Top Ten Catastrophes of the Third Year of American Iraq
The American war against Iraq began on March 20, 2003, so today is the third anniversary. The Himalyan mistakes of the American administration of the country in its first two years have by now been much analyzed -- the punitive steps against even low-level Baath Party members, the firing of tens of thousands of Sunni Arabs, the dissolution of the army, the permitting of looting on a vast scale, the failure to understand tribal honor, the failure to get a handle on the early guerrilla war, the failure to understand Shiite Islam, the torture at Abu Ghraib, the failure to get services on line, the destruction of Fallujah, the ill-timed and ill-advised attempt to "kill or capture" Muqtada al-Sadr, the adoption of an election system that allowed the almost complete exclusion of the Sunni Arabs, etc., etc.
Here, let us examine the top disasters of the third year in American Iraq.
1. The Shiite religious parties, having won a majority in parliament, took over the Ministry of the Interior and drew, for its special police commandos, on members of the Badr Corps. Badr is the paramilitary of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, and it was trained by Iran's Revolutionary Guards. These special commandos set up secret prisons and tortured Sunni Arabs they suspected of being in the guerrilla resistance to the new order.
2. The constitution drafted by the elected parliament enshrines Islam as the religion of state and stipulates that the civil parliament may pass no legislation that contravenes the established laws of Islam. It hints that clerics and ayatollahs will be appointed to court benches. The constitution has brought Iraq to the brink of being an Islamic Republic, with potentially harmful effects on the rights of women, gays, Christians and others. Since the Shiite religious parties had won the January 30, 2005 elections, this outcome was predictable.
3. The constitution allows provinces to establish provincial confederacies. This provision reflections the model adopted by the Kurds in the north, which is now attractive to Shiite parties in the south. These confederacies can claim 100 percent of the revenues from all future petroleum, natural gas and other natural resource finds. The loose, weak federal government, like the early American state under the Articles of Confederation will be robbed of sovereignty (and income) by ambitious provincial elites. It is possible that these provincial confederacies may break up the country.
4. The US military used Kurdish and Shiite troops to attack the northern Turkmen city of Talafar in August. Kurdish troops, drawn from the Peshmerga militia, were allowed to paint lasers on targets in the city, which were then destroyed by the US air force. Entire neighborhoods were destroyed, and much of the population was displaced for some time. Shiite troops and local Shiite Turkmen informants were used to identify and interrogate alleged Sunni insurgents. Turkey was furious at the attack on ethnically related Turkmen and threatened to halt its cooperation with the US. Although the attack was allegedly undertaken to capture foreign forces allegedly based in the city, only 50 were announced apprehended. The entire operation ended up looking like a joint Kurdish-Shiite attack on Sunni Turkmen, backed by the US military. Turkmen and Kurds do not generally get along, and Turkmen accuse Kurds of wanting to ethnically clense them from Kirkuk. The entire operation was politically the worst possible public relations for the US in northern Iraq, and seems unlikely to have put a signficant dent in the guerrillas' capabilities.
5. All three Sunni Arab-majority provinces rejected the new constitution by a sound margin, two of them by a two-thirds majority. The Kurdish and Shiite provinces overwhelmingly approved the charter. Iraq thus has a permanent constitution that is absolutely unacceptable to the country's most powerful minority.
6. British government leakers revealed that George W. Bush told British PM Tony Blair in April, 2002, that he was seriously considering bombing the HQ of the Aljazeera satellite news channel. Bush's reputation, already low in the Arab world, took another hit.
7. Iraqi petroleum exports fell to an average of only 1.8 million barrels a day during the past year, down from 2.8 million barrels per day before the war. In recent months the exports have been as low as 1.1 million barrels a day.
8. Guerrillas have managed to surround and cut off Baghdad, the capital and a population center with 1/4 of the country's inhabitants, from much fuel and electricity.
9. Widespread hopes, fanned by the Bush administration, that Sunni Arab participation in the parliamentary elections would lead to a reduction in guerrilla violence proved completely untrue. The various Sunni Arab lists garnered 58 seats of 275. The Sunni Arabs have now adopted a two-track strategy, working in parliament to play the Kurds and the Shiites off against one another while its paramilitary wing continued to blow things up with unrelenting ferocity.
