Members of Israeli Parliament on the Gaza Operation
The USG Open Document Center translates this report from Israeli news broadcasts in Hebrew:
Israel: Islamic Movement, MKs Comment on Gaza Operation
Israel -- OSC Report
Thursday, June 29, 2006 T17:23:50Z
Ro'i Nahmias reports at 1036 GMT on Ynetnews: "The northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel aggressively condemned the arrest of HAMAS ministers and parliament members Thursday. 'The occupation is to blame and Israel carries full responsibility for what is taking place,' a message by the movement said. The statement said that 'the arrest of ministers, parliament members, and Palestinian mayors is proof that there is no place for Palestinian sovereignty in the lexicon of the Israeli government. Therefore, it is no wonder that the 'there-is-no-partner' melody is heard over and over again.' Before releasing the statement, the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel announced a day of fasting to identify with 'our besieged Palestinian people.'" (Tel Aviv Ynetnews WWW-Text in English -- centrist news site operated by Yedi'ot Media Group)
Israel radio reports at 1200 GMT: "Meretz chairman Yosi Beilin called on the government to set the earliest possible time to end Operation Summer Rains and to take steps toward achieving a comprehensive cease-fire. The longer it takes, Beilin said, the higher the risk of sinking in the Gazan swamp. He added that their arrest turned HAMAS leaders into heroes of the Palestinian street, despite their failure to run their people's affairs. His party colleague Zehava Gal'on said the government took up a military operation whose beginning is known but whose outcome isn't. Neither is it clear how it advances the release of the abducted soldier, she said.
"MK Jamal Zahaliqah of BALAD said that capturing people as bargaining chips is what criminal gangs do, not a state. The Israeli Government is pouring fuel on the fire and deliberately escalating the situation, he added. His party colleague Azmi Bisharah said that Israel is behaving like a terror organization, and that the abduction of elected public officials is an act of terror.
"MK Arye Eldad of the National Union-NRP congratulated the government for showing the first signs of understanding that Israel is at war. His party colleague Uri Ari'el said that the fact that no senior government or army official called on the Asheri family in Itamar as soon as their son Eliyahu was kidnapped is a disgrace bordering on discrimination." (Jerusalem Voice of Israel Network B in Hebrew -- State-funded radio; independent in content)
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