Bombings in Basra, Baghdad
US Airstrike Kills 13 at Baqubah
A suicide bomber targeted pensioners standing in line in Basra, killing 1 and wounding 5.
In Baghdad, a bomber killed 7 and wounded 18 in a market.
Al-Zaman/ DPA say that police found 16 corpses in various parts of Iraq.
Al-Zaman reports that [Ar.] dozens of physicians went on strike in Baghdad on Tuesday to protest the assassination of a specialist.
The US killed 15 persons it says were insurgents in an air strike near Baqubah. Locals denied that the deceased, who include an 12-year-old boy, were involved in violence. Arab news channels tended to see that strike as a tragic error or as a "massacre."
British Lieutenant General Nick Houghton came out Tuesday with a gloomy portrait of sectarian violence in the southern port city of Basra:
' "There is a worrying amount of violence and murder carried out between rival Shia factions," he said. "The security situation in Basra has no doubt got worse of late due to the protracted period of talks to form the government." That, he said, allowed "a period of time in which politics that should have been conducted more appropriately, actually were conducted through violent means on the streets". Gen Houghton continued: "There has been inter-faction rivalry, much of it then reflecting in non-judicial murder between rival Shia factions struggling for political and economic power." '
Supreme Jurisprudent of Iran Ali Khamenei, pressed again Tuesday for withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq.
Gen. Houghton (and the Mr. Ingram mentioned in the Guardian article) both show a certain tendency to pass the buck to Baghdad -- and therefore to Crawford. Does the maintenance of elementary law and order at Basra really depend as much as they suggest on Big Picture things well outside British control, like getting a federal government or a functioning national economy together?
The UK generals have been talking like that at least since their helicopter was shot down and their pretensions to being a much better Occupying Power than the Yanks are began to look a little shaky.
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