9 Israeli Troops Killed
Israel Bombs Lebanese Army
The Israelis launched a new wave of bombing attacks on Thursday morning:
' Israeli military aircraft bombed a Lebanese army base in the Amsheet area north of Beirut and destroyed a radio relay station in the area, local media reported, citing Lebanese military sources. Meanwhile, Israel warplanes also struck areas in south Lebanon. . .'
The Israeli official line is that they are only fighting Hizbullah and that the huge number of civilian casualties is an accident. But why are they bombing the regular Lebanese army north of Beirut if their real enemy is Hizbullah, a southern Shiite paramilitary? Why are they bombing radio relay stations?
Note that the only way this conflict can end is for the Lebanese state to be strengthened so that it has a hope of dealing with Hizbullah. Uh, these actions are not, like, strengthening the Lebanese state.
On Wednesday,
An Israeli air strike 'hit a truck carrying medical and food suppliesdonated to Lebanon by the United Arab Emirates, killing its Syrian driver and wounding two others, security sources said. The truck was destroyed just a few kilometres from Lebanon's eastern border with Syria in the town of Anjar. '
A truck full of medical and food supplies?
China strongly condemned the Israeli air strike on a United Nations peacekeeping base, which left a Chinse soldier dead. President Hu Jintao also called for an immediate ceasefire.
The senior Irish officer in UNIFIL had warned the Israelis 6 times that they were striking too close to the UN base. After the Israelis had killed 4 UN soldiers, Egyptian UN troops were sent in to retrieve the bodies. The Israelis fired on them, too. International law stipulates that those who kill UN peacekeepers can be extradited and tried for the crime.
The true number of Israeli toops killed Wednesday fighing Hizbullah in the south was 9. 8 were killed in the house to house battle for Bint Jbeil, which the Israelis had announced that they had captured the previous day. The Israelis are now claiming to have killed 250 Hizbullah fighters in the south, but no independent observer puts the number so high. The poor performance of the Israeli army in taking two towns, one of them a village of 400 and now a small town of 30,000, has provoked a firestorm of criticism in the Israeli public.
Israeli ground operations in Gaza killed 23 persons on Wednesday, about half of them innocent civilians.
Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora called on Israel to negotiate the return to lebanon of the Shebaa Farms area, Occupied since 1967.
The horror faced by Lebanese civilians in the border towns near Israel is revealed by the VOA:
'Tehfa says the bombs are not the only danger. Yaroun is all but cut off from the outside world. "Plus, the people die without food. There is no water, no electricity, no gas. Nothing!" she added. Tehfa literally walked to safety, wearing a pair of black flip-flop sandals and carrying nothing but her shiny black handbag. After nearly two weeks under siege, she and a group of about 70 townspeople - waving a large white flag - walked six kilometers to the nearest village, a place called Rmeich. Another Australian, Fatima Salim, managed to find a car to take her to Rmeich, and then slept in a cramped apartment with 80 other people for three days. "I lost my mother, my brother, my sister-in-law. I do not know where they are gone," she said. "Because I go out from one door, they go out from another door. And for one minute, I cannot see my parents. I do not know where they are." '
The Number of internally displaced Lebanese, i.e. people reduced to homelessness by Israel's war on Lebanon, has risen to an estimated 600,000, according to the UN.
France is willing to play a major role in any peacekeeping effort in southern Lebanon. But President Jacques Chirac opposes doing it under the rubric of NATO. He says it is viewed in the region as "the armed wing of the West." How refreshing to find a president who both knows this and cares what Arabs think.
Hizbullah sent 10 rockets on Safed early Thursday morning. No word of any casualties. Over a dozen were said to have been wounded on Wednesday by dozens of Hizbullah rockets.
As to anything happening over the UN troops, via the UN, I would be shocked. Lets remember Israel has been able to continuously ignore international law, UN resolutions, ect… with little to no reprimands. It is nice having friends in high places. But, there are other means available that would not surprise me. The USA has made miscalculations in other areas of foreign policy, specifically economic policy, free trade does not mean localize your trade with one nation.
I am not sure China is ready to flex its muscles yet. But, after a Chinese soldier has died, if we do not allow punishment, I could easily see us on the receiving end of sanctions, until we back down. Lets face it, we have become too dependent on China, if they embargo us it would damage our economy.
I have some good friends for Bint Jbeil. They have worked hard to rebuild that village since Israel left. They tell me their families reported before last communications were cut 90% of buildings were already leveled. I am not surprised; it limits house-to-house fighting. This is a statement on BBC from Israel’s Justice Minister that I found interesting. “All those now in south Lebanon are terrorists who are related in some way to Hezbollah," Mr Ramon said. My friends, as well as the Media, are saying that many did not make it out. Most of the elderly and sick could not leave the village and some were simply too frightened by many civilians fleeing that were bombed on the road.
The senior Irish officer in UNIFIL had warned the Israelis 6 times that they were striking too close to the UN base. After the Israelis had killed 4 UN soldiers, Egyptian UN troops were sent in to retrieve the bodies. The Israelis fired on them, too. International law stipulates that those who kill UN peacekeepers can be extradited and tried for the crime."
It would be good if International Law could be used to stop the fighting. I proffer the following scenario:
1. Individuals with legal standing in countries with the appropriate laws file charges against Israeli and US officials.
2. In parallel development, individuals and business which have suffered financial losses bring suit in civil courts in their home countries.
