Top Ten Mistakes of the Bush Administration in Reacting to Al-Qaeda
Usamah Bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri murdered 3,000 Americans, and they both issued tapes in the past week, blustering and threatening us with more of the same. Most of us aren't wild about paying for the Bush administration with our taxes, but one thing we have a right to expect is that our government would protect us from mass murderers and would chase them down and arrest them. It has not done that. When asked why he hasn't caught Bin Laden, Bush replies, "Because he's hidin'." Is Bush laughing at us?
On September 11, 2001, the question was whether we had underestimated al-Qaeda. It appeared to be a Muslim version of the radical seventies groups like the Baader Meinhoff gang or the Japanese Red Army. It was small, only a few hundred really committed members who had sworn fealty to Bin Laden and would actually kill themselves in suicide attacks. There were a few thousand close sympathizers, who had passed through the Afghanistan training camps or otherwise been inducted into the world view. But could a small terrorist group commit mayhem on that scale? Might there be something more to it? Was this the beginning of a new political force in the Middle East that could hope to roll in and take over, the way the Taliban had taken over Afghanistan in the 1990s? People asked such questions.
Over four years later, there is no doubt. Al-Qaeda is a small terrorist network that has spawned a few copy-cats and wannabes. Its breakthrough was to recruit some high-powered engineers in Hamburg, which it immediately used up. Most al-Qaeda recruits are marginal people, people like Zacarias Moussawi and Richard Reid, who would be mere cranks if they hadn't been manipulated into trying something dangerous. Muhammad al-Amir (a.k.a Atta) and Ziad Jarrah were highly competent scientists, who could figure the kinetic energy of a jet plane loaded with fuel. There don't seem to be significant numbers of such people in the organization. They are left mostly with cranks, petty thieves, drug smugglers, bored bank tellers, shopkeepers, and so forth, persons who could pull off a bombing of trains in Madrid or London, but who could not for the life of them do a really big operation.
The Bush administration and the American Right generally has refused to acknowledge what we now know. Al-Qaeda is dangerous. All small terrorist groups can do damage. But it is not an epochal threat to the United States or its allies of the sort the Soviet Union was (and that threat was consistently exaggerated, as well).
In fact, the United States invaded a major Muslim country, occupied it militarily, tortured its citizens, killed tens of thousands, tinkered with the economy-- did all those things that Muslim nationalists had feared and warned against, and there hasn't even been much of a reaction from the Muslim world. Only a few thousand volunteers went to fight. Most people just seem worried that the US will destabilize their region and leave a lot of trouble behind them. People are used to seeing Great Powers do as they will. A Syrian official before the war told a journalist friend of mine that people in the Middle East had been seeing these sorts of invasions since Napoleon took Egypt in 1798. "Well," he shrugged, "usually they leave behind a few good things when they finally leave."
Because they exaggerate the scale of the conflict, and because they use it cynically, Bush and Cheney have grossly mismanaged the struggle against al-Qaeda and Muslim radicalism after September 11. Here are their chief errors:
1. Bush vastly exaggerates al-Qaeda's size, sweep and importance, while failing to invest in genuine counterterrorist measures such as port security or security for US nuclear plants.
2. Bush could have eradicated the core al-Qaeda group by putting resources into the effort in 2002. He did not, leaving al-Zawahiri and Bin Laden to taunt us, inspire our enemies and organize for years after the Taliban were defeated. It would be as though Truman had allowed Hitler to broadcast calls for terrorism against the US from some hiding place as late as 1949.
3. Bush opened a second front against Iraq before he had put Afghanistan on a sound footing.
4. Bush gutted the US constitution, tossing out the Fourth Amendment, by assiduously spying on Americans without warrants. None of those spying efforts has been shown to have resulted in any security benefits for the United States. Bush says that he wants to watch anyone who calls the phone numbers associated with al-Qaeda. But some of those phone numbers were for food delivery or laundry. We want a judge to sign off on a wire tap so that innocent Americans are not spied on by the government.
5. Bush attempted to associate the threat from al-Qaeda with Iran and Syria. Iran is a fundamentalist Shiite country that hates al-Qaeda. Syria is a secular Arab nationalist country that hates al-Qaeda. Indeed, Syria tortured al-Qaeda operatives for Bush, until Bush decided to get Syria itself. Bush and Cheney have cynically used a national tragedy to further their aggressive policies of Great Power domination.
6. Bush by invading Iraq pushed the Iraqi Sunni Arabs to desert secular Arab nationalism. Four fifths of the Sunni Arab vote in the recent election went to hard line Sunni fundamentalist parties. This development is unprecedented in Iraqi history. Iraqi Sunni Arabs are nationalists, whether secular or religious, and there is no real danger of most of them joining al-Qaeda. But Bush has spread political Islam and has strengthened its influence.
7. Bush diverted at least one trillion dollars in US security spending from the counter-terrorism struggle against al-Qaeda to the Iraq debacle, at the same time that he has run up half a trillion dollar annual deficits, contributing to a spike in inflation, harming the US economy, and making the US less effective in counterterrorism.