10. Guerrillas in Samarra on February 22 blew up the Askari Shrine, holy to Shiites because of its association with the hidden Twelfth Imam, whose Second Coming many await. The Sunni Arab guerrilla movement has been trying to provoke popular attacks and sectarian reprisals, but this is the first time it met with a measure of success. Enraged Shiites attacked 100 mosques, damaging between two and four dozen, killing some Sunni clerics, and murdering hundreds of Sunnis. Iraqi clerics, both Shiite and Sunni, helped bring Iraq back from the brink of hot civil war. The US troops in the country proved generally unuseful in this crisis.
OK. Situation hopeless. But what to do? How about some guidelines? Support the SCIRI, Muqtada, or the Sunnis? Furthermore, is all you say really true?
You state:
"8. Guerrillas have managed to surround and cut off Baghdad, the capital and a population center with 1/4 of the country's inhabitants, from much fuel and electricity."
Broad declarations occasionally require proof. Yes, fuel and electricity are below requirements. Sabotage, ambushes, and IED are acute problems. However, to say that Baghdad is surrounded and cut off seems like an overstatement. It is not, like Stalingrad, surrounded by armies. A US withdrawal would not be followed by any "liberation" by any unified national resistance.
Would any elected assembly of Muslims write a constitution that did not proclaim Islam as its basis? Is "catastrophe" a helpful way to describe the inevitable?
Melvin Laird argues that the RVN Saigon regime would have survived, were it not for withering US support. Is that also the case in Iraq? How can or should the US bug out?
Why Iranians want to talk
This list of Iraqi disasters is pretty much perfect, assuming that the order is irrelevant. IMO, it is essential for proper interpretation of the current situation in Iraq.
I'd especially point out the importance of the the Golden Mosque disaster which is #10 in Cole's list. One crude Western analogy for this situation is assassination of Hector during the Trojan war.
Knowing the symbolic importance of this site for the Iranians, we can suggest that, devastated by the loss, they feel obliged to discuss what can be done to secure other Iraqi holy sites. One thing is for sure, Iranians expect an expression of regret for what happened to the Samarra mosque.
From the other side, WaPo apparently takes the Iranian move as a sign of weakness, a step to surrender. In fact, they hardly see any difference between the 10c mosque and a decorated warehouse. No, this is absolutely not the case!
Greetings Prof. Juan Cole ! You rightly put your finger on ten of the most painful catastrophies arising from the American Iraq fiasco, but I think you have missed the point; the USA in fact committed the single and only one mother of all disaster. the USA sleep walked into committing the most costly aggression against a weak & unarmed third world nation that has done no harm to the USA nor are they at anytime at all likely to threaten the security of the USA whatsoever.
To further rub salt to open wound, President Bush & Donny Rumsfeld were seduced by that wily Arab "FOX" Ahmad Chalabi, that mother of all scam artist; and as a consequence the USA not only lost US$1.5 trillion, but made 2,400 widows and orphans.
What has the USA gained from all that "gas"; other than to look foolish. The lone superpower of the world made to look like a mug. Even President Hugo Chavez has the guts to call Bush a "DONKEY" & A DRUNCKARD. At the end of all that immense waste (all of US$1.5 trillion) has the USA achieved DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ ?
The bottom line to all this American fantasy is that the USA is today the biggest laughing stock of the world. In the face of real power like dear leader Kim of DPRK, Hugo Chavez etc. the USA is quite helpless. All the ten USA air-craft carriers & hundreds of top F16 fighters are emasculated; to use a Chinese turn of phrase, the USA is soft as tofu.
The real catastrophe of the Iraq War is that it has created a cult of Bushiites in America who will follow their cabal leaders into the gates of the apocalypse.
If this sounds too harsh, you only need look to the 30 million or so die-hard supporters of this president, and the anti-Castro and pro-Israel crowd, who are now pushing for an escalation in U.S. military posture in the region - especially against Iran.
The worse things get, the better they look to this Bushiite cult who readily believe their Great Leader's prophesy that the better things get the worse they will seem.
The fact that big corporations have swindled money and profited from this war, the fact that the war was based on lies, the fact that thousands of innocent Iraqis have died needlessly - all these facts are but the Devil's breath to the Bushiites.
They did not drink the Kool-Aid - they are living in it.
Hello Catinthehat ! I believe that you are brilliant and I am a convert.
What a fantastic plan & all I thought of was that the USA wanted democrcay in Iraq ?
If what catinthehat said is factual, then President Bush, VP Cheny, Donny Rumsfeld and all the bunch of the Bush Administration are war criminals.
Vow what a bunch of crooks.
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