3. Win the case. Seek damages.
4. Win Israel/US refuses to extradite/pay, use this as leverage to obtain arrest warrants against any Israeli/US official involved.
5. When any of the expanding list of perps sets foot in any country that allows it, arrest them.
6. Use the civil damages to freeze foreign assets.
My little fantasy ends with a significant segment of Israeli/US perps rotting in foreign jails. Eventually Israel, the part that is left, no longer needs to expand its territory.
Farfetched? The principle has been applied on a smaller scale to other countries.
Consider the following headlines found over at antiwar.com:
Iran Calls for Cease-Fire
Syria Calls for Cease-Fire
Rice Warns Iran, Syria Not to Oppose Cease-Fire
It is useless to rail against the idiots in power in this country. Effective means have to be employed elsewhere.
600K refugees in Lebanon
According to the UN, the number of refugees in Lebanon has already reached 600K, each day tens of thousands more are forced to leave their homes. These are huge numbers for a small country with population just over 3.8M! As of now, 400 Lebanese have been killed as a result of Israeli air strikes, that's not that much on the military scale. Meanwhile, fighting between IDF and Hizballah forces continues in S.Lebanon.
Technically, this can be explained by the effects of modern smart weapons which are designed to knock out infrastructure by pinpoint strikes. This is a huge technical improvement over WW2 and Vietnam where cover bombings with crude bombs destroyed hostile infrastructure - together with huge numbers of civilians.
In Lebanon, new generation military hardware is used in close coordination with modern PR techniques. Any balanced coverage in the English language media is effectively blocked, Google news are not particularly helpful as well. One example of what we can find there is an article in the Seattle Times. It just tells about "heavy", but unspecified Israeli losses and mentions about 30K refugees from Bint Jbail.
Russian liberal Gazeta.ru does not mention the refugees at all. Instead, they write about 13 Israelis and 130 Hizballah fighters killed since the beginning of the war. Reading this article, one can think that IAF targets only military and communication installations, nothing about civilian infrastructure - electric grid, bridges, etc. Also, Gazeta reproduces the Israeli info that ground operations in Lebanon will not be broadened.
Billmon exposes some of the Israeli discontent with the current behavior of Hizbollah.
For instance, the fighters appear to be cowardly because they hide from Israel tanks, but then they fight to the death and insist on killing Israel mart^H^H^H^H soldi^H^H^H^H^H military victims.
This is unacceptable. In the interest of World Peace, I am formulating a set of parameters for consideration by all current and future terrorist organizations.
1. State plainly that Israel does not have the right to exist. Include examples of tacit recognition of the plight of the post WWII Jewish refugees.
2. Establish an easily recognizable identity in order that persons such as Secretary of State/Minister of Truth Condaleeza Rice, Presidente George W. Bush and various House democrats do not become confused regarding your purpose. Become responsible members of governments. Implement social services. Carry Kalashnikov rifles.
3. (Very important). Open a liason office with Israeli Air Defense. Negotiate times and places for your troops to stand in plain view of Israeli aircraft in order that Israel may conduct fair and balanced military operations. Use blue paint.
4. Please, please consider the use of blanks in your rifles. This makes it safe(r) for western press to accompany Israeli troops as they bravely confront "hails of small arms fire" and evedntually win. If any of your armed militants insist on actually being armed, a penalty kick will be awared to Israel.
BBC TODAY: Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon “said that in order to prevent casualties among Israeli soldiers battling Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon, villages should be flattened by the Israeli air force before ground troops moved in.
He added that Israel had given the civilians of southern Lebanon ample time to quit the area and therefore anyone still remaining there could be considered a Hezbollah supporter.
“All those now in south Lebanon are terrorists who are related in some way to Hezbollah,” Mr Ramon said.
Although early stages of armed conflict are often confusing (to everyone), one must wonder at the strange lack of Strategic Vision apparent (ie., the effect of "collective punishment" on local resistance, global sentiment), and Tactical practicality (ie., rubble-izing the path of their own, mechanized armour; creating ready-made sniper / guerrila fox-holes, a la the great mistake of Stalingrad, circa ~1942), of the intentions and actions of air and ground-based Israeli Defense Forces.
i am reminded of this old, WWII documentary in which the great Russian war hero, Marshall Zhukov, was asked how he was able to defend against and ultimately conquer "the great soldiers of the German Army".
"Great SOLDIERS?" he repeated, "Nyet!"
"...great EXECUTIONERS, Da!"
I just read an article on you in the Chronicle Review by Siva Vaidhyanathan about the advent public intellectual forums via the internet. It drove me here.
I look forward to reading more.
Your site is a vehicle for discourse to say the least.
"Charlie Rose tonight featured an interview with Vali Nasr, USN PG School When Shiites Rise {Foreign Affairs) picking up on the theme of your presentation on Shiite Power in the Oil Gulf at SF State last fall."
I could scarcely believe the garbage Charlie Rose was spewing in this. Praising Israel's democracy. Damning all Shiites in Lebanon since they overwhelmingly voted for Hezbollah in elections. Fanning the flames of anti Shia hysteria and blaming everything on Iran and Syria. He even asked whether we shouldn't just let all the Muslims fight amongst themselves and save us the trouble.
I fear that the seeming failures of the Neocon Iraq project and chaos in Afghanistan are actually the very results they were hoping for.
Suddenly the Shia are the great enemy! Bang those war drums. Orwell would be proud/mortified.
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