages to the south. With drinking water running out, no milk, no electricity and declining stocks of food as well as little prospect of imminent escape from Tibnine, the refugees are caught in a vortex of confusion, fear, anger and despair.
"All the time there's bombing; all the houses have been hit. It was very bad. I thought my heart would stop," said Beydoun, a slim, stooped man with a white floppy hat shading his stubbly beard and weather-beaten face from the midday sun. He said he left Kounine after his house was flattened by Israeli bombing, killing his Sri Lankan and Ethiopian maids.
"They are still buried under the rubble," he said . . . Bint Jbeil and the surrounding Shiite villages, such as Aitaroun, Kounine, Beit Yahoun and Ainatta have borne the brunt of Israel's air and artillery blitz.
"It's very bad in Kounine," said Souad Shibli, 45, an Egyptian nurse whose Lebanese husband is working in Kuwait. "All night there are explosions. We want cars to go to Beirut. Please tell Kofi Annan we must have cars to get us out," she added, her voice becoming more desperate and shrill. '
The economic impact of the relentless Israeli bombings would be hard to calculate. Some experts are saying that the Israelis have caused at least $150 million in direct damage to factories:
' "The losses are more than $150 million in the current book value and we are afraid the situation will get worse," Jacques Sarraf, a chemical plant owner and the former president of the industrial association, told The Daily Star. More than a dozen factories in the Bekaa valley and other areas were hit by Israeli strikes in two weeks of bombing. Among the factories that were hit and destroyed were the country's largest dairy farm, Liban Lait; a paper mill; a packaging firm and wood plant.
"I just want to know why these factories are being targeted by the Israelis," Sarraf said. "Why Liban Lait, which makes cheese for the United Nations in Lebanon?" Liban Lait, which produces cheese, yogurt and labeneh, controls more than 50 percent of the Lebanese market. Sarraf said that the one of the industries that was flattened by the raids was an Indian investment project.
Many industrialists strongly believe that the ostensible cause of the Israeli bombardment, the abduction of two Israeli soldiers by the militant group Hizbullah, was nothing more than an excuse to destroy the Lebanese economy because the economy poses a challenge to Israel. '
Among the industries worst damaged is the telecom sector.
' Lebanon's mobile networks and satellite antennas are being targeted by Israeli warplanes, causing at least $10 to $15 million in material damage and a drop in the revenues of the telecom sector, Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamade said on Sunday. . . Israeli warplanes have hit transmitters, relay stations and satellite stations in Beirut, the South, the North and the Bekaa Valley since the war started 12 days ago.
Israeli warplanes bombarded a satellite and antenna station in Kesrouan on Saturday, killing an [Christian] employee of the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation and destroying the television antenna. '
For essential background:
Jim Quilty in Middle East Report on Israel's war on the Lebanese Shiites.
Helena Cobban, "Hizbullah's New Face."
The Israeli military elite have for years taken the position that "the floggings shall continue until morale improves."
Dr. Cole poses the question, "Who talks like that?" (referring to specific comments, not my quip)
The answer seems to be the Israeli military elite, who take the position that Arabs must be beaten down until they are willing to do the Israeli's work for them.
The problem occurs when Rumsfeld's Law comes into play. Internet Alert. Internet Alert. I am attempting to name a new law.
"You commit atrocities against the terrorists you have created, not the ones you wish you had created."
Who are these Israeli generals who complain about the nature of their enemy? Do they think they, as Israelis, deserve only the most noble (and compliant) foe? Only stupid Goliaths wanted for the position. Desert Foxes need not apply. (It is my own personal suspicion that David had a bit of help from an archer or two hidden in the rocks, but I digress.)
Clearly, this Hizbollah is unacceptable. I think the US should sponsor a UN resolution with clear and unambiguous specifications for terrorist organizations. Harummmmfph!
