As Many as 90 Killed
Badr Demands Khalilzad's Expulsion
A suicide bomber struck an army recruiting station near Tal Afar in northern Iraq, killing 40 and wounding 20. President Bush recently lauded the situation in Tal Afar and environs as a US success story.
About 29 corpses corpses showed up in the streets of Baghdad, most of them strangled and tortured.
A rocket attack on a building resulted in several casualties. The building housed political offices for the Fadhila (Virtue) and Dawa Parties. Both are Shiite religious parties.
A young physician in Kirkuk confessed on Kurdistan television Monday to having been an serial killer on behalf of the guerrillas, giving lethal injections to more than 40 Iraqi soldiers and police or denying them oxygen. At the same time, he was secretly treating wounded members of the guerrilla movement.
Guerrillas abducted 16 employees of an Iraqi trading company on Monday, according to the Iraqi Interior Ministry.
The governor of Baghdad province, Hussein al-Tahan, announced Monday “Today we decided to stop all political and service cooperation with the US forces until a legal committee is formed to investigate this incident.” [i.e. the US/Iraqi attack on the Mustafa Husayniyah in the Ur district on Sunday, which left some 20 persons dead).
Officials of the United Iraqi Alliance of Shiite fundamentalists, the largest single bloc in parliament, demanded Monday that security matters be turned over to Iraqis and taken out of US hands. Reuters says, ' “The Alliance calls for a rapid restoration of (control of) security matters to the Iraqi government,” Jawad Al Maliki, a senior Alliance spokesman and ally of Prime Minister Ibrahim Al Jaafari, told a news conference. '
I have to say that if the US military doesn't even know, as its spokesmen admitted, to which branch of Islam the persons its joint operation killed on Sunday belonged, it really is acting as a bull in a china shop.
The Intrepid Ann Garrels and Joost Hilterman report that some Shiites are speaking now of a second great betrayal by the Americans of the Shiites, as they fear that the US it tilting now toward the Sunni Arabs. In spring of 1991, the US stood by while Saddam's forces massacred rebelling Shiites after the Gulf War.
Some Shiites, according to al-Hayat, are saying that the US is deliberately attempting to provoke a civil war in Iraq. Among their concerns was the US military's announcement that the attack on the Mustafa Husayniyah in Ur was the work of an Iraqi military unit. Which unit? Where? To whom does it report? Is it little more than a death squad? Is it commanded by the Americans? Why didn't the Prime Minister know about this attack, which spilled over on Dawa Party offices? PM Jaafari is a member of the Dawa Party.
The Badr Organization, a political party that represents the paramilitary Badr Corps, the Shiite militia of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, demanded Monday that Zalmay Khalilzad, the US ambassador to Iraq, be expelled from that country.
This moment is therefore a particularly inauspicious one for Khalilzad to press for the sidelining of Ibrahim Jaafari as candidate for prime minister of the United Iraqi Alliance. Jaafari narrowly won an internal party vote, but was backed by Muqtada al-Sadr and opposes loose federalism and unrestrained capitalism. For all these reasons he is unacceptable to the Kurds and to the US.
Izzat Ibrahim Duri, one of Saddam's key officials, is said to have issued a tape on Monday. It was played on Aljazeera but has not been authenticated. The tape calls on the Arab League to recognize the Iraqi insurgency as the true government of Iraq, and condemns the blowing up of the Askariyah shrine in Samarra, an anti-Shiite strike. Al-Duri led the charge to repress and massacre the Shiites in sping of 1991 when they rose against Saddam, so he is unlikely to get any points for his defense of the Askariyah.
Iraqi officials are concerned about a big spike in drug smuggling and use in Iraq.
Among their concerns was the US military's announcement that the attack on the Mustafa Husayniyah in Ur was the work of an Iraqi military unit. Which unit?
It seems that the main Iraqi force involved in the raid was the 1st Iraqi Special Operations Forces Brigade. So says the Pentagon anyway. In that article, they again refer to UIA spokesmen as insurgents:
"Press reports cite Iraqi insurgents claiming U.S. soldiers killed innocent civilians in a mosque." It really does seem to be standard practice to refer to any dissenters of "insurgents" no matter who they actually are.
I recently read an article on the 1st ISOF. It looks as if they're fully under US military control.
