Informed Comment

Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion

Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

All Bush Wants to do is Dance

It seems clear that the weird Bush policy of doing the most destructive thing possible is likely to continue in Iraq until the Apocalypse. (See below.) In view of today's news (see below) I now formally propose an anthem for the Bush endeavor in Iraq. The Drudge story that Bush once got naked when drunk (he was apparently mostly drunk for about 20 years) and danced on a bar top is probably untrue. But I can only imagine there has been a lot of drunken dancing of one kind or another in his past. Reminds me of the Hindu God Siva and his Nataraja dance of destruction. Anyway, this one is dedicated to George's Yale partying days, and with apologies to Don Henley (sung to the tune of the Eagles' "All She wants to Do is Dance"):

All Bush wants to Do Is Dance

They're pickin' up the prisoners and puttin'
'em in the pen
And all Bush wants to do is dance, dance
Rebels been rebels since I don't know when
And all Bush wants to do is dance
Molotov cocktail-the local drink
And all Bush wants to do is dance, dance, dance
They mix 'em up right in the kitchen sink
And all Bush wants to do is dance
Crazy people walkin' round
with blood in their eyes
And all Bush wants to do is dance, dance
Wild-eyed pistol wavers
who ain't afraid to die
And all Bush wants to do is-
And all Bush wants to do is dance
and make romance
Bush can't feel the heat comin' off the street
Bush wants to party (oooo)
Bush wants to get down (oooo)
And all Bush wants to do is-
And all Bush wants to do is dance


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