Moving on, what about young Valerie Flame, oops I meant Plame. Isn't it convenient for Israel, and Michael Ledeen, that this Hizbollah was at least cooperative enough to fire a few missles just in time to throw some smoke into the American public, lest we learn who really was behind the treason known as L'Affaire Plame?
Getting Lebanon to turn on Hezbollah by bombing the snot out of it will work about as well as bringing down the WTC buildings got New Yorkers to turn on al Qaeda.
That is a clear casus belli, and I'd like to see Nasrallah tried at the Hague for all those civilian deaths he ordered.
Anyone from Israel? It seems patently unfair that the long planning (and outright acknowledgement that everything and everyone in Lebanon is an Israeli target) does not get a similar reaction from the world. But we all know Westerners (and the Israelis are considered that by Americans, yes?) are not tried at the Hague...
I read your blog every day and pass it on - I really appreciate your the news from various sources and your reasoned responses. Thank you, Juan.
You wrote "...that it was done tells me that there is something sick in the heart of the Israeli military and political elite, a sickness of the soul that had better be faced and remedied before our entire world catches the contagion."
Did they catch this sickness from the Washington political and military elite, or did they transmit it to their friends on the Potomac?
Or is the "sickness" the by-product of late capitalist societies that disdain the cultures of people poorer and darker in skin than they?
There's a disturbing account of the bombing of the UNifil post in today's Guardian: "Israel bombed UN base for hours" -,,1830397,00.html
Annan said, "'the shelling started in the morning and went on until after 7pm. You cannot imagine the anguish of the unarmed men and women peacekeepers who were there'"
According to a detailed timeline of the incident provided by an unidentified UN officer and reported by CNN, the first bomb exploded around 200 metres from the post at 1.20pm (11.20am BST) yesterday.
Unifil observers then telephoned their designated contact with the Israeli military, who assured them the attacks would stop. In the following hours, nine more bombs fell close to the post, each one followed by a call to the Israeli military, the UN officer said.
The main Unifil base in the town of Naqoura lost contact with the post at 7.40pm, seemingly the time when the post received a direct hit."
And there's this story in the BBC: "Israel troops 'ignored' UN plea" -
Olmert's statement that "It's inconceivable for the U.N. to define an error as an apparently deliberate action," is a little hard to swallow after such reports.
You want to see Nasrallah at the Hague? what about Bush, Olmert and Sharon?
at the latest count Hezbullah had killed 17 civilians and 36 soldiers.
Israel has killed over 500 civilians. Have they killed 1059 Hezbullah fighters? I dont think they've even killed 10.
There is absolutely 100% no moral equivalence between the two sides Juan. The numbers dont match up. say what you like, but to compare the conduct of Hassan Nassrallah to that of Ehud Olmert is shameful.
You've stated that the Katyusha rockets are innaccurate and are bound to cause some civilian deaths and thats your reason Nassrallah is a war criminal???? Well the Israeli weapons are supposedly 'precision guided' so they have absolutely NO excuse.
If the tables were turned and it was Nassrallah who had the luxury of state of the art bombers i can guarantee he would no attack civilians.
When does Israel officially become a "rogue state"?
When will Congressional Democrats get the courage to criticize Israel?
On the day of the Greek Kalends.
More words on collective punishment from those who know (from the start of the conflict):
Israel called Wednesday's abductions an act of war, and Maj. Gen. Udi Adam, head of Israel's Northern Command, said he has "comprehensive plans" to battle Hezbollah throughout Lebanon, not just in its southern stronghold.
"This affair is between Israel and the state of Lebanon," Adam said. "Where to attack? Once it is inside Lebanon, everything is legitimate -- not just southern Lebanon, not just the line of Hezbollah posts."
[my emphasis]
And yet, many of those defending israel will argue point blank that no collective punishment is taking place.