Can't help but wonder whether the fierce loyalty being instilled into these guys isn't dangerous in its own way. After they're released from US command, what then? It seems that these guys are classic military coup material somewhere down the line.
(Btw, when leaving serious comments like this, I'm inclined to regret my choice of blogger name. Apologies. Garry.)
Perhaps this should be an email, but since you moderate the comments, I assume you will read this...
I wonder if you have been or plan to look through the piles of intel that have been made public for the public to look for connections between Saddam and WMD and al Qaeda.
story is here:
all the files are here:
If anyone can sort through all this it is you, I hope you take a look because the right wing is already claiming connections exist despite the admin. denial. I cannot read these because I do not speak the language.
Apologies Juan for also being slightly off topic but this might be of interest to hfiend and yourself. There's an interesting ABC News report on the declassified documents which throws some light on claimed Saddam/al Qaida link.
On page one, there is some evidence to suggest that Saddam had contact with al Qaida in the mid 90's.
But on page 2 of the report, we find this:
Document dated August 2002 - A number of correspondences to check rumors that some members of al Qaeda organization have entered Iraq. Three letters say this information cannot be confirmed. The letter on page seven, however, says that information coming from "a trustworthy source" indicates that subjects who are interested in dealing with al Qaeda are in Iraq and have several passports.
The letter seems to be coming from or going to Trebil, a town on the Iraqi-Jordanian border. Follow up on the presence of those subjects is ordered, as well as a comparison of their pictures with those of Jordanian subjects living in Iraq. (This may be referring to pictures of Abu Musaab al Zarqawi and another man on pages 4-6.) The letter also says tourist areas, including hotels and rented apartments, should be searched.
This appears to be fairly hard evidence that Saddam was trying to track down any al Qaida operatives in Iraq and that there was no cooperative relationship between them in the run up to war. ABC News says nearly as much in their editorial comment.
I thought it odd that they buried it on page two of a report and have emailed to ask why they did it that way. No reply yet except to say they've passed it on to the relevant department.
Thanks for the link, Garry.
This was hilarious:
(Btw, when leaving serious comments like this, I'm inclined to regret my choice of blogger name. Apologies. Garry.)
The El Salvador model was suggested as an appropriate model to use to pacify the Iraqi people awhile back.
The incompetence of the current administration is all smoke and mirrors.
They're getting everything they want.
They don't care whether there's ever peace as long as they own a piece.
Great to see you on TV. I stayed up for the 1 AM replay since I was working in the early evening.
Riverbend from the blog, Baghdad Burning had this to say:
"...I was reading the little scrolling news headlines on the bottom of the page. The usual- mortar fire on an area in Baghdad, an American soldier killed here, another one wounded there… 12 Iraqi corpses found in an area in Baghdad, etc. Suddenly, one of them caught my attention and I sat up straight on the sofa, wondering if I had read it correctly.
E. was sitting at the other end of the living room, taking apart a radio he later wouldn’t be able to put back together. I called him over with the words, “Come here and read this- I’m sure I misunderstood…” He stood in front of the television and watched the words about corpses and Americans and puppets scroll by and when the news item I was watching for appeared, I jumped up and pointed. E. and I read it in silence and E. looked as confused as I was feeling.
The line said:
????? ?????? ???? ????????? ??? ??? ???????? ?????? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?? ??? ???????
The translation:
“The Ministry of Defense requests that civilians do not comply with the orders of the army or police on nightly patrols unless they are accompanied by coalition forces working in that area.”
That’s how messed up the country is at this point.
We switched to another channel, the “Baghdad” channel (allied with Muhsin Abdul Hameed and his group) and they had the same news item, but instead of the general “coalition forces” they had “American coalition forces”. We checked two other channels. Iraqiya (pro-Da’awa) didn’t mention it and Forat (pro-SCIRI) also didn’t have it on their news ticker.
We discussed it today as it was repeated on another channel.
“So what does it mean?” My cousin’s wife asked as we sat gathered at lunch.
“It means if they come at night and want to raid the house, we don’t have to let them in.” I answered.
“They’re not exactly asking your permission,” E. pointed out. “They break the door down and take people away- or have you forgotten?”..."
Coupled with the demand for a new PM this looks very bad indeed.
full post:
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