8. Counterterrorism requires friendly allies and close cooperation. The Bush administration alienated France, Germany and Spain, along with many Middle Eastern nations that had long waged struggles of their own against terrorist groups. Bush is widely despised and has left America isolated in the world. Virtually all the publics of all major nations hate US policy. One poll showed that in secular Turkey where Muslim extremism is widely reviled and Bin Laden is generally disliked, the public preferred Bin Laden to Bush. Bush is widely seen as more dangerous than al-Qaeda. This image is bad for US counterterrorism efforts.
9. Bush transported detainees to torture sites in Eastern Europe. Under European Union laws, both torture and involvement in torture are illegal,and European officials can be tried for these crimes. HOw many European counterterrorism officials will want to work closely with the Americans if, for all they know, this association could end in jail time? Indeed, in Washington it is said that a lot of our best CIA officers are leaving, afraid that they are being ordered to do things that are illegal, and for which they could be tried once another administration comes to power in Washington.
10. Bush's failure to capture Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri allows them to continue to grandstand, to continue to frighten the public, to continue to affect financial markets, and to continue to plot. Al-Zawahiri almost certainly plotted the 7/7 London subway bombings himself, and gloated about it when he issued Muhammad Siddique Khan's suicide statement. Misplaced Bush priorities are getting our allies hit. The CIA is reduced to firing predators at villages because our counterterrorism efforts have been starved for funds by the Iraq quagmire. If al-Qaeda does pull off another American operation, it may well give Bush and Cheney an opportunity to destroy the US constitution altogether, finally giving Bin Laden his long-sought revenge on Americans for the way he believes they have forced Palestinians and other Muslims to live under lawless foreign domination or local tyranny.
I agree with the scope of failure on the part of the Bush administration as the professor has outlined. The top ten list highlights the incompetence and moral degeneration of these clowns. It's small comfort that history will deal with them harshly.
If al-Qaeda does pull off another American operation, it may well give Bush and Cheney an opportunity to destroy the US constitution altogether, finally giving Bin Laden his long-sought revenge on Americans for the way he believes they have forced Palestinians and other Muslims to live under lawless foreign domination or local tyranny.
Bush is solidly under a 40% approval rating. Despite protestations to the contrary, the Bush Administration has received practically everything that they have asked for in regards to the WOT. If another Al Qaida attack gets through, he's finished.
I am seriously much more concerned about the powers that a future, presumably more competent President would be able to do in Bush's wake than with Bush himself. Bush has proven how far a President can go without delivering much of substance. If we get another President who has the moral scruples of Bush and who is more interested in holding power than scamming the taxpayers on behalf of his friends, then American democracy will be done for.
"The 10 chief errors" is the most concise summary of Bush post 9/11 policy I've seen. Excellent.
Given that Al Qaeda does not possess the power, broad support, or means to do other than low impact terrorist attacks, what would be the terms for the truce that Bin Ladin offerred in his recent message?
Bizzare as it seems, talking to Bin Ladin may prove useful in some way. Obviously spending tens of billions of dollars and many lives to kill him hasn't been all that productive.
I know we we "don't negotiate with terrorists" but we have negotiated with every beast in the jungle at one time or another.
You describe Bush's noncapture of bin laden as a "failure." It was not a failure from his point of view, it was a deliberate plan. If he got rid of the terrorist threat too easily, how could he continue to abuse our liberties? Some discount the possibility that the Bush administration would do such a thing, but as subsequent events have shown, they are capable of anything.
Bush and co. did not "fail" to capture bin laden. It was a deliberate strategy. If they ended the terrorist threat too soon, how could they continue to carry out the war on Terror? Some may feign shock at the suggestion, but I think this administration has shown that it is capable of anything.
Thank you.
Great post. I'd like to point out that it is hard to exaggerate the threat posed by the Soviet, now Russian, nuclear stockpile to the US. There were and are thousands of such weapons in their hands, enough to obliterate the United States not merely as a political or economic entity, but as a biological entity. In comparison to this threat, Al Qaeda is nothing; yet the US faced the Soviet nuclear threat without capitulating to authoritarianism. Now we have been successfully spooked by the spectre of a few murderous lunatics. I don't know whether to weep for America or laugh out loud.
The Bush Administration has shamelessly conflated those Bin Laden groupies into a massive Leviathan bogeyman in a desperate attempt to fill what Sam Nunn once called America's "Threat Blank".
Instead of catching Bin Laden, the Bush Administration has done its' very best to convert disgruntled foreign Melians into future Vandals and Visigoths.
I agree with BIFF USUALLY's comment about Bush being just a front. We expect far more form this man than he is capable of delivering.
He's like the figure they used to put on the prow of a ship. (Titanic II?)
all salient points... but only 10?
You said:
I am seriously much more concerned about the powers that a future, presumably more competent President would be able to do in Bush's wake than with Bush himself.
I agree with you 100%.
The problem is going to be the people that follow in the wake of the bush administration.
So many precidents have been set, so many examples of malfesance unpunished. These will be used to justify some terrible policies in the future just like Bush has used things that FDR did in WWII to justify his actions.
I dont think GW Bush gets to end the republic, but he is setting things up for the next couple of presidents who may.
I live in fear of a very smart young charismatic and dynamic military leader emerging from this war that has none of the downsides of George but has the skill and political talent and force of will to end our republic.
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