As others have noted, Prof. Cole's call for Nasralluh to be tried seems telling. If you think back on what the European powers have done to the undeveloped world (the Native American genocide, the US occupation of the Phillipines, denuding Africa of its resources, etc.), it is the capitalist system and its greedy administrators, that needs to be in the dock, not the leaders of the resistance thrown up to protect their people. The prior crimes were not seen on CNN; these are. Woe unto anyone who thinks they can get away with this.
The destruction of Lebanon's infrastructure might be rationalized as such according to those who back the attack on Lebanon (Israel and US):
"Once Lebanon is destroyed, and Hizzbullah crushed, the Lebanese will need large debt relief. The US will come to its aid, offering several billion dollars over a five year period under one condition: Lebanon must open up its economy to privatization -a free trade agreement. The Lebanese will be weak and will do as we say. Part of the aid will come in the form of US military hardware and Hollywood films."
(But in the present moment of reality, it is France -partially acting on its own- that is instrumental in securing the safe passage of humanitarian aid)
The current conflict demonstrates once again that human beings are still savages.
We can call ourselves sophicated and civilized and cultured but nothing hides the blackness inside us. War brings it out, lifts the stone to reveal the ugliness crawling underneath.
The butchery being carried out by Israel shows what happens when a nation is gripped by extreme nationalism and fanatical religion. Combine those things with the underlying savagery and primitiveness and killing becomes the norm, killing that involves hideous things like burning children with phosphorous.
America is to blame for Israel. It has armed it and blindly supported it. Without America, Israel could never have grown into the hated, militaristic Rogue State it has.
America could stop its barbarity today if it wanted to!
Empire is the Great Terror. Since 1945, the greatest terrorist award goes to the United States, guided as it's been by the Death Party--the main Imperial party that has two main and many minor factions. That this party is the sum of both main parties is proven again by the recent votes approving the warcrimes of the Israeli Satrap. The only way to win the real terror war is to eliminate Empire. Yes, that means no Israel. A secular Palestine sans racist walls and refugee camps that jews may choose to live in or not.
Great post, Juan.
The Israelis denied that they hit the base deliberately, but Kofi would know.
Kofi described Israeli actions, not Israeli intentions. And I don't see any indication that Kofi knows anything that hasn't appeared in the media.
Let me use an analogy to explain what I think Kofi is doing here. Suppose the police find me standing over the body of a dead man with the still smoking gun in my hand. The police realize that they don't know whether I'm guilty of murder. Perhaps it was self defense. Perhaps the gun discharged accidentally. But a simple assertion that I'm not guilty is not going to satisfy the police. They will question me further. And when they question me, their approach will be to imply, if not say, that if I don't talk the evidence will leave them no choice but to assume the worst about me.
Kofi's job in this situation is to protect his people. He isn't trying to offer a balanced assessment of Israel's actions; he's putting pressure on Isreal.
Israel's attack on the U.N. base was probably an accident, but even if it was an accident, Kofi is right to expect Israel to do more. When the United States bombed the Chinese embassy, it issued a statement saying that the bombing was an accident. The president of the United States publicly apologized for the error. The military conducted a detailed investigation of the error. And, based on the results of the investigation, the military changed its procedures to make a similar error less likely to occur in the future.
"Kenneth Almquist said...
The Israelis denied that they hit the base deliberately, but Kofi would know.
Kofi described Israeli actions, not Israeli intentions. And I don't see any indication that Kofi knows anything that hasn't appeared in the media.
Let me use an analogy to explain what I think Kofi is doing here. Suppose the police find me standing over the body of a dead man with the still smoking gun in my hand."
Very interesting analysis! Interesting because it uses a situation different from reality.
The acutal case scenario would be, "The police find me standing over a dead man with a still smoking gun in my hand. The police had warned me for eight hours that my gun was loaded and the man I was shooting at was a Police Observer, not a member of a street gang. The police had asked me, repeatedly, to stop shooting at the man. I proceeded to kill the man. The police know I killed the man and I know I killed the man. Regardless, I demand an apology from the police when they state I intentionally killed the man."
There you go. Much better analogy.
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